How infoscam works and how to make money from it


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Infosсam is the art of selling "air" under the wrapper of very valuable and necessary information for a specific group of people. In my case, the most popular approach is to create an image of an expert and sell infocourses that don't exist.

"Just like that? Yes I know everything"

Yes, it's that simple. And this art brings from $ 1000 to $ 15000 for a cycle of up to 30 days. And the most important buzz is that most of the projects were launched absolutely without investment.

Do you earn that much? If you don't, then try to find out how a faithful father reads the Bible or how an 8-year-old child immerses himself in his favorite fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.

Chapter 1. The Foundation
Infoskam is the art of selling "air" under the wrapper of very valuable and necessary information for a specific group of people.

For example, there is a separate branch of infoscams - this is infobusiness combined with social engineering. The point of our activity is that we create an image of an expert in some business niche, for example, pack our brand through valuable content on one site, catch up with hamster traffic, and launch (mass sell) training. It's important to make it clear that you don't need to be an expert. Generally. You play the role of a person who just builds a beautiful fairy tale in the head of those who are looking for a magic pill for lack of money (or other problems). That is, we are building an infobusiness, but we don't need to have a product, expertise, or lead people to the result. We need to create a very strong legend, sell a product EN masse (it doesn't have to be there), and then…

Ну а дальше, я расскажу. И самое важное, что тебе нужно понять прямо на этой странице: «Инфоскам - это не схема и не методика. Это искусство, овладев которым, из твоего кармана всегда будет выпирать приличная купюра котлет, желающая, чтобы ты их потратил на свои цели. Тебе нужно лишь перестать мыслить схемами и понять весь глубинный смысл»

Chapter 2. Lying is an art form
I warned you that the topic is tied to lies. We can call it social engineering, but still, the fact remains. The more skilfully you guide a person through your legend, the more money you will get in the end.

Your task is to learn how to build the brand of an expert and his legend from scratch in such a way that people don't even have the feeling for a second that he is somewhere on ***. Here's what a "client" wrote to me before transferring $ 300 for participating in a unique scheme for earning money at sports events.

Do you understand?" Everything should be so beautiful and well thought out that everyone wants to transfer their money to you for a unique training/scheme/course/training/cooperation.

I don't want to give a theory, but I understand that this point is more important than all the others.

We have to think through everything, down to the smallest detail:
● Name of the expert, age, city of residence, Hobbies. For example, having a family and child in your legend can significantly increase trust from the audience, as this is a sign of reliability (I checked).

● The idea of your content and training. The idea that you will sell to people. You need to know everything or almost everything about it. You need to know all the nuances to be able to convey them to anyone.

● Personal evidence. It's a damn important thing. People love beautiful pictures. They don't have to have an expert's face on them. But, for example, make screenshots of your income (in the topic that you sell) or take a picture of a cutlet of bills against the background of your laptop, where the pseudo-expert channel is open. Or in a cool car, with a phone in your hand, where the channel or group of our expert is open again. Familiar infogypsy attributes? But they work even today!

● Social confirmation. Reviews are a driver that increases trust in the author and their topic. You can't move without reviews. But you can fake reviews from the left-hand accounts. But it should be done so beautifully that not a single detail in the text reveals that you write reviews yourself.

In General, there are a lot of details and I will tell you about them. But let's start by analyzing a few cases that I can show or at least write about. After reading them, you will understand the whole picture of this activity.

And let's make a deal! If you suddenly recognize yourself as my client from one of these cases, no offense. I recommend that you take all my experience and direct it in the right direction, because even the most hardened info-hamsters fell into my clutches, and there is nothing shameful about it.

Case 1. A unique Instagram promotion program
I decided to start with the mildest info Scam in my entire practice.

Although, in fact, this project does not quite fit into the entire structure of my scheme. BUT! Understanding my approach to this topic is more important than anything else, because then you will still have to think with your own head and come up with your own movements.

Now we enter the word Instatshop in Google and get the result.

Download the free "manual" and be sure to review my style of communication with people from the forum thread. Be more careful. Put yourself in my shoes and look at all this packaging from the side of the info-Scam author, not his client

The point of the topic was that I got access to an online service where you can order the promotion of likes/subscribers/comments on Instagram. The software itself was unpopular and difficult to find in the public domain. But it's possible. And the main thing is that the prices there were several times lower than what the market offers.

It would be possible to sell a cheat. But even at that time, I had no idea how to do this on a large scale. He came up from the other side.

