How can I withdraw money from the card at the checkout in the store


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John usually buys groceries at the supermarket and pays for them with a card. But she takes vegetables and fruits separately - at the market, and there it is more convenient for her to pay in cash. Previously, John had to specially go to the bank to withdraw money. Now she can get them right in the store using the cash-out service.

What is this service and how is it convenient?
Cashout allows you to withdraw money from your bank card at the cash desk of the outlet. True, it will not work just to get the bills from the seller, you need to buy something and pay with a card, even if salt or matches. After all, stores make money primarily on the sale of goods, although getting rid of excess cash and saving on collection is also beneficial for them.
You can withdraw no more than $ 100 per day and no more than $ 500 from one card through a cashout. Such restrictions are set for clients by banks so that criminals cannot launder illegal proceeds in this way.

Can I withdraw cash at any store?
No, while cashout does not work everywhere. But this service is already provided by many retail outlets - both large chain supermarkets and small shops around the house.
Some cafes, restaurants and gas stations have also started offering their customers to withdraw cash from the card. Again, provided that you order something from them.
The cashout service is developing most actively in small settlements where there are no bank offices and even ATMs, which makes it difficult for people to withdraw cash from their card.
Usually, cash-out outlets place special information stickers at the checkout counters. If there is no sticker, just ask the seller if they are handing out money from the card.
In many outlets that offer cashout, you can also pay for utility bills at the checkout. But in order to carry out such operations on the card through the cashier of the store, you still have to buy something.
And some shops and gas stations allow you not only to withdraw, but also to deposit cash on your card. And no purchase is required for that.

Is cash out valid for all cards?
Many large retail banks have already set up this option for their debit cards, but credit cards cannot be cashed.
Retail outlets do not charge customers a commission for issuing cash, but banks set their own rates for this service.
Therefore, it is worth finding out in advance whether your bank has connected a cashout and how much it charges. This information can be obtained by calling the hotline, on the official website or in the chat of the bank's mobile application.

How to withdraw money from the card through the cashier of the store?
First, find out if the outlet provides such a service. If the service is available, there are a few easy steps to follow.
  1. Before paying for the purchase, tell the cashier that you would like to withdraw a certain amount from the card in cash.
  2. The seller will check if the required denominations are available at the checkout. If there is, it will add to the check the amount you want to get your hands on.
  3. Pay with your card as usual or use a digital card in your smartphone - this option is also provided by the service. The cost of the goods and the amount of cash will be debited from your account at the same time.
  4. The cashier will give you the money.
It is worth making sure in advance that you have sufficient funds in your bank account. In a store, unlike an ATM, you will not be able to check the balance of the card.