How bank cards are stolen and who are the card providers


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The well-known Russian Roman Seleznev.

As a result of which more than 9 billion dollars were stolen from the cards of victims, and a database of 1,700,000 numbers of stolen stolen cards was found on his computer. It's hard to believe in this gigantic number, but let's figure out where such databases come from and see how money is debited from victims' cards.

It is naive to believe that card data can only be stolen from people who absolutely do not care about their safety and pay on suspicious sites or send photos of their card to social networks. After all, one of the types of data theft from a card is scrimming. The essence of this method is to install an additional reader on the ATM by fraudsters, which will read all information from the card and transfer it to the fraudsters. In addition, a camera is installed that will record on video the process of entering the secret password from the card. Sometimes an overlay keyboard reader is used instead of a camera. Regardless of what technologies the fraudsters use, it can be very difficult to understand at a glance that the ATM has been modified. Banks are aware of this type of fraud and are fighting it,but hackers come up with sophisticated new scrimming methods that allow them to continue to successfully steal data from cards.

But even if you minimize the risk of scrimming by thoroughly checking the ATM before using it, you cannot feel secure. When paying with a card to a cafe or restaurant, a waiter can discreetly take a photo or in any other way remember such data of your card as cvv, number, owner's name, expiration date. If, for making a payment, the waiter, having taken the card, leaves another room for making the payment, then there he can easily read all the information from the magnetic strip of the card. At the end I will tell you what data is used and how it is used later. The fact is that it is extremely easy to do this, and most importantly, the victim often does not even know that his card has just fallen into the hands of scammers.

Now that it is clear that fraudsters have many ways to steal data directly from the card itself, let's look at how things are with the security of payments on the Internet. Often, a user can become a victim of a scammer due to his carelessness. Hackers often create fake versions of bank websites or online stores, this is called phishing. The goal is to make the user believe that he got to the original version of the site he is familiar with, and to deceive him with his card details. The domain name is chosen as similar as possible to the resource that the hacker wants to fake, and the design can be copied down to the smallest detail. An experienced user can easily figure out such a site by the lack of a certificate and a strange domain name. But recently it was allowed to use not only the Latin alphabet in domain names, which led to the emergence of phishing domains,which look exactly like the original. For example, hackers replace o with cyrillic o. There are no external differences between the original and the fake! Until recently, the browser displayed them the same way in the address bar. Now this issue has been resolved, but phishing remains one of the main reasons for theft of card data on the network, especially foreign cards.

Attentive users, of course, recognize a fake site, but there is another method that no one is immune from. From time to time, hackers manage to break into databases of sites that work with user cards. As a result of such a hack, data on hundreds of thousands of cards are stolen at a time. And as a result of the Kaptoxa virus attack in 2013, when the American supermarket chain Target was hacked, the personal data of 110 million shoppers were stolen!

In addition to these methods, there are many more ways to steal a card. I have listed some of the most common. The number of data thefts from the card is constantly high.

Card provider

Now I will tell you what they do with the stolen cards. People who steal information from cards do not withdraw money on their own, but sell data from cards on special sites or already established networks, that is, the carders they trust, so finding a worthy card supplier is not at all easy, you need to have contacts or an experienced carder who wakes you up to provide guidance (training) and with it your supplier contacts. Why don't the vendors work out the cards themselves? It's very simple, they are masters in the extraction of cards and not in cash, as they say, everyone should go about their business. Here, by the way, what kind of data was stolen plays an important role. If you manage to steal the PIN code and read the contents of the magnetic tape, then an attacker can easily create a copy of the card.Together with a password,the ATM will accept a fake and allow you to cash out. The card itself has additional protection in the form of a chip, but at the moment not all ATMs check it, so this method finds its application. But most often, foreign cards are processed at clothing or techno stores such as Amazon, this is the most profitable and safe option!


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Agree, almost everyone has bank cards now.

In the modern world, it is already difficult to do without them. The cards are simple in design, convenient to use, and open up a number of opportunities that are not available for the cache, for example, buying goods through online stores, for example, like my favorite eBay))

But when it comes to security, cards are far from perfect. Every day, a huge amount of data is leaking into the wrong hands. It ends with the fact that the owner fucks money, and if the card is credit, then it's double fucked up. As a result, it all ends with long proceedings with the bank and law enforcement agencies, and it is not a fact that it will be possible to return their hard-earned money.

So how exactly is this data stolen? Let's figure it out.
Basically, I can distinguish two types of data theft: "contact" and "contactless".
"Contact" methods are carried out through direct physical contact.
"Non-contact" methods, accordingly, are applied without such contact.
Now along the way you will understand what I mean.

Contact methods include methods such as:

1) Skimming
Information can be stolen from the magnetic stripe on the card. For this, a skimmer is used - this is a device that simulates part of an ATM and is fixed over the card slot. The pin code is stolen by installing a fake keyboard that records keystrokes, or by installing a small video camera that records a set of codes. Or they may not steal the PIN code, but it is stupid to remove the money without it, because when paying online, this is not necessary.

2) Through terminals for payment
You can also steal data through POS terminals, to put it more clearly, then through the garbage into which you insert the card or apply it in the store) They put there a virus software or a device like the one that is put in an ATM.

3) Data theft by service personnel
You can easily go through these cards in places such as bars, restaurants and cafes, where the waiters take the visitor's card and take it with them to the cash register. On the way there, the waiter stupidly takes pictures of the map from both sides and receives all the necessary information.

Non-contact methods include methods such as:

1) Phishing
I'm talking about fake websites of banks and payment systems. There are also fake sites-copies of various online stores, where filling out the payment form, instead of making a purchase, the data is pissed from the brow.

2) Smartphone applications
It's no secret that apps collect and store too much of your data about you. There is a possibility to steal this data. And sometimes there are copies of well-known banking applications such as Sberbank Online, which transfer data to the left.

3) Open Wi-Fi networks
Connect to open networks more carefully, bro) Now even a schoolboy can intercept access to your smartphone by installing a couple of hackers programs and get a variety of information.

4) Stealing data with a phone call
Basically, this is a classic divorce, when a person calls and introduces himself as a bank employee and hangs noodles on his ears, like he needs your data for some kind of verification) Or they introduce themselves as buyers who want to make a deposit and ask for extra data.

This is not an exhaustive list of all data theft methods, I have just named the most popular ones. In the next article I will tell you what to do in order not to screw up your data) Follow the news.