How carders manage to deceive us on the Internet: signs and techniques of manipulation


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This article is intended to introduce you to the psychological techniques with which carders manage to deceive us on the Internet.

There are a huge number of carding schemes - and all are based precisely on the influence on the human psyche.
If you are familiar with the principles of our psyche, as well as with the techniques that carders use, it will be much more difficult to deceive you.

Anyone can become victims, even the most educated and even those with psychological training.
Because we are all human, and knowledge of psychology does not change the principles of our psyche.

The article is based on scientific research by scientists in the field of psychology of deception and manipulation.


Carders are people who have a keen understanding of human psychology and are good at manipulative techniques.

Let's understand the world of manipulation and what methods are most often used by carders online.


In simple words, manipulation is such an influence on another person that allows you to achieve your goals with his help.


Dotsenko E.L. identified the following signs of manipulation:
  • the person being manipulated acts as a means to an end;
  • focus on achieving unilateral benefits;
  • the impact is hidden;
  • pressure on weak points;
  • use of psychological force.


Henrik Fexeus is a famous psychologist from Sweden, specializing in the field of manipulation and nonverbal communication.

In his book “The Art of Manipulation. How to read other people’s thoughts and quietly control them,” he outlines many techniques for influencing a person with the ability to use him for his own purposes.

We will focus on those techniques that can be and are used on the Internet in various carding schemes.

1. Rapport​

Rapport is establishing contact by adjusting to another person.

It is important to monitor how the interlocutor says:
  • Fast or slow?
  • Loud or quiet?
  • Melodious or shimmering?
  • Soft or rough?
Swindlers' speech, as a rule, is impeccable. The voice is confident, deep - all this attracts a person and inspires confidence.
How can I set up a report on the Internet?

For example, carders can study your page on social networks, understand what you are interested in - and based on this, conduct a conversation with you, adapting to you as the correspondence progresses.

How does this adjustment happen?

Some people write long messages - then the person will be much closer if the interlocutor writes in exactly the same style. Many small SMS will irritate and push him away.

Or, for example, you often use the jargon “sucks”, then manipulators will soon also begin to use it in their speech with you.

The essence of rapport

In simple words, the essence of the report is to be on the same wavelength with the person. You've probably noticed that the way your friends speak is very similar to yours. Using similar words, jokes, topics, etc.

And who is most comfortable to communicate with? With a person who is shocked by the use of the word “damn” - or with a friend who, like you, inserts it in every sentence?
Of course, it is easier and more pleasant to communicate with someone who is similar to us. This is what carders take advantage of.

A few more tricks to establish a report:
  • support the interlocutor's point of view ;
  • use the conjunction “and” instead of “but” . The conjunction “but” means some kind of opposition, causes tension and is alarming. Whereas the conjunction “and” allows you to smoothly connect even statements that are opposite in meaning.
  • Consider the modality of the interlocutor . Auditory learners perceive sound information best, visual learners perceive visual information, kinesthetic learners perceive tactile information, and digital learners perceive intellectual information.
The essence of the last point is that, depending on the modality, a person uses the appropriate words:

Auditory: speaking, sounding, accenting, etc.

Visuals: see, look, imagine, etc.

Kinesthetics: feel, touch, cold, etc.

Digitals (neutrals, discretes): know, remember, think, etc.

So, the book gives an example of how the author told a joke to one figure, but he did not react to it at all. Then, using knowledge of modality, Henrik realized that the man was a kinesthetic learner, and transformed his story, emphasizing tastes, smells, textures.

This man had a high position, he liked the joke so much that Fexeus was invited to a new job. This example clearly illustrates the level of influence of manipulative techniques on a person.

Report and gypsies

This example, of course, does not apply to carding, but it will help to show the prevalence of this technique.

Do you know what gypsies do to gain your trust? Try to think...
And the answer is simple, they take a person by the hand. Yes, yes, such a simple technique, essentially an invasion of personal space, but a person begins to trust more on a subconscious level, and it’s no secret how it all ends.

2. Hidden influence on consciousness​

These are the techniques that carders mainly use. And the whole point is that they are win-win.

Hidden influence is based on such a phenomenon as suggestion. Suggestions are influences directly on the subconscious.
And what’s the point, you ask? And the point here is that our subconscious is deprived of the ability to analyze the information entering there. If the conscious mind thinks about whether an orange is tasty, then the subconscious mind will accept the information that the orange is tasty as an unconditional fact.

