How to find drops?


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What is drop (drop in simple language is a person who works for you Pickup carded products from store or receive at address, later sell it and send you your share that's it).

It's not fucking hard to understand!

Well there are many ways you could do it. Well nowadays who don't want to earn money?

Find some foreign people on dating apps, fb, or whatever the fuck there is. There may be some people on telegram.
Ask them, tell the workflow and let them know everything so they're comfortable.

Start carding.

Noone telling you to card $1k product Straight !! And end up getting ripped bro!! Fuck no!

Start from low. Like $200-$300
(for starting you can do 50-50 share, like if you card $400 product 50% of selling price for him and 50% yours just so he can know the work he be doing really worth all the hustle , later you can reduce the share if you want).

And see if the drop is genuine.
If the guy sends you your money good.

Start increasing the amount.
And get your money on time.

It's a bitter truth noone is fucking ? real. One day they gonna betray you.

So no advice just extract all the money before you get ripped.

I think now you all know. What to do and how to do.

There are many tut on how to get drops from dating apps. I don't do that shit. So don't even ask me.

If you still having problem finding drop you can inbox me for help.

Carding 4 Carders

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“Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.”

Hustle hard for a better tomorrow and don’t take update for jokes. Few days ago we talked about jobs you can partake and we cashout and make more funds but most of you guys will wait till update get casted before pasting jobs. I won’t even attend to you.

Be save everyone. Don’t give up in the hustle cause one day you gotta smile. It’s not easy, but confirmation is a must?✅
God bless you all and more Cashout ?


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We are looking for a drop
I will not lie and say that I transfer tens of thousands of dollars to my account in America, and that I have a cool car and a lot of women! I will simply say that I am a humble parcel person who has his daily bread from this and enjoys the joys in this life, not denying himself some expensive things. In short, as you already understood, we will talk about parcels ordered from credit cards. If you are a person who does not know what credit cards are (they are also CC), then you can stop reading. Well, if you know what we are talking about, and have already had the experience of ordering goods, then I think it is worth reading to the end.
As you already know, parcels have not been sent to your country for a long time. This is due to the fact that many dishonest citizens (carders) had the audacity to put shoes on the poor bourgeoisie, who already have no money! :) Due to the large influx of applications for the loss of money with credit, and then finding out that the goods are leaving, mainly to Russia and then to the CIS countries, many stores decided to stop sending expensive goods altogether!
And the poor gentlemen carders were deprived of the possibility of easy extraction with the help of credits. But many carders did not stop there and decided to act according to a different scheme. They were looking for an address and a person in America (drop) who would agree to take over the goods and then send this goods to the specified address for a fee. Very often it turned out that the goods, arriving in a drop, were not sent to the specified address, i.e. carder thrown!
The poor carder had no choice but to accept and look for new drops.
What I want to offer you about this whole trick, I want to invite you to sort out all this rubbish and give some advice and suggestions that you can use at your own peril and risk, and if you have something unsuccessful with justice or in general, you can not put your finger on this article and say that its author (Shef) is to blame for all your illegal affairs.
I have not used everything that is written here, and some practical actions using this article can lead to terrible consequences, including problems with the law. So before reading further, consider whether you need this.
If you want to do this very modestly and do not chase big money, then you can start saving 50 bucks for a certain number of credits.
Parallel to this, you can start looking for drops. It is better to look for drops in different American chats, and if your English is bad, then I think it will be very difficult for you to find a good drop. Since you will have to very difficult to explain to him in your broken English what you want from him, it even happens that he seemed to agree, but in fact he did not understand everything correctly. If you still could not learn this interesting language at school , then I think that your friends are not such loafers and if promise them a certain amount of $, then I think they can be persuaded to help you in dealing with American. It also happens that you do not have such smart friends who would know this fucking English well, but this is not a problem either! We go to the American forum or guest house, or something like that, then we collect all the soap that the Americans left and, as you might have guessed, we begin to prepare a letter for spam! Which is to write a letter, I advise you not can, because everyone would write a letter more truthful than mine, for example. Well, if you don’t know at all how best to write a letter, then I will advise you the following content: “Hi brother! How's it going? As a wife? I'm ok!
Here's a daughter who got married recently! I have a little problem here, I would like you to help me. I saw a good thing here on Amazon, you can't buy this anywhere from us. But they don't want to send it to me. All because of these carder condoms! They say that they send only for residents of the United States and other cities. Maybe you can take it on yourself, and in return I'll order you a couple of CDs to your taste. Ok? Well, okay, think. YET!”
After the letter is ready, go to and translate it into English. Well, as you translate, you can send letters to the collected e-mails, but in no case spam this mail! You need to make the recipient think that you wrote to him personally, and no one else received this letter. After a while, you will receive letters from some American to your mailbox, which you can translate to
In the course of long (or not so) negotiations with the Americans, you will see that many people who answered you have evaporated, which means that they do not agree.
With those who stayed and with whom you agreed, you can start a business. For those who have chosen to search for a drop through chat,
we can advise the following: as soon as you enter the chat, you can immediately offer all chat members your offer and send it several times. Your proposal should contain a letter with the following content:
Well, in short, something like that, in short, think for yourself what the Americans can buy. And they will definitely buy if they are promised a good reward. In no case should American be told that this is all going on illegally! I must say that this is all legal and the order will go with your personal card! And be sure to hint: “if you throw me, then I will complain to Interpol, and you will be sent to prison for carding”! They are strict with this, so they should buy into it and not leave you.
Let's say you already have a drop, the cards are purchased, and it remains to place an order.
At the beginning, make an order for a small amount, $ 500, and, most importantly, that the item weighs as little as possible.
It is also better to order at the very beginning of the month and the beginning of the week, because all printouts for credit calculations come at the end of something, well, it is clear that sending should be done as quickly as possible. When the item is at the drop, and it must come to him, if the store does not require confirmation or something like: the delivery address does not match the address on the map, you must agree as soon as possible about sending to your address, but in general, it is better to do this before the goods arrive. You also need to agree with him that he sends this product as used and does not register it at the real price, but register dollars for 50. If everything went well and the drop sent you the goods (preferably with a track number), then you can order something for him as a reward, you don’t need to skimp, since you can still make many orders through this drop and so that it was no offense, order him a good thing, at his discretion. But it is also not worth folding up expensive goods for him, since he may feel that something is amiss.

