How special services work in finding those who are hiding behind a VPN


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There are several different techniques for de-anonymizing a VPN user.

Let's imagine the situation. While in Moscow, we were connected to a VPN located somewhere in Paris. And we went in and performed any illegal actions. What happens next? The injured party appeals to the guys in uniform, they, with the help of the system of operational search measures, give a request to the providers of the Russian Federation, both stationary and mobile operators. They ask who connected to a certain IP address in Paris, because they saw only our IP in Paris, but did not see the Moscow one. Our internet provider will look at the logs and naturally tell us that we have connected to this IP address. Everything. We are de-anonymized.

Let's consider another situation. We made a bunch of double VPNs (two), which are connected in series. We can even make triple, quadro, as many VPNs as we want in a bundle.
So, let's introduce a new bundle. We connect from Moscow to Amsterdam, then to Frankfruit. And then we go to the resource and again commit illegal actions. The beginning of the development of events is the same - again they turn to the guys in uniform, again the system of operational search measures. What will they be looking for? They are looking for our Frankfruit IP on the way out. They give a request to Russian providers - who connected to it? And nobody connected. Why? Because our provider only sees the connection to Amsterdam, but does not see the connection to Frankfruit. And the victim sees only the connection from Franfruit.

But if it seemed to you that the second method gives us anonymity, then yes ... for a couple of days. In the first scenario, we would have been revealed in 2 hours. The second option gives us a head start to go to the mountains.

Why will they still find us? Because any IP, as mentioned earlier, belongs to the provider, and he keeps logs and sees who is connected to whom. They contact the Frankfruit IP provider, find out who is renting the server, give a request to the tenant and he hands over whoever connected to it at that time and in the same way then go to the next server and get your IP at the exit ...

So the number of VPN servers in the bundle is just wasting time.

Now let's touch on the myth about server location
There is an opinion that you can take a VPN in Panama, Qatar and everything will be fine.

This is only partly true. Why? Because everything can be achieved with official requests.

Consider how the secret services work with the same Panama. Panama never gives out any data to anyone, BUT except for the US special services.
Accordingly, the Russian special services give a request to Interpol, indicate the IP address and indicate involvement in terrorism. Interpol forwards this request to the US special services, and those, respectively, to Panama. And in the same way, the answer goes back.
The same scheme works with Qatar, except that they make a request to Saudi Arabia.
In any case, we will be found if they want.
But we're not hiding from the secret services, are we?

We only consider the special services as a standard in deanonymization.

Let's move on to the next bike, that all our special services are stupid. This is not true. Yes, no one will sit and look for you for such a salary. Therefore, there are people either recruited, who were taken by the ass and they will try to attack us, or simply extras.

The main merit of the special services is their administrative resource and influence. Everything, there is nothing else.

Accordingly, how purely based on our fantastic delirium and exclusively for writing purposes, after all, we write fairy tales, describe in the book exactly how to be our hero, who needs to hide? This is TOR.