So, let's consider methods of influencing the human subconscious:
  • "The Power of Denial"
To make a person think about something, you should ask him not to think about it - because in order NOT to think about something, you need to think about it . Quite a confusing wording, let's check it out ourselves

Dear readers, DON'T THINK ABOUT PINK ELEPHANTS. Look how amazing it is. You've probably never seen them, but after the request you thought about them. This is exactly how our psyche works. And, of course, these techniques are used everywhere in advertisements, headlines, etc.
  • Hidden commands
Did you know that if you construct a sentence correctly, namely, emphasis on words, then our subconscious will perceive only those words that have been highlighted ? Thus, we are manipulated almost everywhere. Take, for example, ice cream advertising. Words such as sweet, cold in a crispy glass are used there - all this evokes certain associations in us, which then begin to be anchored (connected) with the image of ice cream.
  • "Comparison without ratio"
Very often, on products in the supermarket, something like this is written: even sweeter, even tastier, even whiter . Here the question arises: tastier, sweeter, whiter than what?

The trick is that our brain really likes different kinds of connections . And even if we don’t understand the connection with what, we enthusiastically fill in the gaps ourselves.

At the same time, we are confident that our filling option is obvious and the only correct one. This is what advertisers and carders take advantage of. This technique creates a sense of community between the authors and us.
  • "We think they know"
And this is the technique carders use most often. The point here is that the illusion is created that everything is known about the person . This method is also used by the police during interrogations. For example, in China in the 50s this was how criminals were exposed. They were told that everything was known about them and were locked in solitary confinement. The arrested man was so tormented by guesses that in the end he was ready to admit to a conspiracy against the president or betrayal of his country.

This technique also creates a certain sense of community and puts people at ease. A person can easily be made to believe that everything is known about him, and even the most personal moments are known. Don't believe me? Here's an excellent example from Fexeus's book demonstrating how this technique works:

“Clench your hand into a fist. Did you squeeze it? Okay, now hold this for a few seconds. Just a couple more seconds. Begin to slowly, slowly, slowly open your hand. Do you feel that special sensation in your hand? Fine".

The trick is that the author does not know at all what you feel, he uses the general phrase “special feeling”, thus it begins to seem that we are on the same wavelength. But in fact, we ourselves come up with the meaning, without even suspecting that the author simply cannot know our feelings. It's so easy to deceive us all...

So, we have looked at some manipulation techniques that carders use, now I propose to move on to the psychology of deception.

Psychology of deception​

Carders are always liars and deceivers, so considering this side is also necessary for your own safety.

The psychology of deception according to the book by Dan Crum “All the ways to spot a liar. Secret CIA techniques used during interrogations and investigations"

Den Kram worked for many years for the CIA in the “laboratory of lies and deception.” He calls himself a “lie inspector” because he has devoted his entire life to developing techniques that can be used to detect lies.

Types and degrees of lies​

A lie detector specialist distinguishes two types.
  1. The point of silence is to avoid saying something unnecessary. The peculiarity of this type of lie is that it is not always purposeful.
A person may simply be asked something inconvenient, and he may not tell something, but not for the purpose of deceiving, but for the purpose, for example, of looking more successful.
Speaking of carders, of course, they use this type of deception for purposes that are negative for you.

For example, carders often write loud headlines like: Finist - financial institution “We will teach and show how to receive passive income in the first month of study!”. And only after the person gets involved, it is reported that free lectures are not enough, you need to open a deposit, from where money is stolen by representatives of this carding organization.
  1. Disinformation is a deliberate lie. It is also not always intended to harm a person. This type of deception is the main one in carding schemes.

There will also be two degrees of lying.
  1. A significant lie changes a person's overall perception. Of course, carders do everything to make their lies significant; they try to seem like prominent figures, while they themselves write to you from the basement, lying on cardboard.
  2. Innocent is minor embellishments. We all, for the sake of a sharp effect, at least sometimes add to the story being told something that did not happen.
So lying is not always a bad thing. However, carders use it to harm another person.
Now you can, using the knowledge presented, classify the information told to you and determine with the greatest accuracy whether it is a lie.

We recommend that you keep a notebook and write down events that take place there, like: “my friend said she was busy, but she went for a walk with a classmate - misinformation, a significant lie.” This exercise will help you develop your skill in identifying deception.

How not to be deceived​

Here we will present all the tips that are given in the book with an adaptation on the topic of online carding.

