Google vs Hackers: How Pixel Binary Transparency Stands Guard over Your Smartphone


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Google has launched a new security feature exclusive to Pixel devices called Pixel Binary Transparency. The function can be compared to a smartphone certificate of authenticity, which confirms that the device is real and has not been changed at the software level.

At the moment, the feature is only available on Pixel devices, and it complements Android Verified Boot, which verifies that the phone has not been tampered with in any form.

There are a lot of steps that the device goes through before it gets into the hands of the user. These steps can be used by attackers to hijack the device. Malware can be inserted into the Android code before the new smartphone is packaged before being sold. In addition to the main Android operating system, there are add-ons from operators and manufacturers, as well as many third-party libraries on which all software is built today.

Pixel Binary Transparency checks the Android operating system on the Pixel phone to make sure that the code is exactly what it should be. Google claims that any unauthorized changes will be detected.

Google admits that most users don't need the new functionality because of other security measures already in place on Android. However, Pixel Binary Transparency complements the existing Android Verified Boot protection, which works in a similar way, eliminating the possibility of post-root interference with the device's firmware.