How addicted are you to the Internet? British scientists offer 5 possible answers.


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What is the most dangerous age, and when is it time to seek help?

Scientists from the University of Surrey decided to test the level of Internet addiction in modern users. Recently, their article appeared in the Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing with the results of a study and classification of young (and not only) people affected by this problem.

The experiment involved 796 people of different ages. Scientists carefully monitored their behavior and habits.

It found that young people under the age of 24 spend an average of 6 hours a day online. At the same time, smartphones are the main device for accessing the Internet for them. People over the age of 24 spend slightly less time on the Internet — an average of 4.6 hours a day.

No gender differences were found — both men and women show similar behaviors.

Based on the data obtained, experts have identified 5 main categories:

Random users1. (15%) - log in to the Internet only when necessary to complete specific tasks or find answers to important questions. They don't stay online for long.They go offline immediately after completing their tasks. They don't feel uncomfortable when they can't connect to Wi-Fi or use a computer unnecessarily.

The average age of random users is 33.4 years.

"Novice" users2. (22.86%) — spend more time online than initially planned when they pick up a phone or tablet. They can postpone real things for this purpose. However, they do not consider themselves dependent — if there are more important problems, they will easily look up from the screen.

The average age here is 26.1 years.

Experimenters3. (21.98% — - feel emotional discomfort and anxiety if for some reason they do not have access to the Internet. They need to constantly stay online, communicate and have fun online.

The average age varies from 22.8 to 24.3 years.

Those who deny addiction4. (17.96%) — show clear signs of addictive behavior: they neglect real life, make new acquaintances exclusively online, check their phone messages every 5 minutes. However, what is obvious, these people claim that they do not need help and are absolutely happy with their lifestyle.

The median age was 24 years.

Dependent5. (22.36%) - openly admit that they suffer from Internet addiction and are aware of its negative impact on their lives. They spend 60% more time online than casual users.

Their average age is also 24 years.

One of the conclusions made by scientists: the younger a person is, the higher the risk of developing the disorder. People over the age of 30 have much lower odds.

At the same time, it is emphasized that an individual approach is needed in the treatment and diagnosis of each patient. This is where classification can come in handy. For some, it is enough to limit the time spent online, and someone may need to consult a psychologist or even medication therapy.

The scale is quite simple, so it can be a useful tool for self-diagnosis. People who show symptoms of the disorder will be able to seek help in a timely manner, if necessary. For many, this article will be a good reason to rethink their own Internet habits and make reasonable adjustments to them.