How to become a hacker, ultimate guide.


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Sites that will help you become a hacker​

Have you ever wondered where to start, where to gain more knowledge, and even test and improve your hacking skills? Here is a selection of the best sites to help you. The sites listed below will help you understand every aspect of the secure (or rather insecure) side of software, networks, servers, and every single element that can be represented in the information security world.

Hack The Box is an online platform that allows you to test your penetration testing skills and share ideas and methodologies with thousands of security professionals. To start using this platform, you need to register in the CTF style.

Hack The Box provides a variety of tasks – in the form of virtual machines-simulating real security issues, which are constantly updated, and you can also complete various tasks, such as steganography, reverse engineering, the time of writing, there are 182 CTF tasks available.

Vulnhub is a site where you can find images of vulnerable virtual machines that you can practice on your local network. They are usually marked with a level of difficulty, most of them have step-by-step instructions if you get stuck, and they are completely legal. The platform is also used by schools, universities, and governments for training, as well as organizations for conducting job interviews.

Smash the Stack runs several wargames. A wargame can be described as an ethical hacking environment that simulates real-world software vulnerabilities and allows for the legal use of exploitative methods. The software can be an operating system, a network Protocol, or any custom application. Each wargame contains many tasks, ranging from standard vulnerabilities to reverse engineering tasks.

OverTheWire is suitable for anyone who wants to learn the theory of information security and apply it in practice, regardless of their experience. The wargames offered by the OverTheWire community can help you learn and practice security concepts in the form of games. To learn more about a particular wargame, simply visit its page listed in the menu on the left. Beginners should start with bandit-level tasks, as they are necessary for further solving other tasks.

Root Me is a fast, easy and affordable way to hone your hacking skills. Root-me has many types of tasks. CTF, hacking, cryptanalysis, forensics, programming, shorthand. This is definitely one of the best sites on our list.

Defend the Web is an interactive platform where you can learn and test your skills. For solving problems, you get a certain number of points depending on the difficulty level. Like Hack This Site, Defend the Web also has a vibrant community, numerous articles and news about hacking, and a forum where you can discuss security-related issues and challenges.

TryHackMe is one of the best platforms where you can improve your cybersecurity skills. The platform develops virtual classrooms that not only allow users to deploy learning environments at the click of a button, but also add a new question – and-answer approach. This is a convenient type of training using pre-designed courses that use virtual machines hosted in the cloud.

While using a question-and-answer model does make learning easier, TryHackMe allows users to create their own virtual classrooms to teach specific topics. This not only provides other users with rich and diverse content, but also helps strengthen their understanding of fundamental concepts. Some private organizations use the platform to assess the abilities of interviewees.

CRYPTOHACK is a fun way to learn cryptography, as well as acquire valuable CTF skills. Using a series of puzzles, you will have to crack bad implementations of "modern" cryptography, such as AES, RSA and Elliptic-Curve. Although CryptoHack drew inspiration from Capture the Flag competitions, it focuses exclusively on their cryptographic aspects, i.e. breaking ciphers, decrypting, encoding, and converting between formats.

Reversing Hero is a set of 15 tasks designed to teach reverse engineering, starting with the basics and continuing with more complex topics. There are no special rules for completing levels: everything is allowed.

CrackMes is a simple place with a user-friendly interface where you can improve your reverse engineering skills.

Hacking-Lab is an online platform for ethical hacking, computer networks, designed for cybersecurity training. Hacking-Labs ' goal is to raise awareness of improving information security education through a series of cyber competitions that include forensics, cryptography, reverse engineering, capture the flag, ethical hacking, and defense. Its goals are to develop young cyber talents, and one of Hacking – Lab's key initiatives is to create an environment that creates cyber defense through education.

Lin. security privilege escalation is an image of a Linux virtual machine (1.7 GB) that suffers from a number of vulnerabilities that allow the user to gain root access on the computer. The main goal is to help you understand how certain embedded applications and services, if configured incorrectly, can be exploited by an attacker. This will help you improve your local privilege escalation skills, techniques, and toolkits.

