How to calculate by IP? No way! But you can find out the location by MAC.


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Every student who has barely learned how to open a terminal in Kali Linux and figured out how to install Termux from PlayMarket on a bucket sincerely considers himself a non-hebical security. Yes, not only counts, but even starts a whole channel on YouTube with detailed manuals, in which from the screen shot in 720p it broadcasts through the farting micro from the webcam truly "smart things" teaching uninitiated plebeians like you and me.

And in general, then, globally, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, there is a place for everyone on YouTube, the only problem is that most of the guys immediately begin to bend their fingers, boast of their anonymity and write nasty things in the comments on major channels. Opinion leaders, in turn, take offense and begin to crumble the loaf in the opposite direction. Little by little, gradually, everything develops into an unrestrained srach. Like mushrooms in the open spaces of the site there are videos from the category "you are a fool", "no, you are a fool."

Although the participants themselves do not even realize that absolutely all parties in this conflict, in principle, are plus / minus at the same stage of mental development. For they use the same platform to post their creativity, read the same sources, and even make almost the same mistakes.

Today, I will not go into the deep jungle and load you with the technical component. I just want to dwell on the elementary things that may make all those who, for some reason, decide that every fool can do content on YouTube for infobesity for a moment. They drove.

Step 1. The other day, in search of inspiration, I got stuck on the channel of one of my favorite bloggers in our niche. Its author does not need any introduction, and the level of expertise can certainly be safely judged by the fantastic numbers on the subscribe counter.

Step 2. So, while watching another video about a feud with a villainous neighbor, a hacker-motherfucker, I thought that it was somehow unfair that the author so shamelessly deanonized Shamil, who probably hacked that ill-fated WiFi exclusively for educational purposes.

And in return, they revealed his nationality, place of study, and age. Almost the address of the apartment was named. Well, is it really human? But anyone can do the same despicably with the author of this video. How do you ask? It's very simple.

To do this, just go to any video dedicated to the topic of wardriving. Turn on attentiveness to 100% and, when there is no blur, copy the MAC address of the home router.

Step 3. Next, copy this address into the link with the Yandex geolocation bug. The official version of its origin is that after installation, the Yandex Metro app regularly sends data on the location of the wireless point to which the smartphone connects to the appropriate base.


Step 4. And this script, when sending, simply pulls out the geolocation data of the router with the required MAC in the form of an XML file from the server. So, if you have used the subway at least once in your life and connected to the waffle at home, forget about anonymity. Yandex has already taken care of your protection.


Step 5. Well, then everything is simple. We clean the values from garbage symbols. Insert Yandex maps into the search engine. We press find, and we get the exact location of the house with the same router used on the set.


Step 6. In a similar way, you can easily deanon and larger fish from a school of mother haTskers. To do this, you just need to seize the moment with the home grid MAC.


Step 7. Run it through the bug. To score a location in Yandex and, as a result, get the home address of the hero of the occasion.


Not bad, isn't it? Especially for a provincial brat like me. And here the question arises, why did I put the whole thing on public display, if in the same way any Vasya, if he wants, can break through my personal address? Of course, there is logic in this. However, given my place of residence, I am more than sure that none of you would simply want to fagot into such a dreadful distance. Stupid because of the ticket price tag.

And we have the weather, to put it mildly, not sugar. And judging by the recent statements of citizen Varlomov, conditions in Vorkuta are generally not designed for the life of normal people. So for my deanon, I'm definitely not worried. Again, the house is an apartment building. And even knowing the exact geo, you get tired of looking. But if I lived, say, in the private sector, I would definitely not like such a trick.

For in this case, you can turn a trick from the “Man in the middle” series or something like that in no time. Although, on the other hand, a person staggering under the windows with a laptop will also raise a lot of questions for any adequate people. At least the neighbor's grandmother will certainly draw a bow and then tell the whole honest street how a muddy drish in an anonymous mask tried to hack her friend's granddaughter, and she heroically threw a rag at him with a pissing rag.

Oookey, friends. In conclusion, perhaps, you need to summarize. The first conclusion that can be drawn from all of the above is that there are no trifles. Today you stumbled on editing and did not blur a couple of lines, and tomorrow an ardent fan will be guarding under your window in a thirst for an autograph. And this is far from the worst scenario. Considering the topic that we are actively developing in the vastness of the network, less friendly guys in gray suits can also visit us.

Well, the second conclusion is that no matter how cool YouTube hacker you are for your mother, there will always be a rascal who knows a little more than you and is able to share this info with the world. So please remember to keep an eye on your installation.

And be careful with what you show people. After all, not everyone, like Denchik, is guided by the noble goal of protecting comrades from attacks. Believe me, there are among our colleagues in the shop and outright scum who will certainly want to harm novice bloggers-infosek. So it's best not to bother with this game.
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