How smart carders communicate with people they don't like


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How great it would be to live in a world where mutual understanding, harmony reign and everyone understands each other perfectly. Alas, life is arranged a little differently and some people annoy us very much - as we ourselves, perhaps, annoy someone.

1. They admit that they may not like everyone
Sooner or later, you will come across a person who will have a completely opposite point of view. Smart people understand this. They also acknowledge that conflicts or disagreements can even be helpful because they show differences of opinion.

If you don’t like someone, it doesn’t mean that he is a bad person. You disagree on some things, but in disputes sometimes new solutions come up. Once you admit that it is impossible to please everyone and please everyone, emotions will recede into the background and this will help you learn to listen to other people's opinions.

2. They are patient with someone they don't like
Of course, you can react sharply to any action of an unpleasant person, get annoyed because of any little thing, but still try to be a little more tolerant.

Chat with people who are not afraid to argue. It's not easy, but worth it. These people challenge or provoke us, which helps us achieve our goals and move forward. Remember that you are not

perfect, but still others still tolerate you.

3. They are polite
Regardless of your feelings for someone, the person is likely to be attuned to you in the same way you are to him. If you are rude, you will most likely get rude in return. Keep your brand and be polite, not letting your emotions take over.

4. They understand that everyone does their own thing
Sometimes we expect too much from others. For some reason, we selfishly assume that others will act in the same way as we would have done in a given situation, or they will say the same thing that we would say ourselves. However, this is not the case. Expecting others to behave yourself is tantamount to setting yourself up for frustration and despair in advance.

Tune in to each person doing the same things in their own way. Another time, you will be psychologically ready, and the habits of those around you will no longer be a surprise to you. Smart people do this all the time, and they are not surprised by the behavior of other people.

5. They are self-centered
Instead of getting angry with the person again, try focusing on why you are reacting this way. Sometimes what we don't like about someone we don't like about ourselves. These people simply touch our sore spots.

Try to find your pain points. At other times, you may be able to anticipate, soften, or even change your reaction. Remember, it's easier to change your perceptions, attitudes and behavior than it is to change someone.

6. They pause and take a deep breath
Some people's habits can just piss us off. Maybe your coworker regularly fails to complete tasks on time, or you have an acquaintance who annoys you with silly jokes.

Instead of wasting your own nerve cells again, slow down and take a deep breath. This will help calm you down and prevent overreacting, thereby allowing your head to turn on.

7. They talk about what they need
If some people constantly bully you, try talking to them calmly about it. Avoid accusatory phrases and use the phrase "When you ... I feel ..." For example, "When you interrupt me during meetings, I feel like you don't value my opinion." Then take a moment and wait for an answer.

And then you may be surprised to learn that the other person did not understand that you did not finish your speech, or your colleague was so excited about his new idea that he enthusiastically interrupted you.

8. They know how to keep their distance
If all methods fail, smart people skillfully keep their distance from those they dislike. Just go your own way. Perhaps in the future you will have the desire and the opportunity to improve relations with this person, so do not push too far.


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Calibrations: how to communicate with people more efficiently?
Today we will discuss such a topic as calibrations. I believe that this is one of the most important topics in communicating with people. Developed calibrations give us an understanding of what is happening with a person, we communicate with him or observe this communication from the outside.

Strongly developed calibrations are popularly called:
  • reading people
  • mind reading (more correctly, guessing close to reality)
  • understanding of states, moods
  • understanding is a person lying or telling the truth
  • what is called "sees through"

All of these things mentioned above are just part of the calibrations. For completeness, let's give a more scientific definition:
Calibration is the process of reading the subconscious, non-verbal reactions of another person during interaction, by determining, according to the observed signals of a person's behavior, his certain internal reaction.
In general, we all own calibrations. But we all develop this skill in different ways, depending on the lifestyle, profession, behavior model, it develops, but how and in which direction is not clear.
I'm talking about the conscious development of this skill. There are a lot of skill development methods and basically all require groups of people united by one goal and performing the same tasks. This approach has a drawback, due to the fact that the circle of people is limited, you quickly learn to read them and the skill no longer develops. The method that I will cite allows you to develop it, albeit not intensively, but more effectively.

1. Choose the calibration you want to develop
- Emotions
- States
- Mood
- Profession
- Next step (behavior)
2. Let's take the profession as a basis. In my head we make an assumption in my head: This is a doctor.
3. Check: after which we ask the person if he is a doctor.
4. If the answer is yes, remember the general portrait of the doctor. If the answer is no, then we remember how the doctor does not look.
5. And so on until you learn to see the doctor and "try on" this image.

The rule works here: A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar. Or an example for those who use surfactants: when you meet a new acquaintance, you can immediately see whether a person is using it or not. When you go in for sports (like swimming), you always see the swimmers. Etc.
Emotions and everything else - according to the same principle. The most important thing is for you to understand that we can calibrate anything: even the temperature of the water, "are you pleasant to people or not," "are they hiding anything from you, can a person borrow money for you, will another friend give you, and so on. ...
Try to notice individual features: tattoos, jewelry, clothing brands, writing on clothes, stickers on the phone / case, watches, hair, teeth, fingernails, pay attention to hands, eyes, reactions to anything said. Lay out with the smallest detail.
Calibrate and don't worry. Over time, this skill will become much more applicable, I do not give a lot of examples - find them for yourself.