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Carders take advantage not only of other people's naivety, but also of special techniques that force victims to act irrationally. We'll tell you if this can be resisted.
Recently, actor Pavel Derevyanko again became a victim of carders - he sent it to a “friend” and lost 300 thousand rubles (according to other information - I almost lost it). Unfortunately, this is only a special case among many similar ones: despite warnings from banks, experts, friends and relatives, carders steal. We have more and more money.
The point is not in general carelessness and naivety, but in the fact that attackers use special techniques in conversation that disable our defense system. What kind of techniques are these and who is at risk, says the expert.

— Carders deceive a variety of people with different life experiences, education and character. These are not always pensioners or children who are unaware of common carding tactics. But there are certain factors that make a person more vulnerable to carders:
  • dependent personality type;
  • victimization (victim position);
  • empathy, developed sense of compassion;
  • depression, anxiety.

The dependent personality type is manifested in the tendency to constantly ask others for their opinions, the habit of relying on others when making decisions and taking certain actions. It is difficult for these people to be independent, it is difficult to express their disagreement with something, especially in a stressful situation.
Victimization is characterized by the belief that the whole world around is bad and evil, and the person himself is a victim of what is happening around him. Such people tend to get into problematic situations more often.
People with high empathy, as well as those who suffer from depression or anxiety (and there are many of them now), have a harder time making rational decisions. In a stressful situation they are more vulnerable.
For example, when a person is depressed, his reactions are slow, his concentration is reduced, and he is passive. And empathic people are deeply imbued with the problems of those around them, they are ready to help at any moment, they are easily “led” to empathy, which provides a convenient hook for manipulation.
If a carder manages to establish at least minimal communication with the victim during a call, he can quickly understand from the voice what kind of person is in front of him and use this for his own purposes.


By data According to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in 2023, carder carried out 33% more successful transactions with victims’ money than in 2022 (total number - 1.17 million frauds). The bulk of transactions (984.8 thousand) were made using cards. The rest came from transfers through SBP and from electronic wallets.
Customer losses over the year increased by 11.5% to 15.8 billion rubles. The amount increased along with the increase in the volume of money transfers by cards.
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation initiated blocking of 42.8 thousand websites and pages on social networks belonging to carders. He also informed operators about almost 576 thousand phone numbers used by attackers.
Of course, just understanding the type of victim is not enough. Carders know how to take advantage of the situation correctly (and your task is to prevent them from doing this).


Carders can work using different carding schemes: intimidation, suppression, playing on personality traits - for example, appealing to passion, pride, empathy. The tactics depend both on the psychological characteristics of the victim and on the personality of the carder himself. The main categories of carders are:
  • aggressors are people who purposefully cause pain to others and derive pleasure, perverted joy, from it. For them, this is a way of self-expression and proof to themselves that they are strong and worth something;
  • predators - they have a cold consciousness, no feelings (including feelings of fear). People for them are an obstacle that must be stepped over. Often among them there are people with a prison background who received an “inoculation of ruthlessness” in prison;
  • manipulators - they lie, cheat to achieve their goal, and thereby feed their ego.

Regardless of personality type, all carders do essentially the same thing - they drive a person into a stressful situation. They cause a feeling of fear in the victim, put pressure on him, manipulate with a lack of time, uncertainty and at the same time an excess of information.
In a stressful situation, norepinephrine is released, the sympathetic-adrenal system is activated, adrenaline is produced and the prefrontal cortex of the brain “turns off.” It is responsible for a sound assessment of the situation around us and rational decisions, controls our actions and thoughts, planning, and focusing. In fact, it is the “director” of the brain.


Therefore, he commits actions that he later perceives as strange or stupid. In other words, during stress, the brain loses the ability to think rationally and a person may experience cognitive distortions - thinking errors. Against the backdrop of all this, people engage in different behavior patterns:
  • helpless capitulator: when a person is bombarded with an excessive amount of information, he is triggered by false humility and an internal demand for help. He begins to expect that someone else will help him, give him advice, solve his problems and ease his feelings of anxiety;
  • submissive capitulator: under pressure and excessive fear, a person becomes passive, obedient, so as not to inflate the conflict and not get caught in it. He is willing to suspend his judgment, ignore his emotions, endure bad treatment, submit to any requests or demands;
  • self-aggrandizement: this is when a person is addressed by name, convinced that only he can do something, all hope lies in him. Asking for help plays on his confidence and sense of self-worth. He begins to overestimate his own capabilities and gives himself over to excitement.
Also, a person’s behavior under stress can be influenced by excessive optimism - the confidence that “definitely nothing will happen to me.” It’s also a survivor’s mistake, when a person relies only on his own successful experience and ignores other people’s stories of failure.


Since modern scams mostly involve phone calls, it's worth training people you regularly communicate with to text first and then call. Especially those whose numbers are not in your contact list. In addition, it is important to remember the five “never”s that honest companies never do:
  • do not ask to follow a link that is not related to the official website;
  • they do not take advance payment for hiring, dating, or sudden inheritance;
  • do not ask for your name, password, security codes, personal data;
  • do not send attachments by mail that you did not request;
  • do not offer prizes, grants, certificates or any other funding over the phone.

In addition, there are two more important rules. The first is to avoid overconfidence. It often comes at a cost. Thinking that you can beat the carders is risky.
The second rule is that if you find yourself in a stressful, anxious situation and cannot maintain a cool head, take a break. End the conversation and check the information that alarmed you: call your loved ones, the bank, and so on.
But the most important thing is to develop your critical thinking skills. And also understand what weaknesses you have - what you are most vulnerable to psychologically. And strengthen them.

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