How to Clean Bitcoin via Monero, or Forget About Mixers


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As you probably know from my previous materials, the Bitcoin blockchain is an open library for everyone, which will always store information about every transaction ever made on the network. Data about any transfer, including the source of funds, their recipient, the amount of the transaction and the date of its execution, once it gets into the blockchain of this cryptocurrency, will remain there forever. That is, information about any transfer made while you are reading this material can be viewed today, tomorrow, in a year and in ten years.

Such openness is certainly a huge minus if you constantly encounter dirty bitcoins obtained from darknet marketplaces in your work. Hydra addresses have long been known to all exchanges and exchangers, and as soon as you try to transfer money from this site for sale, your funds will most likely be blocked, and you will be very lucky if they return back according to the policy of the service used. Well, it goes without saying that blocking funds is far from the worst thing that can happen. In the conditions of openness of the Bitcoin blockchain, exchanging dirty money for personal accounts has a chance to expose you to great danger from law enforcement agencies.

In order to hide the origin of your coins, I previously advised using mixers. Such services will break the chain of connection between the source of your money and another wallet, so that theoretically after mixing you can manage money not connected to the darknet, and therefore freely sell it to exchangers. But there are several problems here. Firstly, mixers often give out the same dirty money that they accept. Due to the structure of such services, when issuing, you may come across coins that were also sent by someone from Hydra, which is why new funds may well have a greater connection to the darknet, which is why they will be blocked when trying to exchange. In addition, the money that has passed through mixers, even if it has no connection to marketplaces, in the vast majority of cases will be marked by AML services as funds connected to mixers. Yes, this also happens, and money from mixers is also not accepted, just like money from the darknet, because why use mixers if not to break the connection with dirty money?

Secondly, even now there are tools that allow you to reduce the work of mixers to nothing. This requires large capacities, this requires large funds, but it is possible. And the main problem is that what is expensive and takes a long time now, in 2-3 years will be much cheaper and go much faster. I have already said that the Bitcoin blockchain is an eternal library, so with the development of technology, decrypting transactions through mixers will become a more than feasible task. Well, thirdly, it is completely unknown who owns the mixers, and whether this someone is handing over information to law enforcement agencies.

Here a logical question arises, what to do? How to get funds from dirty bitcoin that can be sold through an exchanger without fear? And the answer to this question is the cryptocurrency Monero (XMR). Monero is the same brother of bitcoin, except that the XMR blockchain is completely closed. Neither the source of the money, nor the recipient, nor the amount of the payment are visible. There is simply a transaction ID with the date of its appearance, the number of confirmations, and that's all the basic information available. All addresses are used and generated in the network of this currency exclusively for one time, and the address that will be indicated in your wallet is just an "instruction" for creating one-time ones. The technical solution that would allow tracking Monero transactions is only being developed, so you won't have to worry about the reliability of XMR for a long time. It is for this reason that Monero is used by many Western darknet marketplaces along with Bitcoin, and on the largest White House Market at the moment, it is even the main coin. And that is exactly why I decided to cover BTC cleaning via XMR.

The first step to getting pure XMR from dirty BTC is to download the official wallet from this link: (you may need to disable your antivirus to run it). Once downloaded and installed, you will have a choice of how to use it: you can either download the entire Monero blockchain, which is the safest option (and can take up to several days with synchronization), or connect through someone else's remote node, thus exposing yourself to the risk of IP tracking and several other vulnerabilities that are not critical unless you are dealing with huge dirty amounts. So less time or increased security - it's up to you.


After registration and receiving a seed phrase, the full functionality of the wallet will be available to you. In it, you can create new addresses (it is recommended to use one address only once), open new accounts (essentially the same as a new address, since it is based on the same seed phrase), send and receive XMR. I would like to immediately note several basic properties of this cryptocurrency. Firstly, transaction fees are extremely small. Compared to Bitcoin, which during times of high load can have a fee exceeding 1,000 rubles, these are mere pennies. Secondly, everything arrives quickly enough and the money is credited to your account after receiving 10 confirmations. It did not take me more than 20-30 minutes.