I created a whole legend that everyone can earn up to $ 3000 a month on promotion services. I created an idea from a person that I, as an expert, can teach this. And with all this, I give training for free, because I am not an infobusinessman

(Good trigger: the Enemy of my enemy is my friend).

Therefore, I presented some banal tricks for finding customers in my manual. I poured a lot of water in order to become even more expert through it. And the only thing I allowed myself to sell was access to the program.

I'll repeat it again! I really wasn't an expert on this topic. I didn't even have an Instagram of my own back then. And I didn't cheat, and I didn't earn money from it. But having collected the information I needed in the public domain, I made the hamster audience believe that I have all this and am ready to share it.


I periodically logged into each account with reviews in order to respond on behalf of the client to those who still have doubts. Shit? May be. But beautiful and effective!

Through the free manual, I sold wholesale orders for cheating and software. At that time, few people bought wholesale, but everyone came for the program.

Then I sold it for $ 100-200 (I don't remember exactly). At the same time, access to the online service itself could be found for free, through Google, if you put a little effort into it.

In total, I earned about $ 3000 from this first infoscam in about 2.5 weeks.

I put this case first because it is more interesting than the others for several reasons:

1. This soft experience shows that infoscams are not only black stuff and complex approaches. Many bugs and holes can be found in this legend. But it was a very good ride. Therefore, the strength is sometimes in simplicity.

2. Earnings were not based on the sale of info-courses, but were directly tied to all the ideas of the infobusiness. So the market is much bigger than you can imagine. You just need to find your own approach and trick.

3. And most importantly, I didn't invest a single penny here. All advertising was built on a free manual, which was shared by a kind person (I) on the forums about earning money. No paid advertising. That is, about $ 2000 net. There are a lot of such approaches to start making money, so STOP fucking SITTING STILL!

Case 2. traffic Arbitrage via Telegram
Many people saw this and the next case in the Telegram. This was my launch, of both topics. For certain reasons, there will be no screenshots or real names, but only a description of the specific methodology that I used.

I remind you that there is a possibility that you were a witness or even a "victim” of my infoscams, so you can find out something.

In this case, I even used individual characters who helped me with the management and promotion of the channel, although they did not know that all this was an info Scam. Therefore, even guys with a good nose do not realize that all this is a complete illusion.

Once, after talking with a very interesting person, I came to the conclusion that people love all sorts of new, unique earning schemes. People love something different from everyone else. Therefore, it greatly influenced the choice of topics for my infoscams.

What did this launch consist of?
1. The Idea. It consisted in combining two directions in a “unique " scheme - traffic arbitration and advertising from Telegram. That is, there is no such thing on the market yet and it was my trump card. By the way, the uniqueness trigger is another monetary dynamite to add to your collection.

2. I found the manual for purchasing ads in Telegram and changed it for arbitration. In other words, he taught people how to buy ads on other channels, pour traffic to affiliate programs and earn a good cache on this.

3. I opened a Telegram channel with an interesting, telling name. I ordered design, design, and advertising creatives. I turned to people who are engaged in purchasing advertising for projects in TG and agreed to work for a percentage of sales (they thought that I was a real character and my training really works).

4. On the channel, I told my personal story of turning from "Cinderella into a Princess". The story from dirt to riches works very well, evokes maximum sympathy and trust

5. Further, I shared useful material on this topic, which was born on its own. In fact, I just pulled out some chips from different drain products, adjusted them to my tool and threw them on the channel. People were very good at warming themselves with things that weren't really valuable.

6. Next, I posted feedback in the form of student results. Reviews were written from accounts that I created myself. The designer changed the payment screenshots to the numbers I needed. As a result, quite lively reviews were obtained, the authors of which (that is, I myself) answered everyone who wrote to them.

7. and finally, when people themselves were already demanding to let them go to training, I wrote several selling posts with discounts and deadlines. Everything you need for a person to send me their money right now.

8. $$$ PROFIT $$$

I will analyze this structure further. But now you need to learn how to pull out certain meanings on your own. Any infoscam consists of a unique idea and high-quality study.

As a result, + $3000 were withdrawn from this infoscam in 2 weeks of implementation (preparation and launch). About 15,000 rubles were invested in purchasing ads on other channels.

Case 3. Earning money by providing esoteric services
For some time, a merged scheme for earning money by providing esoteric services (divination, tarot, cleaning, etc.) through the Facebooki social network was spinning on various forums.

