Gulliver's scheme


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I will say right away that the scheme can be sharpened indefinitely. Enter new data, make new moves.

I will describe the scheme as I did it.

We need a Smartphone, a left SIM card with a kiwi wallet connected to it and an attached plastic kiwi card, which can be bought on our forum.

That's all.

Can be done on a computer.

I did not use any proxies and so on.

Burned directly from the phone from which I communicate in real life.

If you follow the safety subtleties described below, then it will be impossible to pull by the tail by 99.9%.

The first thing we do is download the badoo program to our smartphone.

This is the program of the dating site of the same name.

Let's say we are in Moscow.

Then we are looking for pictures of a girl of 22-23 years old, on this site, but looking at a different city (it is desirable that people do not stumble upon "us" twice), or we take them from other resources.

Next, we register on badoo using the received photos and create a profile on behalf of the girl.

After registration, we indicate the age of the contingent we are interested in.

The spread can be specified in 2-3 years. For example, from 23 to 25. We do this because within this framework we will be seen in the search.

After working out one age, we go to the next gap))) I did this.
The smaller the city is in terms of population, the wider we indicate the spread.

If you write from 18 to 40 in Moscow, then in one day you will receive so many messages that you will simply get confused.

Now on to the fun part. Namely, to the essence of the topic)

From experience: at first I replied to messages hi how are you and so on. But then I realized that it was a waste of time.

And so some Vasya writes to us. "hello, let's get acquainted"

We answer him according to the template, but before that, you can talk a little 3-4 phrases about the weather. (so that the site does not think that we are a spammer robot).

"Hello Vasily))) I'm not on the site for dating) I want to find a couple of people whom I will help to earn, and after that they will thank me))) if it's interesting, write) - I'll tell you more ..."

The main thing is not to forget the names to change)))

According to my statistics, some do not write anything at all, some write something like It's a pity, and the rest 40-50 percent writes, which is interesting and give details.

Which is what we do by sending the following message from the template:

"well, listen)) I used to play tennis in the Kremlin Cup and met there an interesting aunt who periodically whispered to me the results of tennis matches. I started playing tennis, but the conversation with my aunt did not end) she whispers to me, and then business bookmaker, bet, win. I bet myself, but it turns out not enough. So I decided to find a couple of people to whom I will whisper, and after receiving the win they will thank me.) I am looking here, because my friends said that for spreading such information they won't stroke my head. And I think this is the safest place. "

Then we do a message without waiting for an answer:

"in fact, I prepared this text in advance ;) in fact, I have already found a couple of people, but now I think the third one will not be superfluous))"
(we need this to increase trust)

At this moment, another part of the people merges. About half.
With others, we go further.

From experience, I even came across those who used to also fuck up with football !!! And they agreed !!!

Still, the authorities did the right thing by banning slot machines. The dependence remains)))) and there are a dime a dozen of these dependent! A lot of people generally forgot that this is a dating site and let's go all bad at once.

I will explain why tennis was chosen.

1. he as a sport is less relevant among young people than football.

2. few people understand it.

3. Football bets are overdue and matches are seasonal.

4. the person understands that buying a match where two are playing is probably easier than buying a football team.

5. The bet on Total is very convenient, since the odds on "total over X" and "total under X" are almost the same before the match and are very close to two (the bet money is doubled), since this is practically not a predictable event. (We need this, because we say one result to half of those who agreed, and the opposite to the other half, and there is simply no third outcome when betting on total).

6. matches for example ATP and WTA are held almost every day.
Now a little about possible questions and answers to them.

Q: let's try, but how are we going to do it?

A: I find out that there will be such a match sometimes the day before the game, and sometimes on the day of the game. The result is reported about 6-7 hours before the game itself. We do this, as soon as I know that there will be a game, I ask you whether you can or not, if you say yes, then how the result comes - I tell it to you. If not, then until the next game. If you said yes and got the result, then after receiving the money you thank me ;))) There is gratitude - we communicate further, but no - then we do not communicate))

Q: and often such games?
Q: what are all the games bought?

A: the games take place very often))) but not all are bought, and those about which they tell me are probably even less. Results come 1-2 times a week. And games generally take place almost every day ...

Q: how much do you want in gratitude?

A: Come on, if you want to check, then in the first game as much as you want, but you want to not bet at all)) just watch)) The second is 5000. The third and the rest are 10,000 each.
About the prices: I put 5 and 10. But you can do more)

Q: will all the results be correct?

