Hilarious story of how an old lady stopped a heist


Quack Quack, said the duck and stole your money
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[email protected]
This happened a few months ago, in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. Three men decided to cash out a few cards in the local bank.

Two of them went in with 20–30 cards and started to cash them out in the bank's atm. 15 minutes in, and they already had $50k in cash. They must have been quite nervous, because when the old lady behind them asked what was taking so long, and to hurry up. They basically told her to shut the fuck up and go fuck herself, why won't she just die already?, …

The old lady who was in her 70s or 80s was so baffled when she heard this, that she CALLED THE POLICE on them, about how rude they were and how they were taking so long. And while the old lady didn't think much of it, the police figured out what was happening and rushed to the scene. (By the way, those idiots chose a bank that was in the same street as the police station, about 2 minutes away by car).

When the robbers heard the sirens approaching, they rushed out of the bank, to the third culprit waiting outside, who wanted, to open the door to them. But when the first one stopped, the second didn't and ran into him, and the robber COLLAPSED on the ground from the hit. They got caught. Only if they were a bit nicer, they would have walked home with 20M HUF / $50k in their pockets, but they just got arrested instead.

TLDR: Old lady calls the police on robbers, because they were rude while stealing $50k