PWNABLE is a classic, one of the favorites of all time. A non-commercial website with wargames that offers various tasks related to the operation of the system. The main purpose of pwnable is to " have fun”. By playing, you can learn/improve your hacking skills. The only thing you need to do is click "play" in the upper-left area, select a game and launch it. They have a scoring system: the more difficult the task, the more points you will win.

picoCTF is a free game with original educational content designed for middle and high school students, built on the capture the flag platform created by security and privacy experts from Carnegie Mellon University. The game consists of a series of challenges centered around a unique storyline. All tasks are created with the intent to be hacked, which makes it a great legal way to get hands-on experience. You can find all the code on GitHub (

Exploit Education provides a variety of virtual machines, documentation, and tasks that can be used to learn about various computer security issues, such as privilege escalation, vulnerability analysis, exploit development, debugging, reverse engineering, and General cybersecurity issues.

The Enigma Group contains more than 300 tasks that cover exploits listed in the OWASP top 10 exploits list, and the company also trains participants in many other types of exploits that are found in modern applications; thus, helping them become better programmers at the same time. The site has almost 48,000 active members and hosts weekly CTF competitions, as well as weekly and monthly contests.

HellBound Hackers is a fully legal web-based security training platform. Here you can find traditional issues with exploits and issue formats that are not available on other resources. For example, application patching and time-limited tasks. In patching tasks, you are given a vulnerable piece of code and need to offer a fix for this vulnerability.HBH also provides an extensive library of articles and useful forum posts.

Try2Hack - this site offers several security-related tasks for your entertainment. Each task requires a different approach to solve and becomes more difficult as you progress. This is one of the oldest sites on our list.

IO-wargame from the creators, which involves solving problems by level. The game is constantly updated as technology evolves.

Exploit Exercises despite the small number of virtual machines, and their relatively long-standing publication, you can learn something new here. Here you can learn privilege escalation, exploit development, reverse engineering, and more.

Game of Hacks – this game was designed to test your app hacking skills. You will be presented with code snippets, and your mission is to find the vulnerability as quickly as possible.

Cryptopals is a series of cryptography challenges created by the former Matasano Security team. This is a collection of 48 exercises divided into 8 parts. When you complete all the tasks, you will not only learn a lot about how cryptosystems are built, but also understand how they are attacked.

Typhoon is a multi-vulnerability virtual machine that provides a lab environment for researchers looking to improve their cybersecurity skills. Typhoon was developed by the Prisma CSI team to provide a small, hands-on learning environment for penetration testing. You can download a virtual machine and install it on your system, which will give you the opportunity to gain practical skills.

Command Challenge is an interesting site that emulates a bash terminal inside a browser, all commands are executed remotely in a Docker container. You have specific tasks that need to be solved using only the command line. It all starts with simple tasks, but they gradually become more complex. – this is a free eLearnSecurity project. The community can create, host, and publish vulnerable web application code for educational and research purposes. It aims to become the largest collection of "working" vulnerable web applications on the Internet.

Hacksplaining provides a cataloged and visual online tutorial on major web vulnerabilities. For each vulnerability, there is a detailed description of how common it is, how difficult it is to exploit, and how critical it is. Each vulnerability is accompanied by a detailed description, exploitation vector, vulnerable code, and recommendations for Troubleshooting and protection.

Practical Pentest Labs with a wide range of vulnerability hosts that are constantly updated to keep your skills up-to-date, virtual labs are aimed at anyone interested in the art of vulnerability detection, exploitation, and development. Step-by-step, you will be guided through all aspects of hacking from A to Z, covering dozens of techniques and many tools.

SQLZoo is a well-established online platform (since 1999) for writing and executing SQL queries to a live database. The online course is designed specifically for people who have never experienced programming, it is extremely easy to use and, moreover, completely free. You can see the actual result of your request without checking whether it matches the solution – the result is important. This is not an ordinary online book of training articles, but a platform with tests, links, and tutorials to help you learn SQL.

XSS game consists of several levels that resemble real applications that are vulnerable to XSS – your task will be to find the problem and attack the applications.

alert(1) to win is a place to practice XSS, in particular filter traversal. To pass it, you need to know javascript and HTML.

XSSEducation is a set of tasks for people who are just learning XSS, and for people who just need a good place to practice their already amazing skills.

WackoPico is a vulnerable web application that contains known and common vulnerabilities so that you can use your web pentest skills and knowledge, such as XSS vulnerabilities, SQL injections, sessionid, LFI and RFI vulnerabilities, parameter manipulation, and logical errors in the code.