Professional carders spend years practicing the credibility of their words and actions. Their sites usually look impeccable ( note: if the site looks as if it was made “on the knee”, then it is even more suspicious ).

You must be as critical as possible and notice the slightest penalties.
If you are determined in advance that they are not lying to you, it will be very easy to deceive you.

In total, Dan identifies 4 signs of truthfulness:
  1. Sincerity
Carders try to gain your trust as much as possible. To do this, they will try to be on the same wavelength with you, understand your situation, and console you.

Let's show an example that will help you distinguish false sincerity. You wrote to the carder something like: “My dog died yesterday,” the deceiver will simply express condolences, while a sincere person will back up his condolences with an example from his own life, will ask you about what the dog meant to you, and so on.

This happens because deceivers absolutely do not care what happened there; they do not know how to respond to people’s real emotions. Therefore, they will try to change the topic as quickly as possible.
  1. Eye contact
We will not consider this point in detail. However, let's say a few words, since carding does not only exist on the Internet.

When eye contact is established with the interlocutor, it gives us subconscious trust. This is why carders make eye contact.
  1. Correspondence of words to gestures
If a person fidgets and at the same time when asked “Are you calm?” answers in the affirmative, it is immediately clear that something is wrong here.
  1. "Direct answers to direct questions"
This point is more suitable than any other for recognizing Internet deception. If you receive a long, complex answer to a specific question, sound the alarm.

Signs of deception​

In fact, the main emphasis in recognizing lies is on the non-verbal sphere - postures, facial expressions, gestures, etc. But there are also verbal signs by which deception can be identified.

In this paragraph, we will outline what you should pay attention to in order to detect lies remotely.

It should be noted that lying is a very energy-consuming and stressful process.
It is the state of stress that causes a large number of signs by which a liar can be exposed.

Let's consider verbal signs.

No response​

Carders often avoid answering awkward questions, but they do it without you even noticing. They skillfully translate the topic, or answer in very, very general phrases.

In response to your question, there may be phrases like: “good question, I’m glad you asked, I’ll answer you later,” etc.
Here the author recommends asking questions as clearly and briefly as possible, so that the absence of an answer looks as ridiculous as possible, and the liar is forced to answer.


The most common example used by deceivers. A person makes excuses not to answer a question in order to arouse pity and shift the focus of attention.

You ask the carder a question: “Why did I call the company you work for, but they don’t even know your last name?” - to which he answers you: “Oh, they don’t even know their own names. I gave you a direct number. You’d better call there, otherwise there are only fools working in the central building.”

Here it is clear that everyone around is to blame, but not the carder. The workers are stupid, you called the wrong address...


With this technique, liars stall for time to come up with a plausible lie. There are several techniques here:
  1. Repeat question.
  2. He says that he did not understand the question or did not hear.
  3. Time is ticking. For example, he suggests discussing this after lunch.
  4. Begins to philosophize. We can say something like “Where I grew up, no one paid attention to such things...”.
  5. Requires specifics. Tries to convince you that you are asking stupid questions, to upset you or scare you.
  6. Pressure on conscience. Making you look bad is a great deception tactic. If in response to your question you are met with causticism, counter questions or accusations, this is a very clear sign of a lie.
  7. Amnesia. This technique comes into play when the liar is backed into a corner. At the same time, a person remembers even small details, but uncomfortable questions are forgotten.
  8. Complaints. If the interlocutor suddenly says in the middle of a conversation that he feels very bad, uncomfortable and stronger, it’s worth thinking about.
  9. Religiosity. If, in response to your question, the interlocutor, out of the blue, demonstrates the deepest faith, insulting his feelings is a very clear signal.
  10. Detailing. If in response to a question you are bombarded with a huge amount of information, especially if there is no answer as such, you should know that this is a trick of deceivers. This way they create an alibi for themselves and distract your attention.
  11. Compliments. With this technique, liars try to win you over and reduce your level of vigilance. Of course, we are talking about excessive compliments here.

Note: None of the signs indicate 100% deception. We are all different, we all have different habits - maybe some of us have a habit of repeating a question. Here you need to be guided by more than one sign. So, if someone wrote to you that they will answer later, you don’t need to immediately add them to the list of carders.

In fact, there are a lot of signs. Here we have provided those that can be used to detect carding remotely.

Thus, it is important to always be alert and notice the little things, that is where the truth lies.
We hope the article was useful to you, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

If you or your loved ones do become victims of carding organizations, do not give up. Carders have a chance to take your money! Fill out the form and our specialists will contact you:


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