How is energy spent and how to accumulate it


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The main causes of energy loss at the level of the physical body are:
- Energy-wasting postures: stoop, hunched over or excessive looseness in the position of the body.
- Diseases, especially chronic and accompanied by pain or any other negative effects.
- Unconscious muscle clamps.
- Sharp and chaotic movements, unconsciously copying the nearby energetic vampire: most of the disco dances, unconscious imitation of the gait and body posture of another person.

The main causes of energy loss at the level of the etheric body are:
- Incorrect breathing: not rhythmic breathing, inhalation is longer than exhalation (normally it should be the other way around), mouth breathing, etc.
- Lack of contact with nature and fresh air.
- Identification with a state of low energy tone and the impression that weakness will last forever.

The main reasons for the loss of energy at the level of the astral body:
- Negative emotions: aggression, anger, envy, lust, depression, pessimism, despondency, etc.
- Contradictory desires tearing a person apart.
- Internal conflicts involving emotions, addiction, attachment, etc.
- The presence of unresolved problems in the past.
- Emotional clamps and trauma.
- Negative emotions of other people directed at the person.
- Unhealthy sleep or sleep disorders: insomnia, nightmares, excessive or insufficient sleep, sleeping at the wrong time, for example, during the day, getting up late and going to bed late.

The main causes of energy loss at the level of the mental body are:
- A restless mind, an number of thoughts and an inability to recognize oneself as not identified with them.
- Negative thoughts leading to negative emotions.
- Excessive immersion in your own dreams and dreams.
- Thinking about things that do not matter to you, for example, about solving problems of the distant future or empty thoughts about the past.

Accumulation of energy at the level of the physical body:
- Healthy lifestyle: daily routine, diet, exercise and sleep. Healthy food and avoiding intoxicants.
- Cure diseases or at least some progress along this path.
- The use of various cleansing: therapeutic fasting, herbal decoctions, yogic cleansing methods (shankhaprakshalana, gaja kriya, etc.), cleansing the liver, kidneys, blood, lymph, etc.
- Practice relaxation meditation to release muscle clamps (see books by Jose Silva or Nidra Yoga).
- Practice of oriental disciplines: hatha yoga, tai chi chuan, tai chi, qigong, etc.

Accumulation of energy at the level of the etheric body:
- Awareness of the breath and gentle attempts to direct it in the right direction: breathing through the nose, not through the mouth, exhalation is longer than inhalation, etc.
- Living in harmony with nature and frequent outdoor activities.
- The ability to remain calm during a decrease in tone and not be identified with it.
- The practice of various energy disciplines, involving concentration on the chakras and other points of the body to master subtle energy.

Accumulation of energy at the level of the astral body:
- The ability to maintain an elevated mood almost constantly, regardless of the circumstances and events in life.
- Overcoming the tendency to negative emotions. For this, you can use various psychological and spiritual practices.
- Working out emotional clamps and trauma.
- Emotional openness and positive interaction with people.
- Termination of communication with negative people and energy vampires.
- Development of divine love for all that exists in oneself.

Accumulation of energy at the level of the mental body:
- Practice meditation, trataka, awareness of your thoughts throughout the day.
- Stop unnecessary and negative thoughts.
- Observation of thoughts and, as a result, the ability to disidentify oneself with thoughts (to understand that I am not thoughts).
- Understanding that every thought carries karmic consequences.


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There are 5 key postulates in Psychomagic about managing dark energy that can unleash your inner strength to realize your desires.

1. If bad thoughts appear in your mind and you feel irritated or angry with someone - in no case fight with these emotions, just realize that this is a consequence of your suppression of dark energy and you need to look for a way out for its ecological implementation ...

2. In order to turn the tsunami of dark energy into a wonderful spring pleasing to the eye and nourishing the body, it is necessary to realize that you and the outside world are one and the same, and everyone in the world reflects you as well. And everything that causes you negativity and irritation controls you precisely because you have not yet accepted the qualities that hurt you. ⠀

3. Good health, strong immunity, the ability to enjoy your body, order with money, the annual fulfillment of your dreams, adequacy in behavior, a high level of understanding with people, the ability to position yourself and claim a decent life - All this is a small part of what gives a spring of dark energy, bridled by your consciousness. ⠀

4. Limiting fears, low income, resentment, irritability, desire to hide one's true face, irresponsibility, forced communication with low-frequency people, being in destructive relationships, rejection of one's body, chronic diseases are a consequence of unbridled dark energy. ⠀

5. We are integral spiritual beings, which also possess an animal nature, which, with a sufficient amount of love and wisdom, turns into a temple of power, giving pleasure and long years of happy life. ⠀