Holding on to Difficult Feelings: Ways and Exercises by Robert Dilts


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A key aspect of the art of inner play is the ability to recognize and transform difficult, unpleasant feelings that may arise in a given situation. One of the main factors that determines whether we end up in a CRASH (non-resource state) or stay in a zone of excellence or in a COACH state is our ability to hold on to difficult feelings. Often, difficult feelings are lack of centering, or shadow forms of archetypal energies, such as rage, grief, frustration, panic, anxiety, and so on.

Transformation Master Richard Moss points out that the distance between us and other people is exactly the same as the distance between us and us. This means that our relationship to other people and to the world around us reflects our relationship to ourselves. It is from this fundamental relationship with ourselves that our relationships with others and with the world arise. Our relationship with ourselves is often limited by those feelings with which we do not know how to cope, accept, hold and love in ourselves.

The word "hold" refers to the relationship between two things: the one who is holding and the one who is being held back. This relationship is well symbolized by the metaphorical image of a mother holding a child in her arms. A child is the primary somatic feeling, sensation or reaction that we experience. Mother is the reaction of our nervous system to these primary feelings or reactions.

If the baby cries and the mother experiences tension, anger or anxiety, the baby's condition will only worsen. If the mother simply holds the child in her arms, remaining in a state of care and support, the child will soon calm down (thanks to mirror neurons), gently and naturally come out of the uncomfortable state.

The same dynamic emerges in our relationship with feelings. If we fear, deny them, or try to fight them, then we only exacerbate tension, discomfort, and confusion. As the saying goes, "we attract what we resist." If we recognize and hold these feelings, remaining centered, open, aware, maintaining contact with them, they cease to be a "problem" and their energy can either be released or transformed into a more resourceful state.

You can use the following methods to hold on to difficult feelings.

• Refusal from habitual reactions.
• Unconditional acceptance of the feeling for what it is.
• Lack of attempts to change the feeling.
• Calmness, patience and lack of rush.
• Calm attention in relation to feeling.
• Trusting your feelings as they are, understanding that any feelings always have a positive intention and purpose.
• Feeling part of a larger field.
• A friendly attitude towards feeling.
• Non-judgmental curiosity about feeling.

Virginia Satir found it helpful to identify and acknowledge non-resource feelings or attitudes about difficult feelings. At the same time, “feelings about difficult feelings” can be realized, accepted and retained, while remaining in a larger and more resourceful field of awareness.

We may have the following reactions to difficult feelings.

• Desire to get rid of them.
• Desire to change them.
• Desire to analyze or explain them.
• Identification with them (we “lose ourselves” in them).

It is important for the coach to understand that secondary feelings are as much an element of the problem state as primary feelings. If we are not aware of this, then we run the risk of identifying with secondary feelings and trying to get rid of primary feelings. If we do not know how to deal with the primary feeling, then, as a rule, we try to get rid of it.

In general, our difficult feelings, like an upset child, need our attention and support the most. If we can hold these feelings, then they are transformed, and instead of tension and a feeling of loss of contact, relaxation and a sense of connection arise. Therefore, do not rush to get rid of unpleasant feelings. Treat them so that they can transform. Then the energy of difficult feelings will again return to the stream of life. This is how we restore the energy that was previously spent trying to avoid difficult feelings. As a result, we can be more fully present and more actively involved in what is happening around us.

The goal of the next exercise is to discover and use the resources needed to be present and hold on to difficult feelings that make us lose contact with the present moment.

Identify a difficult situation when you have difficult feelings that you cannot hold and which "throw" you out of the zone of perfection into a CRASH state.

Experience this feeling and let your body express it. Bring acceptance and awareness into this feeling, do not try to change, analyze or explain it.
  • Take a step away from the point in space that represents the difficult feeling and observe yourself experiencing the difficult feeling. How do you feel about this feeling? How do you feel about yourself when you have this feeling? What is your relationship with this feeling and with yourself when you are experiencing this feeling? A wide variety of feelings can arise about the primary feeling (shame, guilt, despair, anger, helplessness, and so on). As in the previous step, bring acceptance and awareness to this feeling, without any judgments or attempts to change it.
  • Find the third point in space and change the state. To do this, turn around, move around, shake your arms and legs, and so on. Give yourself enough time to get into a resourceful state in which you are centered, open, clear (COACH state) and in touch with a field larger than you. What resources (trust, acceptance, curiosity, strength, love, and so on) can help you more respectfully, sympathetically, and resourcefully hold secondary feelings? Open up to the field and embrace resources without thinking about what's going on. Pay attention to what comes up in the field. These can be images, symbols, feelings, movements, and so on.
  • Fully bring the resources that have arisen in the field into your body and being. (If necessary, find a reference experience for these resources and reproduce it as fully as possible.) Find a symbol and gesture or movement (somatic syntax) that express these resources and create the corresponding sensations in the body. Let the energy of these resources wash over you, pass through you, out of the field and into the field.
  • With these resources and their symbols, be fully present in the body and awareness. Return to the second point (feelings about feelings). Don't try to change anything. Just keep the feelings and reactions associated with the second position in the general field of resources. Make a gesture or movement related to these resources. Notice how your perception and attitude towards secondary feelings changes.
  • Now go to the point where the primary difficult feelings are and bring in the resources that you discovered. Again, don't try to change anything. Just keep difficult feelings and resources in the general resource field. Make a gesture or movement related to the resources you have discovered. How do you feel about difficult feelings right now? How has your ability to hold on to these difficult feelings changed?

