How to choose an SMS-mailing service


Reaction score
  • Business Benefits
  • Benefits of working with services
  • Scope of application
  • Service scheme
  • Service selection
    • The cost
    • Reports
    • Personalization
    • Unsubscribe option
    • Mailing planner
    • Integration with CMS and CRM
    • API (SMS gateway), SMPP
    • Newsletter by messengers (Viber, WhatsApp)
  • We disassemble by examples
  • TOP SMS-mailing services

Any business needs information support for a client, whether it be advertising information, technical or transactional messages, messages with news or promotions, sending security codes for two-factor authorization, etc. To deliver such information, various channels are used, on the basis of which entire industry solutions are built, new technologies and algorithms are developed.

However, each technical solution has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, email newsletters are the most informative because they send a lot of data, but the size of the audience using email is small compared to the number of cellular subscribers. The percentage of truly active email accounts is low, as many register mail only to access certain sites, services, or applications. Some of the accounts are abandoned almost immediately after their registration. Incoming mail is often filtered based on user behavior and heuristic algorithms of mail services, which increases the chance of messages from unknown senders being classified as spam.

Another case is SMS mailing, or the process of bulk sending of short text messages to the phone numbers of subscribers of cellular operators.
Due to the fact that almost every adult has mobile phones, and sometimes there are several numbers per user at once, and they are used on a regular basis (after all, the phone is always with you), the probability of receiving and reading SMS is very high.

The information presented in SMS is read much more often than, for example, in e-mails.

Main advantages
  1. the guarantee of receiving and reading SMS is higher than that of other types of messages;
  2. due to the small amount of text, information from the message is quickly read and easily understood;
  3. messages are often personalized and therefore fewer numbers are involved in the mailing, which at the end give a greater effect from advertising for less money;
  4. when sending a message, you can track whether it was received and read by the subscriber, which is very important for controlling the quality of the mailing and its effectiveness;
  5. SMS mailings have the most correct coverage of the target audience, because the overwhelming majority of cell phone numbers are tied to the region of connection;
  6. in the case of SMS, it is much more difficult to unsubscribe from receiving advertising messages than, for example, from sending emails.
Based on these principles, many companies choose bulk text messaging as one of the fundamental directions of their marketing strategy. This type of marketing is also called mobile ("mobile marketing" or "SMS marketing").

The technical side of the advertising campaign is provided by special SMS mailing services.

Benefits of cooperation with services
  1. the client base can be stored on the servers of the company providing short text messaging services. This improves the security of the data that drives your business. In addition, access in many services can be controlled by granting the required privileges for working with contacts, depending on the employee's status. Some services, on the contrary, do not store customer bases, which is done in order to ensure a high degree of customer confidentiality;
  2. sending SMS to the customer base is very fast, some services offer sending up to several thousand messages per minute;
  3. online mailing services provide ample opportunities for the analysis and management of the mailings produced;
  4. as a rule, mailing systems provide integration with third-party services for working with clients, such as CRM, or support work through a programming interface (API), which allows you to work with sending short messages from any application, program or website;
  5. in addition to direct SMS sending, many services offer messaging through popular short messaging programs such as iMessage, What'sApp, Viber, etc .;
  6. sending via services does not require any equipment, access to control is provided via the Internet. You can order SMS mailing in a few clicks through your personal account;
  7. services offer many ways to pay for their services. Non-cash payment methods and work under official contracts are especially relevant; this approach simplifies reporting for legal entities (advertising costs);
  8. Many services offer technical solutions to implement unsubscribe mechanisms, which increases customer loyalty and minimizes the risk of spam complaints.

What you may need for
As you can see from the above, bulk SMS mailing over the Internet can increase customer loyalty and increase the percentage of repeat sales with the right marketing strategy. Here are some examples of using short text messaging campaigns:
  1. notifications about the current order status, order confirmation, etc .;
  2. notification of the completion of work or the provision of services (auto repair shops, maintenance salons, repair shops, etc.);
  3. sending messages about the arrival of a new product, the beginning of promotions, sales, etc .;
  4. holding promotions with the participation of coupons for discounts from SMS messages;
  5. notifications about the opening of new salons or stores;
  6. reminders about the need to renew services or pay for services;
  7. balance top-up notifications (for example, in the user's personal account);
  8. strengthening security measures for authorization within applications or sites by sending one-time access codes, as well as notifications of entry or the presence of any important events (write-offs, requests for permission to a transaction, etc.) in the user's personal account;
  9. other messages useful to the target audience.

Scheme of the SMS-mailing service
In fact, for the bulk sending of SMS messages, you only need a cell phone number connected to one of the cellular network operators (MTS, Beeline, Megafon, Tele2), as well as special equipment - an SMS gateway (computing equipment with software and hardware interfaces for working in Internet and GSM networks).

