Greetings Everyone - Setup Questions


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I am new to this forum and strongly wish to understand how to make money via carding and stuffs like that.I am just a young guy looking to be updated..
Please i really hope you respond to me


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The boy got up! - Or where to start developing in carding!

Greetings to everyone who reads this forum! Gentlemen, this post is addressed to all beginners; in it I will try to answer many of the most common questions. Of course, I’m unlikely to be able to answer everything, since sometimes they ask such questions that I can’t wrap my head around...

Perhaps there are already similar articles or materials on the forum, but I want to contribute to the development of the site, and I will always I’m happy to help purposeful guys in their endeavors who don’t give up at the slightest resistance and always keep hammering away at one point until they achieve their goal! This is the essence of success in any activity - and in carding this is especially well expressed!

Different people come to carding with different goals. Some are to earn a lot of money to improve the quality of life, while others are for the purpose of self-development and learning something new. I will not divide people into categories, since I am sure that everyone finds something for themselves, even if they come to our forum completely by accident.

Personally, I came to carding with a fuse in my ass and a desire to earn a lot of money... A fool would understand that with this approach I only made a mess. Only through trial and constant error, I began to understand something and am now working on several of my own topics. There is no point in telling your story anymore, I briefly mentioned this in some articles, I think that this will be quite enough.

And so, the first thing you must decide is for what purpose you came to this forum or any other! With the desire to earn quick money or learn this, so to speak, not an easy “craft”. Believe me, this is important, below I will explain why this is important!

I have an experience that is not entirely sweet, but quite useful - this is when I started my training on my own. I am grateful to my curiosity for reading the forum from cover to cover in just a few days. Then, after receiving an impressive amount of information in practice, I managed to make one successful entry into one freelance resource and earn $500 in the end, I note that not a penny of personal funds was spent.

After which I was upset many times, but did not give up... In fact, the realities of carding today are such that after several failures in a row and receiving the slightest resistance, newcomers are blown away and leave the forum offended, repeating at the same time - carding is dead! This is far from true, I already wrote an article about this earlier, the brief meaning of which is that work in carding is available only for confident and persistent guys. If you are interested, you can find it in the library and read it, I can’t help but recommend it.

Many other times I had to work with other guys on the forum and once there was even a small team of four people. We worked on one interesting topic until it died. From personal experience, I know both sides when you come into this world - without money and when you have a budget to slightly increase it using the work of proven people on the forum.

By this point, you should have already decided which camp you belong to, let's go. First, I will give recommendations for those who have money and who want to earn a little money. There are not many recommendations, so I’ll probably start with you.

Recently, one guy wrote to me in a personal message for a very long time with various questions, which, to be honest, annoyed me. He openly asked some crazy questions, for example - “What is better to do with cards or take in the transfer?”

He positioned himself as a person who came to carding and had the money to start working on serious topics right away! As a result of our conversation, we came to nothing due to the fact that he was talking complete nonsense and most likely had no idea what he was talking about, he just wanted quick money. Therefore, if you have money and want to start working with one of the trusted people, it is better to study the forum at least a little so that you have the slightest idea of what you are asking or asking, save your nerves and the nerves of the sellers.

There are two options, if you have a certain budget and want to learn, then of course you need to buy a manual or training from someone from any carding forums. Please note that only in this section you will find sellers who have been verified, whom you can trust and work without fear. Many have made a deposit, which guarantees the integrity of the person and his serious intentions on the forum!

Training is training, you should not expect that you will make a profit from the purchased theme in the first few hours, usually the seller is obliged to inform you approximately after what time you should make a profit.

We talked about training, now about the other side of the issue, many find partners on the forum from whom they can buy carded stuff and sell it for full price on the white market. For example, this is how I work with legal partners and sell them Gifts from famous stores, access to various sites, etc.

This option is great for those who want to feel the result immediately, without training and the need to delve into the essence, all you need is an understanding of how everything works.

Now some information and advice for people like me who came into this peculiar world - without money!

There is no need to grab everything at once, this will only lead to disappointment. First you need to study the carding forum, and in particular the carder library section from cover to cover. In this section you need to choose for yourself the simplest topics that are there. Again, don’t grab the “delicious” ones; some of them may no longer work and some may be too tough for you. I personally published the simplest and to this day working topics for beginners, you won’t earn a lot of money there, but for the material and to buy flowers for your mother - that’s enough!

I have said many times that first you can beat the cards that are in the public. BUT you must remember - that many cards have already been ripped off by schoolboys, a working mat will be difficult to find, so in the future you should always have a budget for consumables.

I assure you that in the process of self-study, most likely you yourself will come to some working topic, as I said through trial and error - the result will be!

That's all, thanks to everyone who read this post! I have some free time - I can answer your questions in a forum. I will also publish some good topics and interesting articles soon!

How to earn money?


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Please I am a newbie and i am looking for where to purchase
1 Socks
2 CC (Non Vbv)
and other tools i will be needing to go into carding.
Please i am a first timer and i am really serious about this...


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Please I am a newbie and i am looking for where to purchase
1 Socks
2 CC (Non Vbv)
and other tools i will be needing to go into carding.
Please i am a first timer and i am really serious about this...
First, you need to decide on the system settings.
Will you be working with a virtual machine or an anti-detect browser?
If you use socks5, then connecting via RDP is not necessary.

However, I will answer your questions:
You can buy non-vbv CC from trusted telegram sellers or reliable CC shops in this section:

Socks5 or RDPs proxies can be purchased from legit services in this section:

I think it’s too early for you to buy material for work. First, you need to study carding manuals and guides on our forum. Dedicate 1-2 weeks to information study. Ask questions if something is unclear to you. It’s too early for you to start practicing. If you want to succeed in carding, you need to prepare well in advance and take your time.


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thank you boss.
Please can you attach a link to the forums where i can find these carding manuals and guides?


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First of all, you should read the beginner's manuals. Then move on to the rest of the forum sections. If you have questions, ask them directly in the topics. Start learning carding with this section for new guys: