How carders work in 2024


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I recently wrote a post about working in the “k” department, and now there will be a post about working as a carder (those who steal money from cards). I will write where they get the material for the work, how they drive in the CC, shipping things for drops, and how they catch such individuals. Please consider this as information to ensure your own safety, and not as instructions for action. And yes, I didn’t work as a carder, I’m just very good at it.

The beginning began: you need to get a mat (material for work) somewhere, in the case of a stick (PayPal) - this is a regular brute force/check (guessing a password for an account if there is none/checking a password if there is one) using merged databases from sites. If you work through BA (bank accounts), then there is almost the same scheme. There is a phishing scheme (fake bank page) where the user himself enters his bank account information.

Existing protection: almost all stores do not ship goods to the CIS if they were ordered from a PayPal account that belongs to a citizen of the USA/Canada/France/etc. There are also anti-fraud systems that block suspicious transactions. But how then do scammers order equipment for themselves at someone else’s expense? More on this further...

Sleight of hand: So how can we order goods for ourselves from someone else’s card? Everything is quite simple: we order a gift card (the so-called e-gift) to KH (the card holder) and having access to mail, we simply copy the gift card number in order to order goods for drop from our account.

Bypassing antifraud is also quite simple: when buying a BA, you register it in PayPal by entering your phone number, email and address. Such an account is called a self-registration, you can take out a loan on it and donate to the toy online.

Goods route: Most foreign stores do not send goods to the Russian Federation, so carders use intermediaries, there is a high chance that the intermediary will turn the parcel back as soon as they call him, that’s why many carders “make a mistake” in the intermediary’s phone number, for this there is a fine of 20 bucks, but the chance of the parcel passing increases. Next, the intermediary sends the goods to the Russian Federation for drop, the drop receives the goods and already sends it across the country without the participation of a carder. By the way, the intermediary can easily turn the parcel back.

The path of money: Carders deal not only with things, but also with the withdrawal of money. This can be done through casinos, online games and similar places where it is possible to deposit, “transfer” and withdraw money. Through the casino it’s as easy as shelling pears, for this the money is simply lost to your person.

Covering up tracks: hacked computers of ordinary citizens are used to drive in, so after the job is done, they are simply cleared of logs and thrown out on forums in distribution, where a crowd of schoolchildren runs over them and leaves a bunch of traces. Carders also work from virtual machines and Android phone emulators, but here it’s easy enough to remove them.

Search for carders: Our police are like a penguin - until you kick it, it won’t fly. An investigation begins if a large amount of money was stolen (more than $100k) and a request came from the FBI, the request is ready-made data on a silver platter. All that remains is to break through the IP addresses and find the criminal; the name and addresses of the drops are already in the request. Finding criminals through drops is not realistic; they do not have direct contact with drops and may be from another country. If the FBI is lucky enough to unravel the entire chain of VPN servers, proxies and SSH tunnels, they will find the carder, but it will be difficult to prove guilt, which is why during my work a little less than zero carders were caught.

Many asked to tell us in more detail about the investigation of crimes, but apparently there is nothing to tell, it’s the same everywhere, so I added a short introduction to the last paragraph and told how carders work. And they also don’t work in the CIS, I think it’s clear why.

If you are interested, I can tell you how they work in other areas, such as blackmail, phishing, botnets, malware, website hacking, etc.



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This was an amazing read, all new carders should 100% throughly read through this and dive into detail on how the aspects you listed work.
If you don't mind, I have a few questions regarding some aspects of this post.
If you;re starting out finding a middle man or "intermediate' as you described is difficult. We are in the world of fraud after all. many forums like this one have drops sections. I know this forum has drops section, but theres so so many people asking for drop locations are barely anyone recieving items.
Would physical goods even be an applicable avenune? I see sites where many extremely talented individuals created in which it has electronic items at 20% off or more on major electronic items, through information of large sniffs, creating gmail accounts, passing antifrauds, proxies and a secure setup. I'm not saying it's not achievable for me, but some of these people are next fucking level, they know everything.
How would you go about finding someone to work with who is, trustworthy, smart, and anonymous. As if you never actually meet them you never know how they operate.
Thanks tomcat.


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Intermediaries are a legal company that provides the addresses of their warehouses in the desired country for receiving parcels.
Carders who purchase physical goods can successfully order goods from online stores to the addresses of intermediary warehouses. Once they receive the item, they check it and ship it to your country. Their services are usually inexpensive.
Intermediary websites can be found on Google.
The only negative is that if the store that managed to send the goods received a quick chargeback, it can find out the real phone number of the intermediary at the address, and then call him and tell him about the fraudulent purchase. The store will ask you to return the goods and if the intermediary did not manage to send the goods to your address, then he will return your goods to the store and stop cooperation with you.

Drops can be deceived and professional.
Fraudulent drops do not suspect that their addresses are used for carding, and professional drops know that they are receiving stolen goods.
The deceived drops think that they work for some kind of goods delivery company. The owner of the drop service enters into a fake service agreement with them. Deceived drops work until they find out from the police or the store that they were simply used.

Buyers and drop services are one and the same. These are the organizers of a carding service for providing addresses and purchasing goods paid for with a stolen credit or debit card.
If you work with them, it is best to ask for addresses of professional drops, as there are fewer problems with them.

Here is an interesting topic-manual on this topic -
"Buyers, Drops, Intermediaries in carding":

Of course, you can choose another direction - this is the purchase of digital goods with subsequent resale on specialized sites.
For example, you can buy skins for games for several thousand dollars and sell them at a discount of 50-80% of the real price. You will get a very decent and quick income.
In addition, you do not need a physical address to receive it; all data will be in your account on the website or by e-mail.

There are a lot of directions and methods of carding. You choose any way you want to start with.
The most important thing is to find sites that accept payment by card and do not have an internal anti-fraud system, or the site’s protection is weak, which allows orders to pass through if the card is valid and has a balance sufficient for the purchase.