How to get free items in AliExpress – 2020 HQ Method


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How to get free items in AliExpress- This method can be applied in many different ways, for different products (not just for clothing, but this is what I will be using to teach in this post).

This article will also open your mind up to how easy it is to Social Engineer lot of things just by knowing the basics, allowing you think of your own creative ways for different sites, different sellers and different products.

Table of Contents
1. What this post won’t do?
2. What am I liable for?
3. Finding your target:
4. Picking the right seller:
5. Cashing in:

What this post won’t do?
This post will not do it all for you. Id does not guarantee that this method will work 100% of the time, different people will have different outcomes, we are all unique work in our own way, finding own way and become king of it.

What am I liable for?
Nothing, I do not owe you anything and I cannot be held accountable for any actions you have taken against another person.

How to get free items in AliExpress:

Finding your target:
If you have not already, please go and sign up to AliExpress.

We will be using this website to pick and pray on the people who do not understand English well enough, who want to earn quick and easy money for a lot more than their product is worth.

Once you have successfully signed up, you need to find the items you want. When you’re picking your item, you want to choose, the seller with the second lowest price.

For example, we want to get a pair of ‘Men’s Palladium Boots.’

One seller, has their price at $60, another at $63.3, another at $32.12 and the final seller has theirs listed at $44.30.

We want to pick the seller who has it listed at $44.30; This makes it easier to appeal to their side of wanting to make quick and easy money.

Picking the right seller:
I’m going to lie, a lot of sellers on here are mainly Asian and don’t have a big understanding of English, this being said they still have an idea on how business works. You want to pick sellers with lower reputation. Sellers with a low reputation and low sales obviously don’t sell their products often. They want more money, more sales.

Please understand, that when the price of an item is really high, and the item has some worth, this is when people start to become more protective and have their eyes open for people that try to scam them.

Appealing to emotions and understanding how to manipulate what people want:

Appealing to someone’s common emotions plays a huge role in Social Engineering, and is generally speaking the most effective way to go about getting what you want.

For example, you really need some money for a new game that’s coming out, but you wouldn’t mind making a little extra than what you need. You either choose something of yours to sell for a little more than what it’s worth, or you make something and sell it the same way.

You’re looking at making $110,$60 for that brand speaking new game and $50 for your self on this side. You advertise what you’re selling everywhere, in the hopes to get that sweet money rolling in quick enough, you’re human, and all human are greedy.

It’s been a couple of days and you’re feeling really edgy for that money, all of a sudden a buyer comes out of the blue messaging you, saying he’ll buy it he seems really interested and starts going into details with you asking questions about the item. Your eyebrows and ears twitch upwards, a buyer! You’ve done it; you sold what you need to, at least you think you have.

This is where mistake happen, you’re excited and jumping around you believe you’ve just closed the biggest deal you’ve done in ages, you honestly think you’ve ripped someone off that extra $50 and you’re laughing to the bank. Now usually for the smarter people like us, that is indeed the case.

For people that don’t understand English well enough, when they’re at this point and they’re excited, that’s our time to strike, we agree to everything but we use little technique like using our shipping address to change the address to a new place to ship to, forcing the seller out of seller protection and inevitably we have the item and refund our money back (pretty scum way to do it, but people do it).

Please note, these are just examples on how people make mistakes when their interest peaks and they’re excited for cash flow. We do not use this method in this article. I do not condone this method.


Remember all the lessons you had in school yo write letters back in the day that you always though would never pay off? Well guess what, they did.

Now the waiting hame comes back, usually they will respond if they are interested with a yes or no, letting you know if they can do a sample or not.

Some sellers will offer a ‘V.I.P Price’ below is how I deal with them.


If the price is pretty decent and marked down to over 50% you can either agree, or use something like this:


If they do not move the price down to what you believe is acceptable price or even free and start to question your identity and whom you are do not freak out.

It’s okay. The easiest way to get out of the situation is exactly like this.


Ending a deal is great way to appeal to someone’s curiosity because who knows that they’re really missing out on, big deals like this only come once in a life time.

If they do not budge at this point move onto the next seller and ignore them unless their curiosity gets the best of then and they send you the sample.

To speed up the process use common knowledge and send the message to more than one seller at a time so you’re juggling between people.

I can’t stress this enough, proof read you messages before you send them, hold professionalism and use correct formatting. This will drastically increase your chance of success.

Cashing in:
You can either use the items you want for personal use, or you can resell them on Gumtree, Craigslist, Ebay you name it, what ever you want to do. It’s yours now. you do not need a drop address.



