Hacking mail with hydra in Kali Linux


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Today we will consider a not entirely new, but quite reliable tool that allows you to hack mail with a high probability. This method is universal and applicable to all services.

How to hack mail with Hydra
Hydra is a multifunctional password brute-forcing tool, with which we will now try to pick a pass for one of my test boxes on mail.com


In the window that appears, on the "Target" tab, write in the "Single Target" line the address of the smtp-server of outgoing mail of the required service. Port 465 and protocol are selected respectively SMTP. Check the box to use SSL connection. And we mark the item responsible for displaying the results of brute force in real time.


In the next tab "Password" we indicate the box to which the attack will be carried out. In the Password item of the sheet, specify the path to the dictionary. Finding them is quite simple, in the same google, you just need to type dictionaries for brutus. Just in case, we also tick the box responsible for checking the login as a possible password and move on.


In "Tuning" we change the method to HTTP.


In the "Specific" tab, write the full address of the mail service where our mailbox is located.


The long awaited last tab. Exhale and click on "Start". The search began. In case of a successful login attempt, the program will display an appropriate message indicating that a valid password for this mail has been selected.


The whole thing took about 5 minutes. Approximately this is how long all the boxes are brushed, the password for which consists of the date of birth, the nickname of the dog or the mobile phone number.