How to build the bank branch of the future

Carding Forum

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Progressive banks are actively exploring the possibilities of improving their branches. Some, including financial institutions, have already presented their concepts of the banking of the future on the market. However, there is still no common vision of a strategy to improve the quality and efficiency of customer service.

More and more customers are gaining access to online banking services. And in the branches, additional services are beginning to appear in order to maintain attractiveness for customers. However, so far the ideas for modernizing bank branches do not bring the expected benefits.

Existing models of branch changes:
  • increasing the convenience of the client: free internet access, tea, coffee, comfortable chairs, the ability to visit the department with pets.
  • use of digital technologies: installation of terminals with the possibility of self-service and access to online banking
  • Visual effects: modern interior, arrangement of exhibition spaces.
However, such investments are rarely effective. Instead of developing image solutions, experts advise bankers to focus on the main tasks of the banking department:
  • open accounts: mainly for new clients of the bank;
  • service accounts: in case of problems;
  • advise: for more complex services (lending and business services);
  • promote a brand: for example, order advertising space.
To improve each of these areas of work, to accelerate and automate many processes, reduce queues and increase brand awareness, experts recommend using digital technology.

Account opening. Banks often have several platforms for opening accounts and placing deposits: online and offline. If they have not yet crossed, financiers should consider this option. Research shows that users often visit a bank's website to review the conditions for opening an account. If on the website of the financial institution it will be possible to sign up for a visit to the bank, or download the questionnaires required for filling out, the time for servicing one client will be significantly reduced.

Account service. Users who have encountered any problem are ready to stand in line in order to receive high-quality advice from a bank employee. However, bank employees are often forced to contact the call center to help the client solve his problem.

Banks need to implement state-of-the-art problem tracking systems in branches, make these tools available on websites, and train customers to use online support services on their own.

Consulting. Clients turn to the bank for advice and rely on the fact that the branch staff will be competent in various areas of banking. However, even frequent trainings for employees will not make them specialists simultaneously in all areas of banking.

Experts suggest using digital assistants, which, using special algorithms, will be able to determine the client's needs, assess the current state of his finances and, based on this, offer him the most profitable solution. Digital assistants are going to be used in an American bank.

Improving the brand. Users are not only switching to financial services on the Internet. They see ads on the web more often than on the streets. Therefore, banks need to rethink their brand promotion channels.

Earlier it was reported what the banks of the future will be.