How to create your own sect: a short guide

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Are you tired of running around, looking for additional income or main earnings? Maybe you just want to develop and earn money on the Internet in a serious company?

Our team and I have a great offer for you..

Organize your own sect!

No seriously! Where else with zero starting investments can you achieve millions of passive income in just a couple of years? The hamsters themselves will drag you money in exchange for just your blessing, and you can just lie on the couch and get stuck into TV series. Forget trading, Kirby and marigolds. I offer you a REAL topic!


Below is a short guide to organizing this promising business in just twelve points, read without SMS and registration:

Point one. Come up with a name. It should be moderately solemn, flashy, attractive and contain at least one of these words: “truth”, “church”, “temple”, “enlightenment”, “grace”, “worldwide”, “institute” or “teaching” The ideal option is something like the “Church of the True Doctrine.”

NB Beware of words like "Satan", "Lucifer", "Beelzebub", "dark", "black" etc. Nowadays they will only attract school kids or completely crazy freaks, from whom there is nothing to take. Well, and also scared parents and cops, which will definitely not contribute to a successful business. Do you need that?


The Association of the Holy Spirit for the Unification of World Christianity - the Unification Church, commonly known as the Moonies.


Church of the Last Judgment Process. The logo and name are simply a standard.

Point two. Set a date for the apocalypse. That's how it should be! Deadline is the main motivator of any process. Your parishioners must understand that there is no time to waste, you need to start saving right now, before it is too late. At the moment, various religions offer a wide range of ends of the world for every taste and budget, so you can, without much bother, compile your own from a set of ready-made modules.

NB Unlike describing the end of the world, the choice of date must be approached with all responsibility. If it is too far away, the deadline effect will disappear (see Catholicism); If it is too close, the moment it is achieved you will either begin to rapidly lose disappointed parishioners, or you will have to organize it on your own, which is troublesome, dangerous and costly. Ideally, estimate how long you're going to live, add another ten years to be sure, and announce the date. Even if your sect survives you, let your successor clean up this crap.

Jehovah witnesses. They promised the coming of Christ in 1874, then they extended this series a bunch of times for another season or two. The last announcement indicated 1975, but then they abandoned the exact dates, because after the next deadline, the disappointed flock began to scatter.

Point three. Declare yourself the Chosen One. A prophet, a god, an alien intelligence, a superman - it doesn't matter. The main thing here is to tie the threads of leadership to yourself from the very beginning. We don't need palace coups (see Branch Davidian) at the moment when our business achieves success, right? Therefore, the first thing that is required of you is to make yourself an indispensable figure at the paradigm level, so that some cunning deputy does not squeeze out your business at the most unexpected moment. No key decision should be made without your revelations/blessings/approvals.


The Great White Brotherhood. One of the founders declared herself to be both the Virgin Mary and the living incarnation of Christ (something like a three-in-one spiritual shampoo, so you don't have to run twice)


Church of the Last Testament. The leader, a former traffic cop, declared himself Christ. Nothing new, we're leaving.

Point four. Create a doctrine. Here, as with the apocalypse, there is no need to strain too much. Most successful exercises are as simple as a brick. The end of the world is coming (see point 2), the world is mired in sin, only adherents of our faith will be saved and gain eternal life. In the kingdom of God or on the planet Krypton, it has no fundamental significance. It is important that only you can issue a pass to heaven (see paragraph 3). Pull out suitable points from Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Shintoism, not forgetting to simultaneously declare all of them as lost (more precisely, depending on your attitude towards them, from younger brothers to the embodiment of world evil and the main cause of the coming apocalypse). Don't put too much emphasis on coherence and logic - Truth is above this vanity. In addition, the abundance of contradictions will not allow you to be pinned to the wall and will give you room to maneuver. Your sacred texts should ideally resemble the charter of some Vector LLC, ideal for any activity.

NB Do not promise parishioners success in earthly affairs (see Grabovoi sect), all bills must be paid in a better life. This way you will avoid awkward questions, such as: why am I busting my ass for the sake of the church, but things are getting worse and worse for me? The benefits of a better life do not require any financial expenditure from you here and now, so scatter them with a generous hand: for a good person nothing is a pity!


Grabovoi Grigory Petrovich, founder of the “Doctrine of Universal Salvation and Harmonious Development.” Declared himself to be Jesus in the second coming (how fucking original!). After the terrorist attack in Beslan, he offered the relatives to resurrect the dead. The asking price is $500/person. Received eight years under Art. 159 part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Don't do it this way.


The Order of the Path. They were selling protective domes and various amulets, and ended up in jail for fraud. Remember, guys: a true sect sells things that can't be measured or filed.

Point five. Take care of the issue of maintaining finances. Please keep in mind that your activities may be declared illegal at any time. Any money you get should be impossible to get back. Shell companies, “for the homeless” accounts, Cyprus offshore companies - all methods are good. A good accountant is a must. If the authorities come to take you by the ass, your property should not include anything more expensive than your grandmother's Biryusa refrigerator from 1985. With this you will kill two birds with one stone: you will save what you have accumulated through righteous labor and show your critics that you serve from the bottom of your heart solely for the idea.


The sect of the god Kuzya, also known as "Kondraty". When the cops came to search them, they confiscated more than 200 million rubles and about 150,000 dollars. "God Kuzya" himself received five years and was left without money. A clear example of how not to conduct financial affairs.