According to the reviews of people I found , the theme really worked and made money.

But schemes tend to die and one day, the technology of mining traffic in this topic stopped working. People started complaining that the scheme was dead, the software wasn't working, traffic wasn't coming, and accounts were being banned. And I knew even then that it was wrong to think in schemas.

Therefore, I connected this topic to my new infoscam in Telegram. I didn't redo the product, I left everything in its original form (as it was merged on the forum).

The launch structure was the same as in the second case, so read it again.

But it was different in several ways:

1. I haven't changed a product, done something unique, or spent weeks trying to come up with an idea for an info Scam. I just analyzed the forum threads and remembered that there is already quite a popular thing. And even if it didn't work anymore, it doesn't matter.

2. I described the entire scheme in such a way that it seemed to people as safe and simple as possible. No one wants to go to jail, so if you have an idea with a black tint, then you still need to position it as safe for a person. And no complicated technical terms, it will scare away the main part of hamsters.

3. On the channel, I told you that I met a person who earns money on the same services, only in the West (on Facebook and in foreign currency). People came to my training with the idea that I was building a team with which we would then go together to the Western market. The desire to work for a long time inspired confidence and created a sense of security for the client.

I earned about $ 10000 on the launch of this theme, and about $ 200 were invested. The work period is 3 weeks.

What conclusions can be drawn from cases 2 and 3?
1. The Formula remains unchanged. Idea => Personal legend (history) = > > a Series of posts with value = > > > student Reviews = > > > > Official launch with discounts and deadlines = > > > > Profit

2. You NEED to dig Inside the formula. You can completely lick my idea from one of the cases. The result will be. Next time, it will get worse. What will happen when my cases run out? Learn to look for your own ideas and leverage.

3. Every word, every detail, every picture is an art of influence. Either you will get a collective farm, or you will earn very good money. It's simple. Learn to create the illusion of security and people will carry their money to you.

4. You don't need to Be an expert on the topic. You just need to understand the rules of the game. I'll even say more. You can connect several schemes together or come up with something new and unique. Don't create it, but position it this way.

5. You don't need to open your Face. The main part of my info-scams is complete confidentiality. I didn't post other people's photos or avatars. And people were still coming.

6. But! If you have the skills to work with other people's photos, then you can create your own actor, on whose behalf positioning will be built. However, here you need to approach as carefully as possible, so as not to fall into flames anywhere.

7. the Ideal platform for me is Telegram, you can also use it in conjunction with forums. I didn't go into social networks, although I understand that it will be much easier to find hamsters in the same FB or VK. But until I went there, the market is free.

Chapter 3. Black history
Someone might think that we are engaged in black activities, but I do not consider it such. The point is that we can download an existing scheme or business idea on the forum, remake it under our own brand, and create our own pseudo-success story.

This is a hoax, but far from being a hard-core mob like carding, drugs, or blackmail. But there is a story that I would still consider black, despite the fact that it was launched in approximately the same structure as others.

So, it all started with the fact that I came up with a concept for which you can raise money without selling training.

The point was that I watched short videos about earning money on Live forks, did a little digging on this topic and realized that you can earn money based on this. But I didn't want to monetize it as training, because even then there was high competition for courses on this topic. So I came up with a different concept.

I created a channel for a person who deals with this topic with the team. I wrote a very detailed story about myself, shared the reviews of the guys from the team (fake, of course?) and by the way, there were even video reviews (I had to spend money on freelancing).

Then, as usual, I shared my value on the topic of forks. The most attractive idea was that I prepared people for free training, where we with curators bring a person to a financial result and take him to our team, under our wing.

No risks, still free. Here it is - the power of a legend! And the catch was that I started collecting investments from those who don't want to engage in forks (this is really a chore, many will understand), but who had a desire to receive passive income.

Plus, for those students who study and invest, there were special privileges in the form of the fact that we will then start investing in them ourselves, providing a Bank for work.

Plus, at the end of the whole story, I also sold additional auxiliary tools for Live forks to each student, but from a different person.

As a result, the scheme brought in about $ 10000, out of $ 10k. nested ones. It took me less than a month to fully launch this theme.

I will probably highlight two main conclusions, but I really hope that you will have enough convolutions to get even more insights out of here:

1. You can Monetize not only infobusiness, but also other areas. The main thing is to think carefully and think not only in the category of “sales training”. You can sell closed clubs, contacts, or attract investments, as in my case.

