How can scam on an abandoned domain?


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Greetings, friends! Today you will learn the scheme of theft of legal domains and subsequent earnings on them!


We will work mainly with domains in zones .RU, .SU and .RF. They belong to ordinary users or companies, but there is one special feature - their hosting account has expired. This is what we will use.

A real example​

For example, Russian website, which appeared for advertising med. services, but a year later it hung an ad about a non-existent action from a large Russian Bank. At the end of the survey, you were required to enter your full card details, including your CVV. There are several hundred similar phishing resources. This usually happens to owners who have forgotten about their domain or bought it out quite recently.

As a result, it is much easier to deceive potential "mammoths" on seemingly proven sites, because there are real reviews and domain history. In addition, a person could have used this site earlier and not suspected the trick. The range of possibilities is wide: phishing of Bank cards, sending emails with a stealer, banking trojan, and so on.

How does it work?​

The process is based on finding abandoned domains (drops) with interesting metrics using the service The photo below shows an interesting option for $ 69. If you manage to pick it up for $ 100-200, it will be very good. 46 000 backlinks (BL), 19 000 - Alexa rating. Excellent performance.


Once these sites developed and for some reason were abandoned. They weren't always abandoned due to lack of traffic. In fact, a bunch of just abandoned, non-working projects with great indicators.

A couple of days of searching (1-2 hours each) and voila - in the hands of an interesting domain with an x (site quality index) of 300.

Key indicators used to select a domain:
  1. Alexa Rating. The smaller it is, the better;
  2. Yandex site quality index (IKS). The bigger it is, the better;
  3. Looking at the web archive, so that the site doesn't have previously banned topics;
  4. Punching through the MLB database, the presence of bans, blockages, etc.;
  5. Date of initial domain registration (the older, the better);
  6. Then you can check for live links to the domain - here Majestic and Semrush can help.
I advise you to put RDS Bar on your browser. There is a large part of the top widgets for webmasters.

After you have found an interesting domain, you either need to register it (one of the registrars -, or buy it at the auction where it was put up. You don't need to keep in touch with the seller.


It was decided to put a video engine, phpMelody, on the domain. It is indexed very quickly in Google. The coder has ordered improvements, namely, a mobile version of the site and automatic parsing from YouTube with the ability to relay. That is, those videos that are forbidden to be embedded on other people's sites on YouTube were embedded and they were successfully launched.


After a week of waiting (about as much as Google needs to fully reindex the restored domain), the first traffic started. Quite a lot (about 10 thousand people/day at once).

This example was delivered monetization aplicom (paid subscription via SMS). However, the site still managed to bring some money. A day dripped about 10,000-15,000 rubles.:




You can work with abandoned domains in two ways: white and black. Both options are presented in the article, the choice is only yours. In both cases, you can earn good money, good luck to all!