How it works: Bank carder-fraudster


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Carder, a fraudster who steals money from bank cards, anonymously told about how he stole the first 300 thousand, how cardholders themselves help his business and how to protect the card from theft.

Who is skimming​

There are about 10-15 serious groups operating in Moscow, I don't know anyone, but I don't think they are frostbitten bandits or gopniks. Although, perhaps I'm just judging on my own. In any case, we have an intellectual business, so people with engineering education or programmers - in general, technical intelligentsia, are more likely to be engaged in carding. However, sometimes the police detain migrant installers - I think that in such cases a bandit trail can still be traced: no one in their right mind will entrust the equipment to some Moldovans. Personally, I saw how Tajiks tried to remove the skimmer from the ATM for 20 minutes at a gas station, and then use it to cash out the cards. Those guys were lucky, they got into their worn-out white "five" and drove off. But I think that with their caution they will sooner or later get into the criminal chronicle.

How to help a fraudster​

All we need to do is find out the PIN-code of the card and make a duplicate of it. In order to find out the PIN-code, you need to install a hidden camera. It is not easy to notice it: it is mounted in a panel disguised as one of the ATM parts.
Cloning a map is a little more complicated. To do this, we need to install a skimmer on the ATM in the card reader, it reads dumps - information from the magnetic stripe of the card. Information from the skimmer goes directly to the phone via bluetooth. That is, someone is holding a map, and you are standing about ten meters away and you receive all the information about it directly to your mobile phone.


Then specialists make a map using this data. Some ATMs have jitters - devices that make the card vibrate when inserted into the card reader. When the card is shaking, the skimmer cannot read the data from its magnetic stripe normally. Accordingly, the duplicate will be of poor quality, and it will not be possible to cash out the money. But even a perfect copy of the card is useless without a PIN. So the cardholders themselves help us a lot by not covering the keyboard with their palm when entering the PIN-code.

On the technique of theft​

Installation of the skimmer and camera takes from ten seconds to several minutes. In general, the work of the installers does not cause suspicion: many at the ATM are stupid for 20 minutes, and nothing. From a technical point of view, putting the skimmer and camera on is not the most difficult thing.
Sometimes the ATM is equipped with so-called wings that hide the keyboard. If the ATM has such wings, then wherever our hidden camera is located, it will not be able to spy on the PIN. In this case, the day before installing the equipment, we tear off the wings, grind them, and then attach them back. Only now they are of no use - just two useless skis. For this job, we usually hire a person from the street who is in dire need of money. We tell him that we are from the security service of the bank and thus check the reliability of the ATM.
My team and I glued the first skimmer on the third try. It looked awful, but it was holding up. During the day, eight people passed through our ATM. We were so worried that after each client we went to check the equipment. As a result, we helped out 300 thousand rubles.
There are unplanned situations: for example, once a panel with a camera fell off. She was lying in front of the ATM, but for some reason this did not bother his clients: they calmly took money off.
Or somehow the installer installed the skimmer badly, and when the first customer, a middle-aged lady, used the ATM, her card was simply stuck. The installer was not taken aback and volunteered to help the woman. She later even thanked him, which did not stop him after trying to cash out her money.

About chopovtsy​

Once we were almost caught by the chop officers. This was the case with the ATM, which had wings. We cut them off and went to polish at a car service. After 30 minutes, we come to put it back, just glued it with adhesive tape, as guys in helmets and with truncheons come up to the ATM. It turned out that the anti-vandal system worked at the ATM, we just missed each other for a minute. The guards did not find anything: they saw an ATM without damage and drove away.
By the way, even if such guards catch you, you can often pay off. The price of the issue is from ten thousand to one million rubles. But we were still inexperienced.
You never know whether an ATM is being watched or not, what kind of security system is there. There are several ways to find out. The simplest of them is to attach an announcement to the ATM that it does not work, or hang a wristwatch on the card reader.
If nothing happens for five to six hours, then you can come and install our equipment. Another thing is that no one will risk for the sake of two or three clients. Therefore, while we are watching the ATM, we evaluate not only the security system, but also its popularity: how many people pass through it and when peak load hours come. Our attention can definitely be attracted by ATMs, next to which there is a queue.

About the gang​

Our team consists of several people: two equipment installers, a driver, several cashiers - those who cash out. Some of these guys are my close friends, some I found on the forum. I found a solder on the carder forums - he makes skimmers, and a decryptor who decodes audio pumps. I coordinate the actions of the whole team: I pick up the equipment, transfer the audio tubes to the decryptor, all the cash flows are also on me.
Yes, on the Internet you can order a prostitute, find a casino, and discuss all the intricacies of stealing money from bank cards. There are forums that are completely open, there are those with a complex registration system and entrance fees. The police, apparently, are not interested in either one or the other.


Everything is built on trust: everyone gets 15-20% from the card, no one deceives anyone. If you work with strangers, on the same closed forums there is a service called "Guarantor" - the administrator of the Carder forum is responsible for it.
The scheme is something like this: to order a skimmer, I transfer money to the "Guarantor", after which the forum administrator informs the second party to the transaction, who will produce these skimmers for me, that the money is in the account and the equipment can be sent. As soon as I check it, I understand that everything works, the solder gets money from this guarantee account.
The situation is the same with cashiers: before you send them a lot of cards, you demand that they put, for example, ten thousand dollars into the "Guarantor". If everything is in order, cashiers get their money back and a percentage of the cashed cards. Although, of course, the work of the clerk cannot be controlled in any way, he can leave himself more than he should, and tell you that there was not much money on the cards. But in fact, people sitting on carder forums value their reputation, they are quite satisfied with 20% of the card.

About banks and bankers​

Banks, as a rule, do not return stolen money to the client: this is the essence of the agreement that the cardholder enters into with the credit institution. The agreement says that if a card transaction was performed using a PIN code, then the transaction is deemed to have been completed by the cardholder. As far as I know, going to court will not help. You need to prove that the money was withdrawn from the card by a fraudster, and not by your relative or friend. It is difficult to do this even if you were in Russia, and the money was cashed in Thailand.
By the way, some bankers themselves do not mind taking part in our schemes, I was somehow introduced to a person who agreed to put skimming equipment on their ATMs - there were about a hundred of them. But our cooperation did not last long: the owner of the bank had problems and went abroad.

About morality​

Our moral is very short and simple: in principle, we do not rob old people. The visitor is not visible on our cameras, so the installers who monitor the ATM record the time of arrival of the elderly so that their cards are not accidentally processed later.