How the Clintons and the CIA killed dozens of people for cocaine and dollars.


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... 1987. Pulaski County, Arizona. The train crushes the bodies of two teenagers lying on the tracks and wrapped in a tarpaulin. Experts say teenagers drank marijuana to a state of non-standing and passed out on the tracks. It would seem, what is easier ...

But no. These two boys became the first stage in a multi-step story of 15 corpses, several major resignations, prison sentences, the CIA, the FBI, the smuggling of cocaine from Central America, two presidents and a movie with Tom Cruise.

Below you will read an amazing and interestingly completely true story about how exactly the Clinton family came to power and after them Mr. Biden.

Bill Clinton, CIA and Cocaine
Let me remind you that the articles in the "other" section are written for entertainment purposes only and everything stated below is just a theory.
Enjoy reading!

On Sunday, 23 August 1987, at about 4:00 am, the bodies of two boys were seen by the crew of a locomotive near the Code Creek overpass in Alexandra (Pulaski and Salina counties). The bodies lay between the paths, wrapped in a pale green tarp; there was a rifle nearby. The train could not avoid passing over the bodies. The driver immediately reported the incident to railway officials and local law enforcement in Benton, Salina County, where the train stopped. By 4:40 am, local and federal police arrived at the scene and launched an investigation. At first, local officials viewed the incident as an apparent suicide, despite objections from the train crew. Police reportedly did not find the tarpaulin, but they took a destroyed .22 caliber rifle as evidence.


Guys who saw too much

Best friends Kevin Ives and Don Henry went hunting late Saturday night, August 22, but when they weren't found the next morning, their parents started looking for them. The place where their bodies were found was about a mile from the Henry family home in Alexandra. On Monday, local officials contacted the Eve and Henry families after the two boys were finally identified through dental records. The story gained prominence and soon became national. Government officials, including the state medical expert, Dr. Fahmi Malak, considered the boys' deaths to be a clear suicide, despite the fact that all four parents disputed the decision.

A week after the funeral of Ives and Henry, their parents were summoned to the government medical examiner's office. Malak said these were "two accidental deaths due to THC intoxication"; THC is a component of marijuana. Malak's theory was that the two boys were so high on marijuana that they simply fell asleep on the rails that night before they were run over. Local authorities did not dispute Malak's findings, but the parents were determined to conduct their own investigations. Leverith said Malak was accused by his own staff of possessing "obsolete equipment on which he falsified evidence," on which he allegedly based his findings in the autopsy reports before some of the cases were brought to trial. In addition, there were no autopsy records in the morgue. A hospital employee told the investigator, "This is why the families were not billed."

In March 1988, parents announced that Dr. James Garriott of San Antonio, Texas, had given an alternative view of Malak's findings. Harriot concluded that it was unlikely that any amount of THC exposure would have the effect that Malak claimed, and that the only really reliable test for drugs in boys' bodies, mass spectrometry, had not been performed. Another toxicologist, Dr. Arthur J. McBry of North Carolina, said Malak's findings were "very strange," and that he had never heard of anyone passing out from exposure to any amount of THC. However, Saline County Sheriff James H. Steed, Jr. repeatedly told the Benton Courier that he saw nothing much on the tracks that night to suggest it was nothing more than a "strange accident." Linda Ives, mother of Kevin Ives, criticized the Steed administration in a letter she published in the Benton Courier. After that, Dan Harmon, the parents' lawyer, struck a deal with Steed in February 1988: if the parents removed the criticism from Steed and supported him, they would have received the investigation they wanted from the beginning.