2. Here is a clean infoskam and black schema. As a result, a lot of people were thrown, but thanks to well-thought-out security and fake people, I get to sleep in peace. But if you're getting into the middle of something, then decide right away how far you're willing to go.

Anyway, I shared this story with you so that you can begin to understand the limitlessness of this model. Infoscams are such a deep earning model that even I can't imagine how many other directions you can launch.


Step 1: Choosing a theme
There are several ways to choose a topic for your future info Scam

1. Analyze your experience. It is quite possible that you used to work on some topic, but today it no longer works. You can take it into service and make it a unique product for earning money.

2. Analyze the forums. Go to the forums with merged courses (Slivup, Infosklad, etc.). We find merged courses, trainings, and schemes and redo them for ourselves. There are so many working and non-working ideas that you can run ten info-scams at once in parallel, if you have experience.

3. come Up with your own solution. You can combine several work topics into one, and it will look unique. People love uniqueness and something new and fresh. So give it to them!

Here are some more "chips” by selecting a theme:

- Don't choose complex foods. You don't need to teach topics that most hamsters don't understand. Only those who already have the skill to do this will go into complex topics and it is quite possible that they will crush you with their experience. Need a topic for the average statistical hamster

- Don't choose offline topics if you want to launch an infoscam for earning money. I had experience running two offline info scams. In one there was training on a product line, in the other on earning money on iPhones. Both topics gave no more than x2 profit, which is very small in comparison with other cases. People want to earn money online, sitting at the computer in their underwear and counting their millions.

- Don't choose collective farm, one-time topics. I mean such topics as earning money on a specific offer in an affiliate program or earning money on a bug in a site, etc. you Need something more solid. Something that can be used to create a full-fledged channel in Telegram, Facebook or public Vkontakte. Always expect to work as long as possible.

Step 2. Site selection

I like this platform from the point of view of security, convenience and format of content submission. I recommend to climb here, there is enough space for everyone.

The only big disadvantage of the cart Is that there are a lot of bots and the same kids. And when you want to promote your channel through purchasing, a lot of nuances can come out . Therefore, it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to the issue of purchasing advertising.

But I solve this issue by working with ad buyers or agencies (for a percentage of sales that they don't get in the end).

However, other sites need to be tested. I've already warmed up here, but if you have a desire and vision, how to do it in the social network or somewhere else, go for it!

Step 3. Packaging
The package includes everything. Target audience, design, and text. From idea to concept.

Packaging is such a deep process that you really need to dive into every detail of your deception in order not to get caught on something “insignificant”.

All the packaging INSIDE and OUT is very important.

1. What topic do you plan to sell on the site?

2. What end result do you guarantee your students?

3. What is the name of the public/channel? How does it differ from the rest? How is it issued?

4. Who is the author? What's your name, how old are you, do you have a family, and where does she live? How long has he been in the topic he teaches? What are the results?

5. What content plan will the channel have? What value can I give? How to warm up your subscribers?

6. Have you already written reviews? Do you have access to these accounts to respond to them? Aren't the reviews using the same style? Maybe you should order video reviews for more confidence in this topic?

7. How much will the product cost? Will your audience be attracted to it? Will there be any discounts? Restrictions on places? Other options for monetization and profit maximization?
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Earnings from selling infomaterials​

Method 1. (Creating your own car sales bot)
First of all, you can create an auto sales bot in Telegram or find already merged bots on the forums. I didn't succeed, but the bots have instructions and already use it to install the bot on the hosting.. I couldn't install it most likely because of the ssl certificate, which must be on the domain.

Here are instructions for installing a ready-made bot on hosting. Look for the bot itself on the Internet. Merged already quite a few like.

You must have Mysql-enabled hosting and a domain name.
I recommend timeweb on my own, but IT's NOT ADVERTISING, it's just that there is both Mysql and a free ssl certificate.
Free domain registration is free here

We upload files from the archive to the hosting service. Create a database and upload the mysql.sql file. Then add it to the file PDO.php (classes folder) DB name and password.
To get into the admin panel: http://ваш домен.ru/admin

Default password: 12345 (change in the file: style/head.php line 15)
You will need to perform a number of operations with the domain. https is required

Go to , we register, score our level 2 domain (everything is automatic there), after adding it, the service will issue dns addresses for changing on the hosting. On the host where the domain is, we change the DNS to the ones that cloud gave us and wait until 24 hours. Until the domain status is "Active" and in the" Crypto "section, the SSL status was "Active Certificate". All this can be done on a free plan. So you don't have to pay for SSL.

