Hell week: upgrade your life in 7 days


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Sometimes it is difficult to find motivation in a long-term business: “every day I will delve into quantum physics, and in 50 years my works will be appreciated” does not sound like conventional physics will change your life.
Let's talk about hell week - a system that forces you to give all your best for seven days.
You will have time to become a different person, but you will not have time to grow old.

An article about what a hellish week is, what rules should be followed and when to reveal something in oneself is already waiting for its reader.

What do you imagine when you hear the phrase "perfect week"? Paradise islands, a snow-white beach and a serene existence on a lazy schedule: sleep on silk sheets, breakfast with sweet cocktails, sunbathing, cloudless swimming and so on in a circle. But let's not talk about a Hawaiian dream, but about a hell of a week, which will give pleasure from a slightly different plan.

Hell Week is a test that shows what a person is capable of, giving every day to the fullest. These are seven days of absolute concentration on the deed, revealing your strength and controlling your efforts.

Deciding to start a hellish week, a person answers the eternal question: "What will happen if I use every hour of my life to the maximum?" And in seven days he is amazed at how ordinary life can change when time stops wasting on stupidity, and concentration is working to the limit.

The week begins with the dawn of the sun: the rise is strictly at five in the morning, and it is worth going to bed at ten in the evening. Not the other way around.

Social networks, watching TV, empty conversations and calls to distant relatives are unnecessarily postponed, because they do not bring any sense, and hell week is aimed only at beneficial actions. For example, it is recommended not to quit proper nutrition and physical activity, because they charge you with energy and the necessary strength.

Every day a person sets himself the main tasks (edit the text, translate a story, run a couple of kilometers, "write" a bot, study the work of the heart muscle), but the very essence of the hellish week sets additional priorities ...

Monday: work on habits
We start the day by making a list of the habits we have, and then decide which ones to develop and which ones to get rid of. Remember, habits grow into character , so you shouldn't leave such an important part of your life to chance.

Tuesday: work on mindfulness
Concentration and mental preparation are closely related to obtaining high and desired results. If you clearly and clearly understand every aspect of your own work, understand the little things and understand where to tighten your knowledge and fill in the gaps, you have developed concentration and a conscious approach to business. Accept that your task is to do the job as well as possible, ideally, and strive for it. Ask questions about the details of your work and pay attention to how and what you do.

Wednesday: working on time
There is no end to human absent-mindedness, born in a series of useless deeds and distractions. You can't be productive if you don't plan your own time and keep track of where it goes. Stop, look around and answer: where are you running. Assessing the situation, analyzing and reviewing tasks will help you see perspectives, which is always important.

Thursday: work without sleep
We get up at five Thursday morning and go to bed at ten Friday night. Often a person does not have enough strength to get out of the comfort zone, and it is characterized even by our usual sleep. On Thursday, you will push yourself out of this zone and open your tired eyes to the fact that you can do more than sleep until lunchtime.

Friday: work on rest
If you imagine your vacation with a bottle of something alcoholic and watching numbing TV programs, I will disappoint: hell week will not save you. We often forget to relax: thoughts of work do not let go, overshadowing the weekend and vacation. Friday should include relaxation: walking, theater, dancing, exhibiting, cooking, playing - whatever fills you with serenity. You do whatever you want. You are the master of your own day.

Saturday: work on thinking
Pessimistic thinking not only opens your eyes to difficulties, but also closes them to opportunities and chances. This means that negative thoughts should be learned to block. On Saturday, you need to keep track of everything you think about and try to weed out the "evil", being alone with positive thinking.

Sunday: work on the results
Let's write down the conclusions we came to after working throughout the week. Answer: what have you learned? what do you understand? what fears have you overcome? will you be able to change your life, and not one week?

If you are interested in the system of hellish week, I advise you to read the book "At the Limit", where the author talks in detail about each of its nuances and helps to draw up an individual plan for working on yourself.


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? The Flexible Personality Book: Life is Practice
Personality tests harm your development. By forever attributing yourself to some type, you deliberately limit your capabilities, instead of always acting as required by specific circumstances and goals. You are in the tenacious clutches of the past.

It takes courage
Many try not to make decisions and refuse to choose the path, limiting their opportunities for growth, knowledge and change. All who have achieved something, at one time said goodbye to themselves the same. They saw something new in themselves and convinced themselves that anything is possible.

The past is just the past
You can be the storyteller of your life story. It is not necessarily determined by the past. "The past is a prologue." People make excuses from the past, getting stuck in habits and beliefs that prevent them from growing above them. But the past does not define you. You are not "conditioned" by it.

Don't be afraid of change
Regardless of who you were and who you are now, you don't have to stay that way. Your personality changes over time, regardless of your intentions. But once you have intention, the level of change will change dramatically; they will become directional, not chaotic.

Create yourself
A person who considers himself unchanged perceives himself in a limited way. Such thoughts force you to start a false search in order to find yourself "real", which becomes a reason not to make any decisions and, as a result, remain mediocre. You are responsible for your decisions and the environment you choose. You create yourself all the time, albeit unintentionally.

Accept yourself
It doesn't matter who you are or how you manifest yourself, your behavior should be perceived as normal. If you are shy, others should consider this when interacting with you. If you're on the verge of a nervous breakdown, they have to come to terms with it. If you are kind and helpful, then the rest should assume that you will behave with them that way. According to this worldview, all your reactions are simply manifestations of who you are, and you do not need to be ashamed of it.

No shortcuts
It is necessary that the goals were aimed at the formation of the personality, and not built on its basis. Entrepreneur, venture capitalist and writer Paul Graham said, "The more labels you put on yourself, the dumber they make you." When a person knowingly labels himself as an introvert or even an extrovert, he limits himself; except when, for some reason, one such label will allow him to achieve a certain goal.

You are changing
You cannot be described as a narrow type of person. In different places and surrounded by different people, you change. Your personality is dynamic, flexible and situational. Moreover, it changes much more throughout your life than you might imagine. At different stages of life, at different ages, your personality will manifest itself in different ways. Even in one day, dozens of different personalities can be lived!