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Какой интересный метод получения бесплатных вещей с алиэкспресса. Надо будет как-то затестить. Недавно нашла очень красивую пару обуви, но платить 4к рублей за них я не готова.

Carding 4 Carders

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Refund money for products from Aliexpress​

This article will tell you all the ways to return fraudsters funds from Aliexpress.

What does a fraudster need for a successful referral?:
  1. Warmed up aliexpress account [ This means that the account is not empty and has any orders, as well as a rating ]
  2. Yoomoney or QIWI with the ability to create a multi-currency virtual card.
  3. A little knowledge of photoshop and straight hands and Google translate.

Types of referrals from scammers:
  1. Full-Ref - full refund
  2. Semi-Ref - partial refund
  3. Loch refund - when you were forced to send a parcel back
  4. Lucky refund - when a parcel arrives after 72 days of waiting, and you have already refilled money for it.
  5. Semi-lucky refand-protection expires, but the order is still in transit, similar to 4.

Reasons for refunds that are relevant as of 09.03.2021 and will live forever with scammers:
  • Fake
  • Incorrect manufacturer in the description
  • It was without a logo, but it came with it
  • It was with the logo, but it came without it
  • There was one logo, then another came
  • Doesn't match the description
  • The device doesn't work / can't be turned On

Ways to get referrals from scammers:

1. Fake

We go to Ali, search for goods from the phone, insert Gucci pants or whatever you want, in the photo search we find a replica, order it and open a dispute over the fact of forgery.

To add 1000% to the success of a referral, go to photoshop and smudge or disfigure the logo or whatever you want. Plus, we write that the smell is terrible, disgusting washing it is not lost. Do not forget to write that the photo was taken before washing.

We dump the photo in a dispute and get your cache and replica in your pocket.

2. Making a fake

We are looking for a product, let's say it will be an Adidas hoodie. Open photoshop and use the "Restoring brush" tool".

[ Usage video]

And select what we want to remove.



But this is too blatant, we are making a fake, so we will need the STAMP tool [ Video on using a stamp ]

Result after using the stamp:

Also do not forget that this procedure should be done with the packaging if it is available and with labels on the clothes in order to remove all identification marks. We send a pack of similar photos from different angles and write something like this:

I decided to order myself an original Adidas hoodie, but instead I received a very low-quality product, and in particular a fake that smells terrible and it does not have the letter of the brand written in it, there are no identification marks that this is really an Adidas brand [ Referencing shortcuts ]. Please give me a refund for this product.

The same can be done with any things and not expensive electronics such as vapes, flash drives and everything else.

I remind you that this is just an example!

3. Not a working product.

I tell you about the example of vapes.

We will need:
  1. Batteries for VAPE / Or other working device with the same charge as the VAPE that came to us.
  2. Duct tape
  3. Photoshop

What do we do next:

We recommend the product packaging, but without fanaticism



2. Unpack the product and take photos: Boxes, the product itself from different angles the more and not in the best quality, if you have a stub, then the quality can be reduced through photoshop.

3. Go to photoshop and edit our VAPE box according to the same principle as in the second method, removing all identification elements from the box [ after deleting everything, double-check whether everything was removed ].

4. We take the tape, cut it very finely to stick it on the contacts of the connection to the Batteries or on the inside of the USB input.


To the battery connection pins


Here, inside the battery, we push a small piece of tape that will not be visible when shooting a video.

6. Next, we check whether the charging works or check the operability of the tape with the battery, we make sure that nothing works and the tape is not visible.

7. We take another device and phone, show that one device works, and the second does not, although the network is there. (If you don't want to bleed with duct tape, ask the person to turn off the power on the mains filter)

8. Fill in the video that the VAPE does not work, as well as fill in that there are no identification marks on the box

9. We get the money back and free goods

4. The Parcel arrived empty [ Jewelry work ]

You will need: a package sealer, packages or a soldering iron and scales.

We take the parcel, the parcel should be in the package, not in the box, carefully cut it, take out the goods and fill the gramovka we need with some slag, the gramovka is written on the package, weigh it-corresponds-rejoice.

After that, we take the soldering iron, it looks like this:

Sealing device.

We pass them carefully on our parcel and we get a parcel that has never been opened.

Now it remains to make a video where we are surprised that stones or some garbage were put in the package, then we send the video to Alik and get a 100% refund.

Similar actions can be performed with almost any non-expensive product, there are a lot of methods, but I have given you the main ones, think about it, turn on your imagination and refund it to your health.

So that there are no questions about the fact that these schemes are no longer relevant for scammers.