Six months after the incident at the Salina County Courthouse in Benton, a three-day hearing was held in which the Eve and Henry families were hoping for a new decision. With the help of attorneys Dan Henry and Richard Garrett, Malak's "accidental" death was overturned, but the outcome was hardly final. On February 26, 1988, five days after the hearing, the boys' cause of death was changed from accidental to uncertain. Following the discovery of new information following a second autopsy of the two boys by Georgia medical examiner Joseph Burton, the case was filed before a jury in April 1988. In May, an editorial in the Benton Courier established the possibility that the boys might have been killed.... A month later, the grand jury issued a probable murder verdict. Before leaving Arkansas, Burton told Garrett that he calculated that the two boys “only smoked a joint or two.” An episode of the case was shown on the NBC TV show Unsolved Mysteries in the fall of 1988. When asked about his thoughts on the case, which was hosted by Robert Stack, Garrett claimed that the boys “saw something they shouldn't have seen and it was drug-related. " Despite the grand jury's statement that the boys' deaths may have been drug-related Sheriff Steed declined to provide any funds to aid in the investigation. Steed also lied about where he sent the victims' clothes for inspection. Solas Leveritt's book Boys on the Rails. Steved sent the clothes to the Arkansas State Forensic Laboratory, not to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as he was supposed to. Steed was not re-elected as a county sheriff after his involvement in the case.

After Sheriff Steed lost the county elections, a string of deaths began. More about her later. On September 10, 1991, four years after the deaths of Kevin Ives and Don Henry, Malak's resignation was announced in the Arkansas newspaper. With the start of Gov. Bill Clinton's presidential campaign around the same time, some have argued that Malak made a deal with Clinton, but Malak has repeatedly denied the accusations. In 1994, The Clinton Chronicles was released, an investigative video that highlighted Bill Clinton's connections to various crimes. The deaths of Ives and Henry were among those with whom Bill Clinton was allegedly involved. The Clinton Chronicles have put forward a conspiracy theory that while Governor of Arkansas,Clinton was involved in a scandal involving large consignments of cocaine, weapons and money from Central America passing through Arkansas at the Maina Intermonaunt Municipal Airport. He further suggested that the two boys were killed after they stumbled upon something they shouldn't have seen in Saline County that night in August 1987. Harmon, who represented Ives and Henry's parents, was convicted of racketeering, conspiracy, extortion, and drug possession for distribution in 1997.

His eleven-year prison sentence in 1998 hinted that the boys' parents at least witnessed the death of their sons amid local corruption. “Despite the exhaustive collection of details that Leverith offers in the book, she does not answer the questions she raises. The case remains unresolved. In August 2016, Linda Ives filed a new lawsuit citing a violation of the Freedom of Information Act by local and federal officials or "stunning" in relation to the deaths of boys.

And now about who else was being dragged ... Two days after Steed lost the election, Keith McCuscle, one of Harmon's informants on the case that Harmon asked to take aerial photographs of the crime scene, was killed. Not just killed. And he received 113 stab wounds. McCuscle was also a prominent local club manager in Saline County-Pulaski County. On January 22, 1989, twenty-six-year-old Greg Collins, who was called in to testify before the attendants, died of three shotgun shots in the face. In addition, just a few weeks earlier, Collins' friend Keith Coney, who was also called to testify to the grand jury, had died in a motorcycle accident.... By March 1989, another grand jury recipient, Daniel "Boonie" Bearden, had disappeared... Another death allegedly linked to the case involved twenty-one-year-old Jeffrey Edward Rhodes, whose body was found in a landfill in April 1989. James Milan is found decapitated . However, Malak found no cause of the violent death. The deaths were ruled murders in March 1990 after another investigation, but the Arkansas newspapers wrote that there were no arrests. But suddenly the deaths continued - Jordan Kettleson - Was found shot in the front seat of his pickup truck in June 1990.
Let's continue with Arkansas, where, I recall, the Clintons sat in the warm position of governor and first lady of the state, and where the wonderful Maina airport was located.


Typical "propaganda" during the Trump era. Airplanes with CIA cocaine sometimes did fall and it was difficult for the CIA to explain what was doing there on board 4 tons of cocaine.

