How message boards is scammed


Reaction score
I - How to protect yourself.
II - How to properly submit an ad.
III - A Partner.
IV - Communication.
V - How to make a refund

And so, the first and one of the most important things that we will buy is a proxy. Which proxies are needed and which are not. The best, and working proxies are IPv4, it is advisable of course to take HTTP(S). A good site for this is - .

In order not to Shine once again with your mail (which I will call soap in the future), we go to the site We copy the email address, and thanks to it we go through further registration.

This is a temporary email address, and you won't be able to access it again. So my advice is to always write down your passwords and logins.

And so, on the sides we see IPv6 proxies that DO not suit us.

In the middle, we have what we need, we choose these characteristics. Your country number-optional, the more the better the period - (1 month). The type is HTTPs / SOCKS5.

For good anonymity, we will also need to use the Sphere / Brave browser. Let's take the example of Sphere, where we will enter our proxy that we previously bought.

After installing the sphere (you can download it here). Launching the file Sphere.exe.

We are greeted by such a window:


Password and authorization in Shpere.

In this window, you will need to enter the password that we will always have when starting the browser. The main thing is to try not to forget it. After all these actions, we finally go to the browser itself.


Home page.

And so, click on any of these Windows (new identity). It will be like a new session. And we see the lines that we will need to work with.


Entering data.

And so, in the "No proxy" section, we select "HTTP"! This is very important.

Next comes the IP! Where can I get it? We go to the personal account on the site where we bought.

We enter it in the appropriate line, and the port is substituted itself, because it already exists in advance. With the username and password, I think everything is already very clear, we also enter it, and then leave it. If you want, you can name the tab in your own way. Click "Save". What is so good about this browser? This browser changes almost everything related to your computer. Eg: - Operating system (if you had Windows, you can change it to MAC OS) - screen resolution. - Time zone. - Your location, IP, and provider ( this only changes due to proxies that we previously used). VPN - and with what it is eaten, which are good, which are not!

And so, now we will talk about where to get it, where to buy it, how to use it.

Many people say that Nord VPN is a good, anonymous VPN. But this is not the case.

From modern VPN services, I can only advise you, a convenient, fairly anonymous, and simple VPN - Windscribe VPN.

In the price range, an account of such a VPN for a year will cost up to 200 rubles.

• Why him? To begin with, there are Russian servers here. That is, in any case, you can connect to Russia. Further, the speed, VPN is stable, and there are never any problems with it.

Also, it has a mobile version, which will be unrealistically useful for the phone, during the same use of the WhatsApp.

And so, anonymity from the phone is quite real.

For the same Android, we need an app. We need, necessarily root Rights, how to install, can be found on the Internet.

Protect My Privacy (clickable, log in to 4PDA before switching.

Download, install, activate in xposed, restart the phone.

This is the program we need to provide "our" phone data to WhatsApp and Avito, if they still ask very much. We will replace them with fake ones. It is advisable to display everything as shown in the screenshot.


For your WhatsApp account.

And also for avito, everything is required, as in the screenshot. So, be sure to back it up with the same VPN, like Windscribe, or a less anonymous Nord VPN.


Avito settings

And so, everything is easier with IOS, you just need to turn on the VPN more often, and clean all the caches, and everything like that. Also, it is more desirable to sit with mobile Internet than with WIFI. And if this is not possible, you can use your neighbor's WIFI, and that will be enough. Or sit from places like cafes, where most often WIFI is free. Be sure to clean the cache from WhatsApp, from Avito (if you use the app), or if through the browser, we also clean the history, cookies, and cache.

  1. It is advisable, with each profit, to clean all traces behind you. By the type of the same cache, the same cookies, and everything in this regard.
  2. Never use your personal phone numbers or email addresses to register your avito or Yula accounts. The chance that you will get a knock on the door, with a successful scam - 80%.
  3. Use left-hand devices, phones.
    Laptop, personally, I will say that I used an old laptop. Why, this is convenient, the laptop was bought from the left hand. So in any case, everything was safe. At any time, you can take down Windows and hide your tracks.
    Phone numbers. You can also use left-hand phones to communicate in instant messengers. And still good, suitable for ringing the mammoth - the left SIM card. Which can be found at the same market or train station. With every profit, it is advisable to change it.

Let's start with how to properly post an ad so that it doesn't get banned. If you've noticed, Avito is now banning you for not having a phone number available in the ad on your account. Why not take self-reports?
Selfreg - an account that was registered to a virtual number (automatically).

This account is not suitable for us, because it always has a virtual number linked to it, which will no longer be available for calls 20-30 minutes after registration.

What accounts should I use? From myself, I advise you to always use accounts with brutus. Such accounts cost an average of $ 0.1. What are the advantages of these types of accounts? The most important thing is that the current owner's phone number is linked to it. Which in 80% of cases, should work. To find the right account, go to settings and see the phone number. Which you can call to check its functionality. Personally, I always do. If the horn is ringing, it's a good sign. Further, it will be good if the account has a history. By type - ads, reviews, and so on.

What kind of product is coming? Which ones I personally won't recommend.

Imagine that you are an ordinary person, and you want to buy something that is lower in price. You go to avito and start scouring-there. What I will introduce, to the fact that you need to take household goods that are in demand among people.

