Hackers on steroids: Companies now have 5 days to prevent a cyber-apocalypse


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Attackers change their attack tactics and reduce the time spent in networks.

In the first half of 2023, cybersecurity experts noted a significant reduction in the time that hackers spend in compromised networks. According to Sophos, in attacks using ransomware, the time spent by attackers on the network decreased from 9 to 5 days.

According to Sophos statistics, 68.75% of all cyber attacks in 2023 were related to ransomware. At the same time, the average time spent on networks for other types of attacks increased from 11 to 13 days. This indicates that cybercriminals tend to linger in the network and wait for the right moment.

An interesting fact is that most ransomware attacks occur on Friday and Saturday, when companies respond more slowly to an incident because it is more difficult for them to contact the IT department.

One of the most vulnerable components is the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), which is used in 95% of hacking cases. Sophos strongly recommends strengthening RDP protection, as restricting access via RDP can significantly complicate the task for hackers.

For effective protection, Sophos recommends that you regularly analyze network data. This will not only help you detect threats in real time, but also provide valuable information for quick response to incidents.