When the site starts working and the certificates are enabled, you will need to activate webhock.
Example of a link:
If you have done everything according to the instructions, the bot should work, check it out.

Method 2 (Using someone else's autosales bot. Rent or work for a percentage of sales)

When I realized that I couldn't set up the bot myself, I found one commentator under the bot drain who already had everything ready.
And you can also get the course for free by leaving comments in the public pages of infobusinessmen.
Since a person sees a comment that you can get a course for free, they also run to spam the comments and attract 10 more of the same ones, and so on. It turns out a kind of self-promotion. Our task is to be on top of this chain reaction, when each referral carries the link further and you get passive income from it.

I'll leave a link to this bot -, but infoproducts are not so relevant.. Consumables, scripts, services, various acanutes, and so on will be more relevant..

Let's look at ways to distribute your affiliate link:
1. No attachments (We do everything with our own pens)

You post a referral link based on the comments of groups of infobusinessmen that are in the bot with the message tip:
"Why buy Radislav Gandapas' courses if they are distributed for free in Telegram (referral link)"
"Rinat Korolev's courses are available on telegram (referral link) and are distributed for free "

I received 90 responses from a single comment once. I wrote it right after the post was published and + - 5000 people managed to see it before the admin blocked the comment. And we bought courses for $ 150 and this is with one comment. I think you understand that even without investments, you can make very good money.

2. With Attachments up to $ 3 (We use the cheapest Poster Pro)

I chose again spam for comments in the VK or FB, I think you already understood why, if you read method 1.

2.1 First, we need vk or fb accounts. They cost an average of 10 rubles. We buy 10 pieces to start with. Buy restored (retrieves) or autoregs.

2.2 Secondly, we need proxies. You can buy them for $ 0.3 apiece. We set up no more than 4 accounts per proxy. IPV4 is required, as vk only supports these protocols.
Buy 3 proxies to get started. In the future, you will buy mobile proxies that can be used for 1000 accounts.

2.32 Parse the audience. You can parse it in the program itself, but I advise you (It's free). A hot audience gathers there if you parse active users for the last day or week.

2.4 Randomize the text (Here you need to try your best. The better the randomization, the lower the chance that your account will be banned immediately) And even better, make an entry on your page about the sale of these courses in Telegram. Links will be banned more often. Just write that "Information on my page".

I won't say anything about the user agent, since Poster Pro has excellent ones. If accounts are banned, it's definitely not because of the user agent.

2.5 Launch the newsletter. Send no more than 10 messages or comments from 1 account per day. More is possible, but risky.

3. With attachments up to 3000 rubles (VkAccountsManager + VkTalker)
This is already a bit more complicated, but the result will be 100%

Here you need a bundle of VkAccountsManager + VkTalker. Together, they cost $ 20 per month. + 70 Accounts ($ 10) + 17 proxies ($ 10).
Check out this merged course (Everything is described in detail there, there is no point in repeating it here)

Password: (NOT ADVERTISING, just taking courses from there)

You can even earn money on spam services - % 15 for 500 messages every day. But it is better to choose a course and promote it. There, for the same 500 messages, you can earn $ 100. The profit is obvious. If you really want to invest time and money in this method, then show your interest and agree with the bot support for higher interest rates, and ask them to add their own courses.

4. With attachments of up to $ 30 (targeted advertising)
Perhaps the fastest way to earn money. You set up ads for active users of infobusiness, make a creative saying that they sell the course for 1% of the cost, and make tests.
The results are certainly not the best, but I earned $ 300 per day. (although only 6 courses were purchased) If you are a master in target, then paying for impressions will be more profitable in any case. I'm not a master user, so I pay for click-throughs.
You can not worry and order the service of setting up the target for a penny in my bot

5. Barter with admins
You can write to group admins in VK, FB and Telegram with an offer to work for a percentage of sales. Then you throw a ref link, and they start up traffic. Thanks to this, you will have second-level referrals that will generate passive income. Or throw them this scheme as a fit, just replace the ref links with your own. By the way, there are no restrictions on sending messages to vk and fb groups. You can generally send 1000 messages from 1 account almost without randomization. So use it for your health.

There are hundreds of ways to send traffic. Think with your head and get rich. The main thing is an interested client or referral.
You can make yourself passive income or earn money quickly. And decide for yourself - get money immediately on course sales, or fill yourself with referrals and get passive income later.