For a long time, the main working scheme was an indirect connection to cellular network operators, when messages were sent directly through the SMS gateway of the distribution service - messages were generated and sent by the service equipment, and cellular operators only delivered them as one of the types of content.
When using any sending method, it is possible to replace the subscriber number with a name written in Latin letters or numbers (dynamic sender name or alpha name), which allows, firstly, to use one phone number to send messages on behalf of different subscribers, and, in -second, to brand the sending company in order to improve its recognition.

Due to the large number of spam mailings and complaints from subscribers, many players in the cellular market have decided to block bulk text messaging bypassing their own gateways, and the use of a dynamic sender's name was banned as the main indicator of spam. It is now possible to register such a name in the sent message only after agreement with the mobile operator.
Today, mailing services are increasingly using direct message delivery channels. This means that the company providing mailing services has a contract (official agreement) with mobile operators, which allows using direct connection of service gateways to operators' gateways, from which text messages are sent directly to subscribers.

The advantages of such a connection are obvious:
  1. completely legal cooperation, guaranteeing delivery in the area of 100% to all selected numbers from the customer base;
  2. absence of spam filters and possible legal complaints from telecom operators (most mobile operators provide for the possibility of receiving information and advertising messages in subscriber service contracts);
  3. clear and accurate cost of sending one message;
  4. technical ability to set one or more sender names (alphanumeric name) without falling into the category of spam mailings.
The disadvantages include the need to register an alpha name with a mobile operator with the provision of documents confirming the registration of a legal entity and ownership of a trademark. A subscription fee will be charged for using such a name in mailings (terms of use and tariffs depend on the operator).

Service selection
On the market of technical support for mobile marketing, there are a large number of companies providing SMS messaging services, operating both according to direct connection schemes to mobile operators and gray schemes (indirect connection).

In order to make the choice of a service for mailings that is optimal in terms of price and quality, it is important to understand the criteria for evaluating. Below we outline the main services of the mailing services, designate their usefulness and evaluation parameters.

The cost
Like any commercial companies, mailing services are preferred by large customers: the more messages you buy, the cheaper they are in terms of the cost of one SMS.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the cost of sending one message depends not only on the package of purchased text messages, but also on the method of sending (with direct or indirect connection).
  1. Direct connection using alpha name. The cost of sending one message in this case consists of three components: the cost of one SMS according to the tariffs of the mobile operator, to whose phone numbers the mailing will be sent, the cost of using the alpha name, as well as the cost of the mailing service services (formation of mailing lists, technical support, maintenance process, etc.). For this reason, the cost of direct mailing is significantly higher than the cost of indirect mailing. However, you get a guaranteed result and a high percentage of deliverability. The alphanumeric name is most often provided free of charge, in addition, sometimes services in this type of message delivery offer mailings only with an alpha name (without it, direct mailings are not carried out).
  2. Indirect connection with a fixed service name. In this case, the message is sent in fact not through the operators' SMS gateways, and the sender's name will have a fixed value (non-dynamic), for example, the name of the service. The cost of sending one message in such mailings is not much lower than the cost of a message in mailing lists with direct connection. It is used by services in cases where customers have not managed to register an alpha name for direct mail. The percentage of SMS deliverability with this type of sending is lower, and claims on the quality of the mailing are most often not accepted by the services. The cost of sending one message is less than the cost of sending with a direct connection.
  3. Indirect connection with random alpha name. As in the previous version, mailing bypassing mobile operators, and therefore, to increase the percentage of deliverability, each message receives its own unique alpha name, generated automatically, which ensures the passage of spam filters of telecom operators. Services, as a rule, do not give guarantees for the delivery of such mailings. The cost of sending messages in this way is significantly lower than the cost of sending messages with a direct connection.

SMS reports are not as informative as, for example, email reports. Reports can show the date of sending, the status of receipt (open or not), the number of message parts (for articulated shipments), as well as the cost of sending and the totals to get an overall picture (how many messages were sent, how many open, the amount of expenses).

Personalize your message text
To implement a smart mobile marketing strategy, the information in the message should be as personalized as possible. For example, mailing services offer the insertion of special variables into submission templates, with the help of which you can contact by name, offer a personal discount coupon, etc.

Unsubscribe option
For those companies that adhere to the classic etiquette that has developed in the environment of mass messaging, SMS messaging services offer the insertion of special codes that allow you to unsubscribe from received mailings.

If the customer base is scattered across the country or even around the world, then it is important to observe an adequate time for subscribers to receive messages. Sending a mailing list can be scheduled for working or non-working hours, weekends or weekdays, combined with holidays and memorable dates (including birthdays). The more flexible the ability to customize the mailing planner, the better. This also includes the option of smooth SMS distribution, when work is carried out with a large number of messages and it is necessary to correctly distribute the service's work resources in order to avoid its overload.