  1. After you place an order for a drop, be sure to remember the track number - you can use it to track your order, and if the drop cheats, then you can understand it, because track number shows the status of the parcel, and if the drop parcel receives, you will know it without notifying him.
  2. If a drop sends you an order, then it is better for him to do it again with a track number, as it will be convenient for you, and you will be able to track your parcel.
  3. If a drop threw you, then threaten him that if he does not send you an order, you will complain to Interpol, and if you have good English and you have the opportunity to call this drop, then do not miss this opportunity, and when you call, introduce yourself as an employee of the bank of the card from which the money was lost, it works 90%! (what exactly to say, I think, it's easy to guess). And the next day the parcel will be sent to you.


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Search for drops (mules)

Undivided drops.
These are mainly your acquaintances or acquaintances of acquaintances. The main thing is to choose the right type of person. It may be your former classmate, who only does in the evenings that he sips beer and sits on his parent's neck. About such people usually say "The prison is crying for him." If you have such an individual in your field of vision, then you should know that there is no better candidate to find. For such people, money is usually the incentive. Never tell a drop that the job is one-time, always try to convince him that the job will be permanent, and you will often resort to his services. This method will reduce the drop reward. The explanation is simple - you will work on a permanent basis. And do not care that you may not refer to him anymore, the main thing is to create an appearance.

There are a few rules and tips that I want to give here:

1. Study completely the topic under which you decide to use them.
All the underwater kanmis that may arise, or questions that they may be asked. Before recruiting drops in any topic, study it yourself.

2. State your sentences clearly and distinctly, without hesitation or humming.
Grind your speech to the maximum, so that you yourself agree to work for yourself.

3. Make an impression.
In the case of fixed drops, this is the impression of money. That is, you must look good, you must have a good phone, and it is better to make a job offer in some restaurant or a high-status institution in your city. Of course, the question arises, why should I spend so much money on some kind of drop? When talking - no need to feed anyone, just order a couple of cups of coffee and discuss your proposal. The main thing is to show off, to make an impression.

So, if everything is more or less clear with non-adjustable drops, then let's move on to adjustable ones.

Adjustable drops
The point is to convince a person to perform the action we need, while convincing him that everything is legal and that he will receive payment.

