How Russian hackers helped expose shady deals in US federal courts


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The US National Rifle Association clandestinely duplicated its votes in courts, increasing its influence.


Last month, the US National Rifle Association was attacked by a ransomware virus. The American media suspect "Russian-speaking hackers" from the Grief group (EvilCorp) of involvement in the hacking. Now "Russian" hackers have published on the darknet documents of the US National Rifle Association, according to which the association paid a lawyer more than $ 500 thousand to speak on her behalf through the liberalist think tank Institute of Independence. As reported by The Trace, the US National Rifle Association has doubled its voice in court, increasing its influence.

The wealthy right has for years financed and coordinated a massive operation using clandestine money to pursue its goals through the federal judiciary. In total, the Right has paid more than $ 400 million through a network of shell groups to appoint carefully selected candidates to federal courts, including judges Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. After the approval of their judges, the right funded lawsuits, achieving radical goals through the courts.

During the Roberts Court (since 2005, during which the US Supreme Court was chaired by Chief Justice John Roberts), more than 80 decisions were made in the interests of major Republican politicians. In the past two years alone, the US Supreme Court has further weakened protections against discriminatory voter suppression laws, developed new constitutional protections for underground money, used religious freedom to overturn public health laws that protect against a deadly pandemic, and clandestinely abolished the constitutional right to abortion in Texas.