Mena was the starting point for Barry Seale, one of the most famous drug smugglers in history. He established a base in Mena in 1981, and up to 1,000 pounds of cocaine were imported from Columbia a month, according to Arkansas law enforcement officials. In 1984, he became an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration, flew to Colombia and collected information on the leaders of the Medellin cartel. In 1984, Sill piloted his C-123K in Nicaragua with a load of medication for the Sandinistas. The CIA hid a hidden camera on the plane, allowing him to photograph several people - including senior Sandinistas loading cocaine aboard the plane, witnessed several high-profile cases and was killed in Baton Rouge, La Wisconsin, in 1986. I remind you. This is a small airport in rural Arkansas. CITY Airport. Municipal. A runway not hidden in the corn, on which torches are used to show Douglas stuffed with coconuts where to land. this is the AIRPORT. By the way, a biopic was shot about Barry Seal with Tom Cruise in the title role.


It does not even occur to many readers that Hollywood is very often used in the PR struggle of different clans for power in the United States. The 2017 film "Made in America" with Tom Cruise based in part on this story of cocaine operations is a provocation against the CIA and the Clinton clan.

In 1986, eight months after Silla's death, his plane was shot down over Nicaragua with an Arkansas pilot at the wheel and a load of ammunition and mercenary Eugene Hasenfus in the cargo hold.
Two investigators who investigated the events in Mena say they were very close to solving them - William Duncan, a former Internal Revenue Service investigator, and Russell Welch, a former detective of the Arkansas State Police. They fought a decade-long battle to publicize the events in Mena, pinning their hopes on nine separate state and federal requests. It all failed. Both Messrs. Welch and Duncan ended their careers.

In 1986, Dan Lazater, a Little Rock bicker and an important sponsor of the Clinton campaign, pleaded guilty to distributing cocaine. Clinton's brother, Roger, also participated in this scheme. Both Mr. Lazater and Roger Clinton received short prison sentences. Governor Clinton later issued a pardon to Mr. Lazater.

In 1990, Jean Duffy, head of a newly formed task force on drugs, began investigating a possible connection between the boys' deaths on the train and drugs. Her boss, an attorney in the Seventh Judicial District of Arkansas, gave her a direct order: "You must not use an anti-narcotics task force to investigate government officials." In a 1996 magazine interview, Ms. Duffy said, "We have had witnesses telling us about low-flying planes and information about pickup trucks picking up cargo."

Dan Harmon, previously appointed special attorney to investigate the death on the rails, took office as the seventh district attorney. Ms. Duffy was discredited, threatened, and eventually forced to leave Arkansas. In 1997, a federal jury in Little Rock found Mr. Harmon guilty of five drug and extortion counts and sentenced him to eight years in prison for using his office to extort drugs and cash. Mr. Lockhart, however, never accused Mr. Clinton of direct responsibility for these events. Obviously, as governor for 12 years, he was ultimately responsible for the Arkansas law enforcement. As president, he once commented on the events in Mena. Asked about this during a 1994 press conference,

Three days after the 1996 presidential election, the CIA released a brief report stating that it was engaged in "permitted and lawful activities" at the airfield, including "normal aviation procedures" and a secret "joint exercise with another federal agency." “The agency said it was not“ associated with money laundering, drug trafficking, arms smuggling or other illegal activities ”in Mena.
Danny Casolaro - a journalist who was investigating the mess in Mena - cut himself more than 10 cuts in his veins and bled to death in the bathtub of the Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia on August 10, 1991. His partner in the investigation - Paul Wilcher - Investigated a lot of interesting things - including the massacre in Waco (another story). Wilcher died in controversial circumstances a month after he wrote a letter to then-new US Attorney General Janet Reno alleging that the CIA was killing people to cover up mind control experiments, and that the Waco incident was one such event. Apparently he was killed elsewhere, bound in the fetal position, and rigor mortis ensued. He could be returned to the apartment and put on a stool to make it look like a natural death. But under natural conditions, the body, undergoing rigor mortis, would fall off the stool.


Clinton family members and possibly the family's best friend, Joe Biden. He is now the President of the United States

If we simplify this whole story and give some kind of conclusion, it is rather sad. The Clinton family as a whole was funded by the CIA through the cocaine trade decades ago, and this is how it came to power in the United States. Their political opponents, as is often the case, from time to time posted incriminating evidence from mini-articles, to a movie in Hollywood, until the whole story became generally understood.