How to avoid card fraud: 3 tips from an anti-fraud expert


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Anti-fraud specialist tells how ordinary users can protect themselves from card fraud.
How to avoid card fraud: 3 tips from an anti-fraud specialist. According to the financial regulator, the increase in card fraud cases is caused by the growth of fraud with the use of social engineering, when attackers steal the personal data of bank customers, psychologically influencing the victims.

Editorial PaySpace Magazine recognized the team leader in the fight against fraud companies ECOMMPAY, Daniel Sheva as normal users to protect themselves from online fraud.

1. Be vigilant and never panic
According to Shevsky, scammers use social engineering methods to try to convince the user to always respond quickly to phishing messages: “If you do not reply to an email within 5 minutes, your account will be deleted!”.

You answer and thus accept the rules of the game, that this is the person who can give you orders. Or "Send the code that you will receive by phone now." And you don't even pay attention to the fact that the SMS says "Sberbank payment for the amount of such and such" - the main thing is that the code has been received and there are only two minutes left
Daniel Shevsky

Note. According to the National Bank, in many cases, criminals try to impersonate employees of the bank (or the National Bank, or the bank's security service), trying to find out personal information and other user data. Below is an example of a similar payment fraud over the phone, for other examples of phone fraud, see the link.

In early 2020, the largest Ukrainian bank warned customers about fraud under the guise of "prize polls": attackers offer users to answer a few questions and in return get access to personal financial data of people and write off money from the card.

2. Use virtual prepaid cards
The expert advises using a virtual card and blocking it every time until the next transaction. You can block and unblock the card yourself in the application.

99% of the time my card is blocked, except when I take it out to pay. I delete the virtual card that I pay on the Internet every time and then create a new one - all this is done within the framework of one application. If there are unsuccessful attempts to write off funds on my blocked card, I will see them and understand that somewhere my card data was stolen
Daniel Shevsky

Read more about prepaid cards in PaySpace Magazine.

3. Do not forget about your rights
If you are faced with a case of fraud, contact the bank that issued you the card. If the card was used without the 3-D Secure protocol (confirmation of the card transaction by entering a one-time password from SMS with each payment on the Internet), then you are entitled to compensation.

If the scammers found out your number from somewhere, you can ask the bank where they got the data on your client agreement, if there is a leak. Do not rush to write off this money and consider yourself guilty - if you are hooked, then you are supposedly obliged to pay for it
Daniel Shevsky

How to avoid payment fraud: a memo from the National Bank
How to avoid payment fraud.
According to the National Bank, representatives of the bank (especially the National Bank of Ukraine) never call clients with a request to share personal information and data on payment cards and accounts.

Therefore, never tell third parties the details of payment cards (expiration date, CVC2 / CVV2 code, PIN code for the card) and personal data, as well as login / password for entering web banking, one-time passwords for additional authentication, etc.