As for the BTC cleaning scheme itself, everything is quite simple:
  1. You exchange BTC for XMR (the address is in your wallet). You can do this through the exchanger found on, but you need to be extremely careful with this option. The exchangers listed on this site may have AML and KYC policies, which is why bitcoins from Hydra can be blocked. Therefore, before creating an exchange, carefully read the Terms of Use of the selected exchanger and make sure that they do not say anything about blocking dirty funds, otherwise you risk losing all your money. To check, you can make a small exchange for the minimum possible amount. And of course, go to the third-party site itself only through Tor.

    The second option for exchanging BTC for XMR is to use the Western search engine for darknet marketplaces Kilos. This site provides the ability to exchange these coins, plus for obvious reasons it does not process or track transactions at all. The minimum exchange threshold is quite low, so from a security point of view, exchanging BTC for XMR through Kilos is almost the best option. However, the exchange rate here is not the most favorable. At the time of writing, Kilos offered ~230 Monero for 1 BTC, while exchangers on bestchange offered ~250 Monero. Another important issue is that Kilos uses an address type that is not supported by Hydra. So you will have to switch from Hydra to an intermediate link (for example, Electrum) and only then switch to the exchanger.

    Link to Kilos (via TOR): http://dnmugu4755642434.onion (Kilos Finance tab - Swap)
  2. Once you have received Monero in your wallet, you have two options. The first is to immediately exchange XMR for rubles or another currency, receiving generally clean funds. However, in theory, this action will not provide maximum security, since the first exchanger will store data on the address to which the money was sent, and the second - data on the same address, only as a source of funds. If these data are in a common database, or if separate databases are combined in the course of law enforcement work, then there will be a chance that the source of the money and the final recipient will be linked. This chance is 1 in 11, since a transaction in the Monero network is signed by the sender's address and 10 more addresses from the network when created in order to increase anonymity.

    The second option, which we will use, is to create an additional transaction already in the Monero network and finally exchange money from the new address. In the case of a single transaction on the network, the probability of detection decreases from 1/11 to 1/121, since the new transfer will be signed by 11 more keys, each of which has 11 others, only 1 of which is your original. Further increasing the number of transactions will also significantly increase your security.

    The transfer can be made to a new account or address opened in your wallet. For greater security, you should create a new wallet directly, linked to a different seed phrase, but to simplify the whole process (and considering that you are not criminal authorities), you can make a transfer within one wallet.
  3. Having made one or more transfers within the network, you can safely go to and sell XMR in any convenient currency, be it rubles on Sberbank or Tinkoff, or bitcoins. Having completed this step, you receive clean money, not connected to the darknet in any way. Congratulations!

For me the whole process takes no more than an hour, but the time depends greatly on the fees you set for transfers. Compared to using mixers, it is a bit longer and more complicated, but the time and effort spent are fully compensated by the purity of the funds. And in addition to purity, you also save a significant amount of money. I cleaned BTC through XMR via Kilos and the exchanger on Bestchange, and came to the following results.

Kilos sent ~$185, which after one internal transfer through the Monero network and an exchange on the most profitable exchanger Bestchange became ~$162. The final costs were 12% excluding the Bitcoin network commission. If the same amount was transferred through the BitMix mixer, which I often talked about on the channel, then at the output you would have received $161, that is, almost the same. Considering that the Kilos rate is not the smallest, using other exchangers becomes more economically profitable than using mixers. So, having run $134 through a regular exchanger in the first step, at the output I received $124, that is, the commission was only about 7%, which is much more profitable than using the same BitMix (well, and I'm not even talking about the purity of funds).

I hope that after reading this material, the process of cleaning bitcoin through monero will become much clearer for you and will replace mixers. Personally, having discovered XMR, I gave up mixers forever and I wish you the same. If you have any questions, write to the feedback, I will be glad to answer!