From the book: "NLP-2: Next Generation"


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Dictionary of feelings​

How are you doing? This is Stalilingus on the wire!) I want to fit you a really cool thing - a dictionary of feelings. This is the fucking best addition to the articles on emotions and calibrations! By the way, here they are, who have not read it yet.

We present to you the dictionary of feelings, where ... emotions are classified. The dictionary is useful for those who are interested in their inner world, soul and strive to know themselves.
Let's make a reservation right away that this dictionary is not some kind of standard or dogma, since we are all different and think, feel, feel differently. The dictionary is intended, first of all, to streamline our feelings concerning this or that emotion, to help people understand themselves and in their attitude to the world around them.

Wheel of emotions:
Excitement is a person's experiences associated with his participation in any risky business, game, situation. In a gambling state, a person, as a rule, loses a sense of reality, which is fraught with sad consequences.

Apathy is indifference to everyone and everything, usually associated with a period of depression, fatigue or illness.

Antipathy is a bright, negative attitude towards another person: contempt, skepticism, hatred, anger ... caused by his negative actions.

Anxiety is a violation of mental balance, anxiety about and without a reason, expressed in increased arousal of a person.

5. Rabies
Rabies is the violent, uncontrollable behavior of a person in a given situation. But this concept is more a vivid metaphor than a real state. A person can live his whole life and never face such an emotion.

Powerlessness is the inability to do something. The state of powerlessness creates such emotions as: sadness, rage, shame, anxiety. A person in a state of powerlessness feels his own weakness, insignificance, inability to cope with the situation.

Helplessness is the feeling that no one will help you, and you yourself will not be able to cope. Helplessness is often confused with powerlessness, but these are different feelings. Powerlessness comes from the inner state of a person's soul. Helplessness is often provoked by external factors.

Hopelessness is a triad of powerlessness, helplessness and hopelessness, which characterizes the experience of an unbearably difficult, hopeless situation with which a person cannot and does not want to come to terms.

9. Senselessness
Meaninglessness is a feeling of emptiness and / or loss of something important in life. (Or what we ourselves consider important to ourselves).

Abandonment is a feeling of being useless to anyone, expressed in feelings of rejection and loneliness.

11. DEFENSE (insecurity)
Vulnerability - a feeling of fatal insecurity in front of external factors. For example, before the war, terror, political instability in the country and the like.

Gratitude is a response to the actions of another person or people who gave you pleasure or joy.

Arousal is a total or local combination of bodily sensations: tremors, tension, heat, internal itching, and the like. Feelings of excitement provoke: sex, fast driving, participation in gambling and other active actions.

Excitement is very similar to a state of arousal. However, unlike excitement, excitement is caused not by internal (bodily) factors, but by external sources. (For example, worry about a child, parents, job loss, etc.)

15. Omnipotence
Omnipotence is the experience of a sharp spiritual uplift, when it seems to a person that he can do everything and even more! As a rule, people in a state of omnipotence have a distorted perception of reality.

Indignation - experiencing a situation as:
created by third parties or humans;
unpleasant, impossible, unacceptable;
one that must be changed by someone else.

Admiration is a pronounced emotion of pleasure in relation to something or someone.

Delight is very similar to the feeling of admiration and is expressed in a bright surge of positive emotions in relation to a particular person, object or event.

19. LOVE
Falling in love is an urgent need in the society of another person, caused by admiration, sometimes - by idealizing the object of falling in love and always - by the desire for reciprocity.

20. LUST
Lust is a strong desire to receive something that is, most often, beyond the reach of a person.

Guilt is the realization that your actions have caused damage, grief, trouble to someone. At the same time, a person feels regret from what happened, remorse, empathy and, as a rule, wants to compensate the victim for his damage, no matter what this damage may be.

Anger is a very strong feeling of anger and resentment, provoked by resentment or rejection of something or someone.

Pride is admiration for oneself, one's actions and deeds. Pride is based on the joy of doing something that a person has done very well.

Grief is a strong seal, sorrow caused by negative events in life. Grief is accompanied by feelings of sadness, guilt, resentment, longing and can result in the strongest spiritual grief.

