Guide to plastic cards: what types are there?

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There are many different types of plastic cards. They differ in appearance, shape, functionality and even the tasks they perform. Today we will tell you about the types of plastic cards and how they differ.

Types of plastic cards are distinguished depending on the task they perform. There are loyalty cards, payment cards, passes, etc. And all of them can be made in a corporate design.

Loyalty cards

All loyalty cards are issued to customers of stores or various establishments to interest them with advantageous offers and turn them into regular visitors.
  • Discount - offer various rewards for purchasing goods or services
  • Bonus - bonus rubles are awarded, which can be used to pay for your next purchases
  • Discount – provide a discount on a product or service
  • Club cards - can serve as a pass, bonus or discount card, and even an identity card
  • Gift certificates - allow you to fully or partially pay for the selected product or service

Payment cards

Used in certain companies and establishments to pay for goods or services. Not valid anywhere else. Such cards cannot replace bank cards. Payment cards can be refillable or with a fixed amount on the account.
  • Transport - used to pay for travel on public transport, can be replenished or not
  • Fuel cards - can be loyalty cards (bonus/discount cards) or payment cards, allowing you to pay for fuel at any gas station in the network
  • Gaming - most often offered in children's amusement parks, as well as in bookmakers and casinos, they come with a fixed amount in the account or replenished

Pass cards

Allow owners to freely enter and exit a restricted building. As a rule, personal names. The owner's personal data is indicated on the surface of the card or recorded on a magnetic stripe/RFID chip.
  • Key cards - perform the functions of keys in hotels, inns and hostels, they open an electronic lock to a room or storage unit
  • School cards - allow students to enter and leave school freely, work only in one educational institution, often include payment card functions (in public transport and school cafeterias)
  • Library cards allow you to move freely around the library and choose books to read

Insurance policies​

More durable than regular cardboard or paper ones, they last much longer, so their owners can get medical help at any time.

Lottery tickets​

Convenient format for drawings - given to each client or only some, and then a drawing is held. Can be used in any field.

Game cards​

Plastic board game cards are a great and durable option. They are much stronger and more reliable, but do not take up much space. Remains colorful for a long time.

Business cards​

Plastic business cards will be a stylish addition to your look. They are durable and bright, making a pleasant impression at first sight. Can be combined with other types of cards: discount, bonus, etc.

Each plastic card is a unique design, convenient format, advantageous offer or pleasant addition.
