Hackers hacked into the servers of the Israeli hosting provider Cyberserve


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The hackers shut down the company's servers and threatened to leak data if it didn't pay the ransom.


The Black Shadow hacker group, allegedly connected to Iran, announced that it had compromised the servers of the Israeli hosting company Cyberserve, which resulted in the shutdown of a number of popular websites.

According to Israeli media reports, the hackers turned off the company's servers and threatened to leak data if it did not pay the ransom.

Last year, the group stole a large amount of data from the Israeli insurance company Shirbit and used blackmail to force the insurer to pay the ransom. Ultimately Black Shadow released the data and Shirbit suffered significant losses.

Cyberserve provides servers and data warehouses for other companies in a variety of industries. The stolen information covers a wide range of businesses, including transport companies, travel companies, broadcasting companies, and the Israel Children's Museum in Holon.

It is unclear at this point if the hosting provider plans to pay the hackers.

As previously reported, the Iranian hacker group Moses Staff published personal data of hundreds of Israeli military personnel, including information about military personnel and persons of pre-conscription age, ranks, phone numbers, email addresses, residence addresses, official correspondence, as well as information on the socio-economic status of the families of military personnel.