Integration with CMS and CRM
This service is characterized by the availability of ready-made technical solutions (modules, plugins) for connecting to popular content management systems on sites (CMS) or automatic customer support (CRM). To implement the mechanism of interaction between the SMS sending service and CMS / CRM, in this case there is no need to hire programmers or other technical specialists, all modules have already been written, you just need to install and configure them.

API (SMS gateway) and SMPP
Unlike the previous type of integration, the use of programming interfaces (APIs) requires certain technical knowledge and programming skills. Taking into account the recommendations of the mailing service and data exchange technologies, the syntax of XML, POST, GET, SMTP or SMPP requests is built. For example, SMPP integration involves the exchange of large volumes of SMS messages between two peer servers, so this type of integration is most often provided upon request. SMTP integration assumes a special format of emails, through which you can manage mailings on the service gateway. The rest of the integrations (using the POST and GET method) work through the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

Additionally - messaging by messengers (Viber, WhatsApp)
Messaging programs linked to phone numbers (iMessage, Viber, WhatsApp, etc.) have a number of advantages over classic SMS:
  1. messages are exchanged via the Internet, which allows you to increase the amount of transmitted information, send not only text, but also video or images in good quality, contact files (business card in Vcard format);
  2. messages can be beautifully designed in order to present your services or products as efficiently as possible;
  3. users do not pay for sending messages (only access to the Internet is paid for), which allows them to enter into a dialogue with you;
  4. such mailings are cheaper in comparison with SMS mailings with direct connection to operators.
The customer base for mailing can be either your own or a developed mailing service.
In addition to the above services, mailing services may additionally offer bulk email distribution (email newsletters).

To make the right choice of the SMS distribution service, you need to make your own current rating of services with an assessment of their parameters and services. It can be done easier and more clearly in the form of a pivot table, which will list all the services you need, as well as services that provide services for sending short text messages.

At the intersection of rows and columns, you can put a mark on the availability of a particular service, if it is free, or on the cost with payment parameters (minimum order package, cost of sending one message, etc.).
The choice should be made based on the total cost of the service, calculated for those services that are planned to be used as part of your mobile marketing strategy.

Examples of the right choice
Many mailing services offer ready-made industry solutions, for example, for stores (including those working with Internet sales), maintenance salons, banks, shopping centers and chains, insurance companies, communication providers, tour operators and other companies from various fields of trade and service.
All actions for sending SMS to customers depend on the channels of their delivery indicated above (with and without direct connection to telecom operators).

For example, if you own an online store with the ability to pay online, then one of the best ways to support a client would be to use special CRM systems that can automatically send short text messages after important client actions (transactions). This means that the mailing service must be able to integrate with your CRM.

If the store runs on a self-written engine, then one of the important aspects of choosing for you will be well-written documentation and wide functionality for managing the sending of messages through the programming interface (API).

If the store runs on a popular CMS, then the best solution would be a service that provides a ready-made integration module.
In order for the deliverability of messages to be close to 100%, and the name of your store was spelled out in the alpha name, SMS should be sent only through channels with direct connection to operators. Through this channel, messages from CMS and CRM systems regarding customer support must be sent without fail.

If you plan to attract a new audience (notify about the opening of a new store, remind about the start of promotions or seasonal sales, etc.), then you need mass mailing by subscriber numbers in the regions of presence of retail outlets or service salons. When using a direct connection, the costs of such mailing will be prohibitive. The problem with a large advertising budget can be solved by sending SMS via indirect channels. However, it should be remembered that, as a rule, no one gives guarantees for such bulk shipments and the budget can be wasted. Therefore, you should not put all your eggs in one basket - it is better to try to distribute such mailings across several services.

Often, organizations send mailings to client bases, recalling the requirements of the law only when the court makes a decision to recover a large fine at the suit of one of the recipients.
But in vain! Be sure to check the laws in force and make sure you do not violate their requirements before making any mailings.