Also, products should be suitable for the season, for example, it's summer, it's hot.

Perhaps people will need inflatable pools, circles. Also, you can take summer tires, I don't know much about them, but they say it's easy to push the goods.

Also, the main rule is that you need to know your product well.

You can take into account the fact that the lower the price, the more likely you are to make a profit. Why not? This is more likely psychology, because your mammoth will not worry so much for 3-5 thousand rubles, rather than for 15-20 thousand.

The worst products that have a 10-15% chance of getting knocked up. Probably everyone has long known that consoles, iPhones, phones, and other things are bad goods. Why is this so? The most important thing is that 80% of overbidding's are diverted to this product, and overbidding is the enemy of any Scam.

Outbid - simply put, a huckster who knows about all these our chips, and is ready to buy for your own price, in order to resell later at a higher price. Personally, I hate them.

How to distinguish ordinary potential buyers from outbidders is quite simple.

I personally distinguished myself by what they had in their profile ads. Go to the profile, if you see, for example, a bunch of sold phones, set-top boxes, laptops, monitors, or even, for example, any components for a PC-then this is 99% outbid. You should send them back as soon as possible, for example, if a buyer has already been found, or you will respond later.

One of the most important things in your ad is the photo. Where to get good, clean photos? Personally, I can recommend foreign bulletin boards. / . You can also search at various flea markets in the same VK.

For starters, you don't need to download photos! We will use scissors.

We enter "Scissors" in the search, or if not, there are a lot of programs like this one that can be entered in Google and nite. We will need to highlight photos, not necessarily exactly, but most importantly, to be high-quality. Then we save it and do the same with the rest of the photos.

And so, go to the ad layout. Be sure to come up with a unique name so that it contains keywords related to the product. After the name, we come up with a unique description. So that there are fewer questions for you, we describe everything in detail, so that your mammoths do not doubt anything, and immediately proceed to discuss the purchase.

Now we will talk about what products it is desirable to push to naive mammoths. As we know, there are types of products that have become extinct, such as iPhones. Not really a worn-out product, even though I made a fortune on it half a year ago.

Let's discuss what you don't want to use as a product.

First, as we know, avito has the same "sellers" as us. That is, in any case, there is competition. To avoid it, you need to have a separate product. Most scammers use iPhones, set-top boxes, monitors, and watches (like Apple Watch).

Yes, it may be profitable, BUT there is one THING. Such products are responded to by outbidders who are ready to buy it in order to sell it later for 5 rubles more. To put it simply, outbidding is a huckster.

To begin with, let's determine what is now usable. Since this is a manual, it was released in the summer. I can advise you on how to sell seasonal items.

For example? Well, many people have a dacha, people want to relax. Therefore, you can sell inflatable pools, or frame pools. Prices for this product are approximately 4-15 thousand rubles. Depending of course on the size, and everything like that.

The next product is tents (tourist). What are they good for? Summer is a time for Hiking, and this will be an ideal option. First, the product is not small, and it will be easier to move it by delivery, rather than from hand to hand. Mammoth can take this into account. Secondly-the price tag, the product is not cheap, on average a good tent of 7-10 thousand (the optimal price).

Of course, there are expensive tents, there are cheap ones. Therefore, it is up to you to choose on which tent you will cook loot. The main rule: The better you know the product, the more likely you are to make a profit.

Also, a possible product is greenhouses. For the dacha, that's the best thing. But! I will say right away that the product is not easy, and you need to know everything thoroughly, and have a good, I would even say excellent SI.

For such a product, in a larger case, I will be conducted by people who do not sit so much on avito, but only when they need to. Or simply put-inexperienced.

A good seasonal product will be a barbecue. All people like to fry sausages, or kebabs. So, on average, you don't really need to know anything about the product here. If they ask, this is the maximum size. The prices are quite good, from 4 thousand to 15 thousand rubles. We will not charge barbecues for $ 1000.

Also, the main thing. Never take photos from avito, for your products, because the chance of a ban is 85%. Always take photos from other boards and ads. There are a lot of such products. But I have shown you quite good examples, which I think should be used as a product. There are still many variations, the main thing is to think about it.

And so, what is a refund, with what it is eaten.

Let's say that you took and scammed a mammoth for a certain amount of money, thereby saying that there will be no delivery, and it asks for a refund.

We are in the bot, in the meantime, we will create a link to the refund, then throw it off to the mammoth, the mammoth is already happy that the money will be returned to it, enters the card details. He receives a text message, and then enters the text message as well. BUT! BAM, they charge him the same amount of money.

But, also, the mammoth can suspect this write-off of funds, and how to "persuade" it, "force" it to issue? We'll talk about this now.

1. These are the same screenshots related to returns (deliveries, etc.)

2. Some vehicles have special operators for making refunds that you can really trust. Since they act on behalf of technical support. The main thing is not to believe randomness in the chat. (ask the TCA or support team itself).

I think you learned a lot of new and useful things from the manual. We do not forget about security, we use everything so as not to get dirty. Do not accept payments with personal cards, do not register accounts with personal numbers. Use services for activations. Thank you all for reading the manual.

All profits, friends!