Homel resident illegally sold access to bank accounts


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The Investigation Department of the Homel Region Criminal Investigation Department has established the circumstances of illegal access to bank accounts.

According to the case file, the Homel resident did not have a permanent job for several years after graduating from the university. During the period of lack of money, he lived at the expense of his mother and grandmother. In the fall of 2021, he found an easy way to earn extra money by providing illegal services. At the request of virtual customers from Telegram channels, the guy opened bank accounts, created personal user accounts, provided access data, and then received a reward. I registered several accounts in my mother's name.

For a year and a half, a Homel resident opened 33 bank accounts for someone else's use.

In the spring of last year, the defendant responded to an offer received in the messenger to launder "dirty" money. The amount of the promised fee is half of the withdrawn amount. To accept impure finances, he dropped off his mother's bank card details to his accomplice, and used a neighbor's card to withdraw money from an ATM. In total, the accused processed four tranches.

As it turned out later, the "transit" money originally belonged to four residents of Minsk who became victims of fraudsters. Victims from hacked accounts of friends received messages asking them to transfer money to the card in debt. They did not consider it necessary to make a follow-up call, and credited the requested amount without verification.

Based on the evidence collected in the case, a 27-year-old Homel resident was charged under Part 1, 2 of Article 222 (illegal distribution of authentication data, through which it is possible to gain access to accounts, repeatedly) and Part 2 of Article 209 (fraud committed by a group of persons). Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus.