Gossip, lies and slander: Singapore's presidential election may be marred by outside interference


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The local government gave candidates recommendations on cyber hygiene to avoid influencing the opinion of voters.

Singapore's government agencies have called on presidential candidates to be vigilant against potential foreign interference and cyber threats to ensure the integrity of the election.

The Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore's Cybersecurity Agency and the Electoral Department said in a joint press release that foreign interference includes attempts by foreign individuals to "manipulate the country's domestic politics through clandestine and deceptive means."

"This undermines political sovereignty and harms the social cohesion of Singapore residents," the ministry said.

Examples include reports of alleged foreign interference in elections in other countries, such as the 2020 US presidential election and the 2017 French presidential election.

"Singapore is not immune from this. A country's policy should be determined exclusively by its citizens. We must do everything possible to protect the integrity of our electoral processes, " the agencies said.

Information about some of the methods used by foreign actors to interfere in elections, as well as the precautions that candidates can take to reduce risks, is available on the website of the Electoral Department of Singapore.

Candidates are strongly recommended to:
  • raise your awareness of the threats of foreign interference;
  • strengthen the cybersecurity of your infrastructure and social media accounts;
  • carefully check your platforms for suspicious activity;
  • do not distribute messages and tweets of questionable origin;
  • immediately notify the police and the electoral commission of any suspected tampering or hacking of accounts.
It is noteworthy that a similar warning was issued before the 2020 presidential election in Singapore. Meanwhile, this year's presidential election is scheduled to take place as early as next month.