A: I'll say this, about 70 games have passed since the beginning of the year, 3 of them were punctures. Two due to injuries on the court and one due to refereeing.
This is important to say. Let the person know in advance that punctures are possible. experience has shown that at this point people are not eliminated.
And having received such information, 50 percent of those who got a puncture want to continue playing.

Q: I'm not gambling.
О: this is not even excitement, but just earnings)))
Q: where to put it?
Q: how much to bet?

A: put where you want and how much you want) well, so that you can thank me too. I advise you to bet on You can put a lot there)) But there are a couple of tips: do not put more than $ 2000 on one event and do not merge the results with others - this may attract attention)
We open the fonbet website, watch the next game for tomorrow in the Asia-Pacific region. It is better to take games that are late in the evening Moscow time, so that people have time to deliver after work ;))

Unforgettable that we need to bet on the total, choosing a game where the value of the total does not have a whole value. For example: 22.5, not 22.

Now about how much and how:

At least 30-40 new messages came in a day (a heifer needs to take a cute, but not a blonde hen)))

I recruited 16 people who agreed and announced the game.

8 won.

Then another game.

4 in the black. But not everyone will deliver. According to the experience of 1-2 people. But 3-4 people pay. In total, $ 300-500 are already with us.

As a rule, out of the first 8, one who did not get into the 4 lucky ones is processed and stays with us. We postpone it for now.

Then we divide 2 by 2 and give the opposite outcomes.

Here's another 20 ka in your pocket.

Next, divide 1 by 1.

And floats into the pocket for another 10 ka.

Total from 45 thousand with 16 people.

Remembering your players in the evening for 10 minutes. For 5 days I made 30k.

If you are a maniac, then probably you can raise a hundred per week.

There are such gamblers that fuck, let's say the result)))

They screwed up 2 times after the first win and still give the result)))

Important points:

Games to take in the evening so that everyone has time to deliver. (pay attention to the time in the city in which you work, the time in Moscow is indicated on the phonbet)

You can add 1-2 photos of an intimate character to a closed album. (this will help keep people longer).

Take your cell phones !!! In case of an account block!

Go completely to SMS.

Do not put beginners and those who have already played in one bundle. And if you put something in half, both those and those, so that those who played and will definitely not be all in the half that will lose.

Service pack 2.0

1. Acceleration of the process of transition to the working part of the scheme.
2. Increase in the percentage of positive dialogues.

As a consequence of 1 and 2 - an increase in profit.

Read to the end before proceeding.

And now the very essence:

After the guys start to write to us, we communicate nicely with them, avoiding grammatical mistakes))), we do not say anything about the rates. It is advisable to talk for 1-2 days with each.

Don't forget to compliment:
"You are cute"
"Cool car"
"Probably doing sports"


Now in the morning (according to the time of the city with which we communicate) we watch the game for the evening (according to the time of the same city).

After that, it seems like we made a mistake by a person, we send those with whom we communicated a message in the following format:

"Our" tennis players are playing in the evening today. Hurry up. 23:50 *** - ***. Bet on "total over 22.5".

Do not write "random result" to more than 4-6 people a day. Moreover, it is desirable to send it to those who are online (will increase the percentage of those who see the result). Accordingly, we write MORE to half and LESS to half. And then, almost immediately, we send the following:

Oh)))) was wrong))) not for you)))

Further, the dialogue can take place in different ways. There can be many reasons that you are the wrong recipient. For example the same name or similar pictures.

But I think the meaning is clear)

Further, you can either immediately explain that I am suggesting to someone. Or abyss (which is more preferable), saying that now there is no time and go after the match. For example the next day.

So there you go!

Everyone to whom we gave the result is divided into three groups:
  • those who saw that the forecast came true;
  • those who saw that the forecast did not come true;
  • those who did not watch the results.
Well, with those who got into the first group, it's clear what to do.

With the third group (they usually do not write anything about the result, since they did not look), we do this: either we continue to communicate and throw another result in a day, or we write "are you already celebrating a victory?"

For the second group: everything is in service pack 2.1 ;) (already being written)
If we want to make good money, then do not forget about:

The main quality, not quantity.

Pay attention to your customers.

On the badoo site, the light did not converge like a wedge, go to other places as well.

Take phone numbers.

Don't play games often.

Do not hammer only Moscow and St. Petersburg. There are many other cities.

Wiggle your brain.