The difference between adjustable drops is that they don't have to pay. It is nothing more than a disposable material. That is, 1 person - 1 action, no more. Of course, you can use them constantly, rubbing some legend into their ears, but with this, the likelihood increases that one day he will throw you, as someone will tell him something.

Let's start with where to look for adjustable drops? Unlike non-adjustable ones, adjustable drops can be searched without leaving your home. For this we only need the Internet, competent and a little imagination in order to invent a legend.

There are many inexperienced users on the Internet who are happy to peck at various earning offers. These individuals are not burdened with intelligence. Therefore, the scope for creativity is simply enormous. In working with adjustable drops, as I wrote above, the main thing is the legend, so below we will consider the basic principles of building a legend, which you can modify to suit your needs.


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Legends and safety

◾ Legends.

The better and more beautiful the legend, the higher the chance of finding more drops.

Legend # 1 (personal webmoney passport):

We are a large company that works with US clients. We are looking for employees who will help carry out financial transactions with clients from abroad. To do this, our employee needs a personal webmoney passport in order to work with the money of foreign clients. For each such operation, our employee will receive from 3 to 5% of the amount transferred through his account, and the company will receive an additional 2%.

To control honesty, the employee must give us all the data on his account in webmoney so that we can control his work and see that he is not deceiving us and is not trying to steal money.

Legend # 2 (receiving parcels):

We are a foreign company that supplies goods. Our clients are located all over the world, but since in your country (Russia / Ukraine) there is a customs limit for receiving parcels above 1,000 euros per person, we need people who, for a certain fee ($ 30-50-100) , will receive parcels, and forward it to our customers.

Legend # 3 (bank cards):

We are a large construction company in Moscow (any other large city). Yes, we attract illegal immigrants to work with us, and we have to pay them a salary. Since they are citizens of another state, they cannot open a bank account for themselves, and it would be more convenient for our company to transfer their salaries to plastic cards so that they would not be robbed, etc. Therefore, we offer you such a solution - you open a card for yourself (debit, you cannot apply for a loan, you can check this with the bank), and give the card to us. For this you receive 8-10% of the monthly salary of our worker (about 3,000-5,000 rubles). Excellent passive income for you!

◾ Safety when working with drops.

Many people naively believe that if you used a drop, then you are completely safe. But this is far from the case.

For example, you issued a personal passport for Vasya Pupkin, used a Dedicated Account to use this wallet with a passport, and stole $ 10,000 (WMZ) from an exchange office. You have successfully exchanged money in BitCoin and withdrawn it.
The exchange office contacts the police, and an investigation into theft begins. It is logical to start with who is this certificate issued to? On Vasya Pupkin. An investigator comes to Vasya and politely asks Vasya:
- Vasya, wasn't it you who stole $ 10,000 from the exchange office and took them out of your wallet?
Vasya, of course, is shocked, he did not steal any money, and generally has no idea what this is about. The investigator is also not a fool, and realizes that Vasya has acted as a figurehead (drop), and asks Vasya a leading question:
- Vasya, when you issued the wallet, did you transfer control over it to someone? Maybe you designed it for someone?
- Well, of course! - Vasya exclaims - My classmate asked me to do it for him!

So they went to you (if you asked Vasya directly), or they went to the one who asked Vasya for you. If you asked for someone, then of course there will be a conversation with a classmate who will point a finger at you. So it will reach you along the chain.

Therefore, it is important to understand that computer anonymity (proxy, VPN, Dedicated Server, anonymous cryptocurrencies) is not 100% protection. There are also drops that can lead to you.

◾ Several safety rules when working with drops

1. Do not divorce your acquaintances on awkward topics in advance, because of which investigators may come.

2. Never name your data when working with drops. That is, if your name is Sasha, then for drops you are Anton, or Gregory. The less drops know about you, the more difficult it is for them to give more accurate information about you later.

3. Meet in neutral places where it is difficult to tie you to your place of residence. That is, if you have a wonderful cafe near your house, where you have lunch every day and the waiters know you as a regular customer, there is no need to carry drops there. Choose a place in another city, or at least on the other side of your city, which you never go to.

4. Telephone communication. Get your left phone + left SIM card, which has nothing to do with you.

5. If you just need to accept a regular package, then any drop is suitable for this, and you don't need to be paranoid. If you need to accept a parcel, say with cocaine, then you need to be extremely careful. Always analyze what threatens this or that action, and how through a drop they can reach you, and how to avoid it.