Point six. Organize a complex hierarchy in your church. The more steps there are in it, the better for everyone. You will receive a wonderful tool for segmenting parishioners based on various criteria; your hamsters will receive the illusion of career growth opportunities and the spirit of healthy competition within the team. Anyone who has worked in young, dynamically developing companies knows that people can be fed this crap ad infinitum.

NB The main thing is to understand how to squeeze the maximum out of each category of parishioners. This is where the multi-level hierarchy will come in handy (see point 6). Since money normally flows strictly in one direction (from the hamsters to you), some criterion is needed by which parishioners will measure their success against each other. These will be the titles, from an initiation to some master of light (do not skimp on pompous and solemn words, after all, this is the only thing that will remain for your parishioners when you move somewhere to the Bahamas or Monte Carlo).


Aum Shinrikyo. There were 20 levels of initiation that could be earned or bought. The career potential for the average hamster was simply endless.

Point seven. Come up with a normal scheme for monetizing your business. Membership fees, voluntary donations, a labor commune, literature sales, a song and dance ensemble, public lectures – remember, we have a business, all means are good. Don't forget about merch: amulets, elixirs, T-shirts with symbols, charged with grace, sweat, drool, hair and dandruff of the prophet. Don't neglect anything. A penny saved is a penny earned.

NB Do not cut a hen that lays eggs, even if they are not golden. There is no need to take off your parishioner's pants: this creates worried relatives and deprives you of further stable income. It is graded that ruins many sectors. Don't cut the ram - shear it! If he has a normal job and a stable salary, he will feed you for decades. In the long term, this is much more profitable than a one-time seizure of an apartment and all the savings.


Radasteya, IrlEM, the Institute of Rhythmology are a real financial octopus from the world of sects: funds, publishing houses, centers, institutes, as well as business structures, for example, the chain of stores and salons "Living Book" throughout Russia, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Lithuania, travel agencies that are recommended to members of Radasteya during visits to radasts in other regions of Russia and in these countries. This is not about squeezing apartments from adherents in an outrageous manner. Such a network will feed you for a long time and stably.

Point eight. One of the main guarantees of the success of the sect is missionary work. Like any MLM scheme, it only works with a constant influx of fresh staff. Without this, even the most rabid fanatics will die out. Therefore, we hand out brochures to the hamsters and drive them out onto the streets.

NB Consider creating a manual for recruiters. Remember that they don't need a pumped-up oratory skill, a street barker's starter pack is a glassy look, a gentle smile, a friendly appearance, and neat clothes. Buy with quantity, not quality, you won't pick up a fat client off the street anyway, you need an individual approach. However, they should know the greeting phrase and the basic principles of your teaching by heart.


Skoptsy. Doing it wrong. They did not reproduce naturally and did not look particularly attractive to the general public. As a result, the sect practically died out.


International Society for Krishna Consciousness. It is difficult to find a person nowadays who has not been approached at least once in his life by a clean-shaven, brightly dressed Krishnaite with his invariable brochures. Thanks to persistent recruitment they grow and expand.

Point nine. Speaking of segmentation. Don't lump everyone with the same brush and don't disdain either the small or the big. Post advertisements for homeless people and drunks; brainwashed, they can work hard on plantations or any other menial work, and in decent clothes they can also hand out brochures. They also look great when it comes to promoting your church's impact on people for good. Well, don't forget about the necessary and important people. To do this, based on the results of street work, we take the most successful recruiters, organize advanced training courses and redirect them to individual work with the client. Remember, one recruited prosecutor or deputy is worth a dozen ordinary parishioners. It is he who will ruin the case against you, which was started at the request of a concerned relative (or at least will keep you informed), will help with renting municipal property on preferential terms and even, who the hell is not joking, will knock out funding for some regular programs to work with youth.


Church of Scientology. A classic of the genre: how to make useful connections and thereby avoid prosecution and taxation.

Point ten. Every sect attracts and breeds fanatics. Such is life. Don't let the process take its course, keep your finger on the pulse. Uncontrolled fanatics breed unnecessary problems, but when gathered together and equipped with a competent leader, they become the shock core of the organization. Intimidate dissenters? Teach competitors a lesson? Protect your native church? Keep the cops while you run away with your things through the back door of the office? Your choice is fanatical.

NB Do not use them in vain and under no circumstances violate the law openly and without need. Of course, you can live comfortably with money, even being on the international wanted list, but it is much calmer and cheaper to do without this unnecessary hassle. Therefore, remember paragraphs 5 and 9.


Branch Davidians. Famous for resisting government attempts to take their center in Texas for two months. They were eventually stormed by tanks and artillery, killing 75 members.


Order of the Temple of the Sun. After a series of mass suicides among its members, the sect was closed by the authorities, and its leader was put on the international wanted list.


Aum Shinrikyo again. In November 1989, cult members murdered the family of lawyer Tsutsumi Sakamoto, who was working on a mass lawsuit against the cult, and they got away with it until the subway bombings.

Point eleven. Look to the future from the very beginning and build scalability into the very structure of your organization. The classic genre is MLM pyramids, which can branch down to infinity. Thus, by giving a starting impulse and periodically carefully adjusting the development process, you will quickly achieve a good passive income.

And finally, point twelve. Don't be greedy! There are a lot of big players in this market, including state monopolies like ZAO ROC. If you seriously start interfering with their business, they will swallow you up without a trace. So don't try to earn all the money in the world. Set yourself a clear goal that can be achieved within a reasonable time frame, and upon reaching it, hand over your affairs to your successor and quietly wash your hands of it. You will have enough for a comfortable old age. And if suddenly not... well, you already know what to do, don't you?