The BodgeIt Store is a vulnerable open source web application that is currently targeted at people who are new to web penetration testing. It is easy to install and use. It includes vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection, hidden (but unprotected) content, debug code, insecure object references, and application logic vulnerabilities.

Hackxor is a realistic web application hacking game designed to help players with any level of training develop their skills. All missions are based on real vulnerabilities that you can discover in person during pentests, bug searches, and research.

Hacker Gateway is the perfect place for hackers who want to test their skills. Tasks cover many categories, including cryptography, steganography, programming, and more.

ThisIsLegal is a site with wargames and many other things, such as forums and tutorials. The goal is to help you learn and improve as much as possible, as well as provide the community with an opportunity to connect.

DVWA, a vulnerable PHP/MySQL web application, is one of the most well-known web applications used to test your penetration testing skills and your knowledge of SQL, XSS, Blind SQL implementation, etc. DVWA is developed by Ryan Dewhurst, also known as ethicalhack3r, and is part of the RandomStorm OpenSource project.

Mutillidae is a free, open-source web application for testing website penetration and hacking, developed by Adrian Crenshaw (Irongeek) and Jeremy Drouin (webpwnized). It is vulnerable and ideal for practicing your skills such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, HTML injection, Javascript injection, Clickjacking, LFI, authentication bypass techniques, remote code execution, and more based on OWASP top 10.

WebGoat is an OWASP project and a deliberately insecure web application designed to teach web application security concepts. It allows users to demonstrate their understanding of the security issue by exploiting a real vulnerability in the app in each lesson.

W3Challs is a learning platform with a variety of tasks in various categories, including hacking, wargames, forensic science, cryptography, steganography, and programming. The goal of the platform is to provide realistic tasks. Depending on the difficulty of the completed task, you will receive points. There is also a forum where you can discuss and solve problems with other participants.

Metasploitable is a Linux virtual machine that contains many types of vulnerabilities commonly found in the operating system that can be exploited. The Metasploitable project is also created and maintained by the rapid7 community (the Metasploit-FrameWork community). Simply put, Metasploitable is a Linux-based operating system specifically designed for developing penetration testing skills, network security skills, Metasploit-Framework, and many others.

Holynix is a Linux distribution that was specifically designed to have security holes for penetration testing purposes.

Vulnserver is a Windows-based TCP streaming server application. This software is intended primarily as a tool for learning how to find and exploit buffer overflows, and each of the bugs it contains is subtly different from the others, requiring a slightly different approach when writing an exploit.

Ethernaut is a Web3 / Solidity based wargame inspired by overthewire. Each level is a smart contract that needs to be "hacked". The game is fully open (, and all levels are created by other players.

247CTF is an amazing platform that provides CTF tasks available 24/7, with categories ranging from binary file usage and networking to cryptography.

AttackDefense – over 1900 unique laboratory exercises on topics such as exploration, exploitation, postexploitation, data theft, web applications, traffic analysis, CVE, network components, attacks on infrastructure, elevation of privilege, forensics, analysis, firmware, reversal, secure coding, Networking, IoT, Metasploit, Python, information security and many others. New labs are added weekly.

SecGen creates vulnerable VMS so that you can learn penetration testing techniques. VMS like Metasploitable2 are always the same. this project uses Vagrant, Puppet, and Ruby to quickly create randomly generated vulnerable VMS that can be used for training.

Awesome CTF - list of frameworks, libraries, resources, software, and guides for Capture the Flag. This list is designed to help beginners as well as experienced players find everything related to CTF in one place.

CTF-tools is a set of scripts for installing various security research tools. Of course, all the utilities can be installed manually, but it's really nice to have them all in one place that can be easily deployed on new machines.

Ignitetechnologies contains repositories that will help you understand the basics of privilege escalation using examples (, as well as a table with Vulnhub machines by their complexity (

Don't be discouraged if (when) you get stuck. Everyone starts somewhere, and even if you don't solve the problem, you can still learn something valuable and gain enough knowledge to make the next task a little easier. Information security is a huge area with many different skills involved, and there is a lot to learn.

Coming full circle, we also recommend that you make your own reports. Try to explain what you did and why your solution worked, it may come in handy later!