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I wouldn't be writing this article if I didn't see what's happening on the Telegram market right now. In particular, in the field of business/online earnings. I very often communicate with the admins of these areas, and see which channels massively buy advertising from them. I think you've noticed similar advertising posts yourself.
An advertising post hits a person's emotions, causing them to incite envy. Look, there, even schoolchildren make a lot of money in Telegram, and you sit there blaming everyone but yourself.
But is it true? And what kind of trader is this? And what is this channel? What does the person who invites you to join their team offer to earn money on?

Let's see...
Telegram trading is a niche where you will lose your money, and the trader will earn money on you.

Just like that, and nothing else. Now I speak for channels that promote binary options, and earnings on them. I thought that this niche was on the hype a year or two ago. But it turned out otherwise. They used to be popular on YouTube and social networks. To date, these "traders" have moved to Telegram, where they buy advertising on a huge scale.
Here are the growth statistics for one of these channels. As we can see, the channel is growing enormously. This means that huge money budgets are pouring in, and the work is aimed at a new / fresh audience. And, accordingly, these budgets that are invested in advertising should be fought off. But how does the channel admin discourage ad attachments?
Oh yes, good old-fashioned traffic arbitrage for binary options offers.

To begin with, a small educational program for beginners in online earnings.
Binary options are online platforms that imitate the Forex financial market, where people earn money by buying or selling various currencies, precious metals, stocks, cryptocurrencies, etc.
But these platforms are registered unofficially, and in many countries they are prohibited by law. For almost all of them deceive their customers, simply not paying them money, and freezing money accounts. And all the money that you had there goes directly to the platform owners.
I won't go too deep into the binary options business. Let's just make it clear that you will lose money on such platforms, but you will not earn any money.
But how do these owners of these platforms attract targeted traffic to their sites?

And here our "traders" are already appearing.
How do Telegram traders earn money on you?

The essence of their activities is as follows:
Going to the channel, we see how the trader talks about how he is a professional in his field, and constantly comes out in the plus on his trade. And what's more, you can trade with him by joining his team. But what do you need to do?
And here everything is simple. To earn money together with the "trader" in his team and receive signals for trading, you just need to register on the binary options website at his address. Use the AFFILIATE link, and top up the minimum deposit. As a rule, this amount is around $10.
After that, you get access to a private chat, where he allegedly earns millions with his team. It certainly sounds interesting. Well, what about it? We don't send money to him personally, and he doesn't seem to have any profit in deceiving us. But reality opens up a completely different picture.

In fact, this is an ordinary arbitrage on binary options offers. The "Trader" gets 50% of the amount you lose. He does not understand any financial analysis, and all his signals come in the literal sense of the word "from a fool".
The main task of a trader is to make sure that you top up the minimum deposit using his affiliate link, and this is counted in the statistics. Then, after the first loss, greed will start playing in you and you will throw more money on the platform. You'll let me down again. Top it up again until you realize that you are LOSING MONEY, NOT MAKING MONEY.
And "trader" together with the owners of the binary options platform simply divide your money 50-50 and bathe in chocolate, constantly catching up with new people who have not yet managed to get burned on such "trading".
Look at his ad purchases. As I said, they invest huge amounts of money. And these amounts must pay off, otherwise there is no point in working. You can roughly imagine how much money they receive at the exit. Millions of rubles. No less.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

As for me, this is neither good nor bad. It's just business, even if it's not entirely honest. As long as people have a demand for the "magic LOOT button", the market will always give this button. And there's no getting away from it.
We all want to earn a lot at once, here and now. No one wants to learn something, and develop as a specialist, earning on their skill, skill, experience. Rather, there are such people, but there are very few of them.