Hackers broke into the database of the Sirena-Travel booking system


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They got information about 664 million flights over 16 years. The attackers obtained the names, phone numbers and identification numbers of passengers.

Hackers-probably acting in the interests of Ukraine-broke into the Sirena-Travel database with information about passengers of Russian airlines. This is reported by "Important Stories" with a link to a message in the telegram channel of the KibOrg hacker community.

A little-known group called Muppets is said to be behind the hack. It is not known whether it is somehow connected with governments or special services.

According to hackers, the database contains 664.6 million records of air travel in the period from 2007 to 2023. The leaked data includes passengers ' names and phone numbers, routes, fares, and information about ticket prices.

Hackers posted two fragments of the stolen database online and, apparently, the data there is true. "Important Stories" found there information about the flights of former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl, who recently moved to Russia-this information coincides with the public statements of Kneissl herself.

An associate of Alexey Navalny, Georgy Alburov, said that he found a ticket in the database confirming Alina Kabayeva's recent flight from Minsk to Moscow. "I hope that we and other investigators will be able to access this data. There are enough materials for several lifetimes, " wrote Alburov.

According to the source of "Important Stories" in KibOrg, hackers do not plan to put the entire database in the public domain. They are considering several options for further actions — transfer the database to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, create a bot for aggregating information from the database on a paid basis, or transfer information to investigative journalists.