Help please


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I live in Brazil, and it's been a few months since I lost my job, and things have only worsened since then; my wife left me, friends and family have distanced themselves... Not to mention, I'm alone now, except for one friend, who lent me 1000 reais last week (about 200 USD).

With that money, I had to make a decision: either buy food for a month and hope for the best, or invest in knowledge.

I bought instant noodles for a week and some tutorials with positive reviews. Even with positive reviews, some were useless, and only 2 are theoretically up-to-date and might work.

My request is if you could provide me with an easy way to withdraw only 300 dollars from this 5000 card, it would already help me a lot.

Actually, I only need to withdraw 150 dollars from the card; that would be enough, so I can buy two more cards and food.

I say this because the food has run out, and so has the money. I beg you for guidance, for help, whatever it may be.

If it goes wrong, I don't know what to do, I don't know when I'll get money to try again. So, I would be satisfied if I could withdraw only 150$.

I say this ashamed to be in this situation. Three days without sleep studying and researching everything I had access to, desperate because I don't know what to do if it goes wrong.

I'm not asking for money, I don't want anything for free, I just wanted a few minutes of your attention, to instruct me or help me in any way possible... I'll wake up tomorrow with nothing to eat... so any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

I sent the text above to the card supplier. But it didn't help me. I just need some tips on the easiest way to get $100. I don't have anything to eat. I am desperate.