Newsletter concept
First, you need to decide on the types of SMS-mailings. In the overwhelming majority of cases, all sent SMS can be divided into the following large groups:
  1. personal (information is exchanged between two individuals, the content falls under the privacy of personal correspondence);
  2. informational (information about any fact occurs, excluding the advertising component, the exchange takes place between the client and the company);
  3. advertising (the message offers or describes any service / product, the sender is a company);
  4. fraudulent (the purpose of sending is to entice the recipient's funds in all possible ways, the sender, like the recipient, is most often an individual).
The Law on Communications defines the automatic transmission of short text messages under the mailing list, while the numbering may not correspond to Russian requirements or the sending may not be provided for by agreements on interconnection with foreign communication companies.
That is, mass mailing, in contrast to personal messages, has the following properties (one or more at once):
  1. sending is automatic,
  2. numbering and / or plan does not correspond to Russian,
  3. the initiator is a foreign company operating without an agreement with Russian communication companies.
This interpretation of mailings allows existing telecom operators to build an automatic filtering system for the vast majority of spam, without reading the content (after all, according to the secrecy of correspondence, the operator is not entitled to access the personal messages of his network users in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Personal Data).
It should be noted that the same Law "On Communications" provides for restrictions on the distribution of advertising messages only (that is, it does not affect the rest of the groups listed above).

What laws regulate SMS-mailing activities
The very first law that should be studied before creating a mailing list (with all relevant changes, including the requirements. It defines the concept and requirements for mailings in mobile networks, sets the terms for consideration of claims from customers (30-60 days).
The second most important document is the Law on Advertising. It imposes on the distributor the obligation to prove the fact of the subscriber's consent to receive advertising messages.
The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for material liability and empowers to consider complaints about SMS advertising and spam.
In some cases, the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" may be applied, for example, if any goods or services are imposed on the buyer via SMS. In this case, will deal with complaints.

Responsibility for sending spam
In most cases, the arbitration court will be guided by the requirements. According to the latter, the following fines may be imposed:
  1. for citizens (individuals)
  2. for officials
  3. for organizations
Other penalties may be imposed depending on the offense, the time of mailing and the advertised products (for example, it is worth highlighting alcohol and tobacco, as well as advertisements on declared days of mourning, etc.).

Basic legal requirements
What requirements should you follow in order not to get a lawsuit from your clients?
To summarize the main provisions, it is necessary:
  1. it is mandatory to have the client's consent to receive advertising messages. Consent must be obtained explicitly, preferably on paper (but not required), in the case of alcohol and tobacco, recipients must be over 18 years of age;
  2. at the first request, the advertising distributor is obliged to stop mailing to the applicant;
  3. if customers store not only phone numbers, but also other personal information (such as name, age, education, income, etc.), it is imperative to obtain permission to process and store them;
  4. customers may request not only the termination of mailings, but also the deletion of personal data;
  5. in accordance with the new law, the customer of the mailing is obliged to conclude a formal agreement with the telecom operator. That is, all messages bypassing this requirement will be automatically blocked.

Small clarifications
The client is obliged to resolve the issue with the advertising distributor out of court. This means that, first of all, in order to stop receiving mailings and exclude contact data from the advertiser's databases, the client must first contact the distributor directly (this can be either the telecom operator himself, or the customer of the mailing list). The exceptions are situations when the subscriber did not leave his consent to receive advertising messages.
It will not be possible to cancel a number of dispatches, these include messages from executive authorities, regional authorities, state non-budgetary bodies, and messages from the telecom operator itself, which are not advertising.
Proof of obtaining permission from customers lies with the initiator of the mailing. It is noteworthy that the court may not accept as evidence either a paper questionnaire or electronic evidence of consent. Consent must be given explicitly. For example, in a paper questionnaire, special fields should be provided and the receipt of advertising messages should be clearly specified, and electronic certificates should allow to determine with sufficient reliability the identity of the client (his identification) and his will (for example, simply specifying a phone number may not be enough).
Special attention should be paid to mailings from personal numbers (phone numbers of individuals). The operator does not have the right to view the information being forwarded, and therefore mailings from such numbers cannot be blocked automatically, which is what many companies that work with SMS mailings use. However, customers who receive such messages can contact the telecom operator to search for and administrative punishment of the initiators.

TOP SMS-mailing services

SMS Aero
Mailing planner
API (SMS gateway)
SMPP integration

Integration with CMS
1C Bitrix
API (SMS gateway)

Atomic SMS
Integration with CMS
Impera CMS
VirtueMart 2
Integration with CRM
1C enterprise
Mailing planner
API (SMS gateway)

Mailing planner

Integration with CMS
Integration with CRM
Mailing planner
API (SMS gateway)
SMPP integration

Integration with CMS
Integration with CRM
Mailing planner
API (SMS gateway)
SMPP integration

Integration with CMS
1C Bitrix
Integration with CRM
Bitrix 24
Mailing planner
API (SMS gateway)
SMPP integration

SMS space
Integration with CMS
1C Bitrix
Integration with CRM
Mailing planner
API (SMS gateway)
SMPP integration

Integration with CMS
Diafan CMS
Integration with CRM
Bitrix 24
1C enterprise
Mailing planner
API (SMS gateway)
SMPP integration

More services:
SMS Discount
SMS center
SMS city