Sadness is the experience of completing the acceptance that something happened that we would not want. The person has enough strength to accept this experience. He understands that nothing can be changed and this makes him sad.

Annoyance is anger, irritation at the fact of what happened, expressed in bitterness and rejection of a situation that is impossible (or extremely difficult) to change or prevent.

Trust - creating realistic expectations and being aware of your own limitations and opportunities. Quite a complex and ambiguous concept that has several degrees of importance, depending on each individual person.

28. Pity
Pity is a nagging feeling of pain, compassion, empathy that one person feels for another, as well as for animals, birds and even flowers and some objects, events.

29. ENVY
Envy is the experience of a negative situation in which a person sees that the other (others) have something or someone that he does not have. An object that a person really wants to have, but cannot have for various reasons.

Anger is a negative reaction to obstacles to meeting your needs. In this case, the source of activity is inside the person himself.

Fear is an outburst of emotions provoked by fear, ie - reaction to the sudden appearance of a threatening object in the immediate vicinity of a person.

Interest is a feeling of mild curiosity about something or someone.

33. LOVE
Curiosity is a feeling of a person's need for novelty, a desire for research, both the physical and the spiritual world. Curiosity is often associated with bad vices (we know such examples from the literature). But curiosity itself, as a reflex that helps to navigate in life, is very useful.

34. LAZY
Laziness is a feeling of inner resistance when trying to force yourself to do something. May manifest as boredom, meaninglessness, lack of interest or desire.

35. LOVE
Love is a steady feeling of joy and calmness from the fact that the object of love exists. By the way, it doesn't matter in what form. For example, love for God. But (!) Should not be confused with love, momentary sympathy or sexual attraction.

36. HATE
Hatred is total indignation, anger, which refers not to a specific act of a certain person (people), but to the person (people) himself.

Resentment is a very strong degree of resentment. The essence of resentment is an aggressive attempt to influence another person, with the aim of forcing him to change his behavior or correct any deed.

38. HOPE
Hope is the patient expectation that the environment (government, people, bosses, spouse, etc.) will take actions that will result in a person getting what they want.

Tenderness is joy, tenderness, warmth and sincerity from the realization that there is a person in the world who is not indifferent to you.

Awkwardness is a feeling of oneself, one's actions that do not correspond to the situation, inappropriate, do not meet one's own expectations or the expectations of other people, an experience of insufficient ability to control one's motor sphere, to move in an optimal way.

41. Impatience
Impatience is an experience of intense excitement due to the impossibility of immediately satisfying any need.

Perplexity is the highest degree of surprise. To a pronounced degree, total bewilderment characterizes a severe degree of disturbance in the perception of reality, it is found in disorders of consciousness, in particular amentia.

43. Grudge
Resentment is the experience of emotions of indignation, powerlessness, sadness, provoked by the negative actions of another person (people).

Despair is a combination of feelings such as: powerlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, expressed in a sense of the dead end of the situation.

Chagrin is a huge mixture of feelings: hopelessness, sadness, sadness, anger, annoyance, resentment, etc.

Emptiness is a feeling that after completing some important and difficult business for us, we were left completely exhausted. As they say: hands are not raised. The phenomenon is temporary and quickly passing - it is enough just to have a good rest.

47. REJECTION (rejection)
Rejection - the experience of total rejection (rejection) of the subject by his family or reference group, or rejection of him, subject to the continuation of a certain behavior (rejection of behavior).

Loneliness is an association with rejection. The feeling is very individual. Some people accept loneliness with joy and relief, others cannot stay alone for a long time.

Contempt is a feeling of superiority over another person, experiencing him as a subordinate, communication with whom is unworthy of the subject, humiliates him.

Sadness is a persistent state of sadness that can often be used to indicate mild grief or repressed grief.

51. JOY
Joy is the intense feeling of excitement from overly satisfying contact. Those are when a person received much more than he hoped for.

Irritation is a feeling of a slight feeling of anger that has not reached its climax.

53. Jealousy
Jealousy is a difficult situation involving three person relationships and many different combinations.

54. Confusion
Confusion is an experience that arises when two or more alternatives to the choice of an object or behavior suddenly appear.

55. Disappointment
Disappointment is the experience of unfulfilled hopes.

56. FEAR
Fear is a special internal state of a person due to the awareness of impending danger.

Anxiety is a vague, unclear fear, fear that has no apparent reason for fear or panic.

Horror is the highest degree of fear, often making a person feel numb.

Humiliation is the experience of a demotion in social status, or a refusal to confirm the status for which a person claims.

60. RAGE
Rage is the highest degree of anger. In a state of rage, a person acts spontaneously, destructively and is rarely able to make adequate decisions.

From the editors that issued the dictionary:
For more details on the characteristics of basic human emotions, read the "Dictionary of Feelings" AV Smirnov (2011 release)