"Good manners" or stress resistance when entering a swamp


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Salute, lovers to break someone else's account, In different situations, on the topic and just in life, you must first of all communicate correctly!

Believe me, the skill of correct communication is very expensive, as they say, "the language will bring to Kiev"

I will supplement this small guide, how to talk with the interlocutor, so how to conduct a dialogue in order to convince the person with whom you are communicating?

Rule one: don't lie 100%

Yes, this is the very first rule! Those who constantly lie are forced to store too much information in their memory, which is incredible for the brain, and therefore, due to the lack of attachment to some real events, these memories will be erased at the first nervous shock, and therefore remember :

A lie should always contain at least 50 percent of real information, and therefore make it a rule, so as not to be caught in a lie, to add truth to the information, the brain is a substance unique in its properties that allows you to store only the necessary information, the interweaving of lies and truth can force the brain will remember the information completely, and you will only have to remember the truthful fragment to recreate the entire text.

For example, if I am in the company of members of the forum with a glass of beer telling how I was drunk in Mallorca and knocked out two aggressive guards in a shopping center, I will have to remember a lot of unnecessary information, since everything is a lie, besides, I have never been in Mallorca, and most likely, after some time or under the influence of some factors, the information will simply disappear, and any of my interlocutors will easily catch me lying, remembering some facts that I forgot, but:

If I mix in half the truth here, namely, I say that in December last year I was in Moscow, and after leaving the club I knocked out two awesome guards on adrenaline, I am much more likely to remember this since I was really in Moscow in December and was in the club, in general, everything is clear here.

Rule two: stick to your chosen behavior

It looks like some kind of miniature, staging - there are a lot of situations in life in which "here and now" plays a very important role, I will explain, at the moment each of you is experiencing some kind of emotion: someone is depressed, someone angry, someone is having fun, someone has just woken up, and so on ...

You can have the greatest impact on a person only by "catching his wave", this determines the most important factor for further interaction, regardless of the field of application of this rule, after the first two or three phrases of communication, you can understand who you are communicating with, which means you can choose the right model and take the desired action.

I will give an example right away - you need to sell a product to a client, the basic sales scheme involves clarifying needs, and then work based on the client's answers, we will take the same rule as a basis, first we find out the client's needs, then we find out his solvency - here everyone has their own method, I think, and based on its parameters, we select the desired product

Further, to create the "illusion of possession" in a person, we take a box from the shelf and give it to the client *

* this method was called the "puppy effect", why so? Because if you bring and give your child a puppy, and in a minute you try to take it away, the child will not give it to you, the same system works with adults, but completely different things act out "puppies" - or in some cases - promises and hopes

After receiving the coveted "box" in the hands of a person no longer realizes anything, he must get this or that benefit, no matter what!

In a conversation with an interlocutor, first of all, you need to listen (in the case of correspondence, do not ask "closed" questions - those to which a monosyllabic answer (yes / no) is expected), analyze and model behavior depending on the situation, for example:

- with an aggressive person you need to speak clearly and confidently, but in a calm tone,

- with a person "on the courage" it is enough to simply "assent", and supplement his arguments in your favor

It is important to be a really good psychologist and actor, in order to easily "get used" to any model and do your job, there is only one way of training - learn to listen and observe, it's like an oriental philosophy - "be like water - if you pour water into a cup, it will become a cup, if poured into a teapot ", I mean a geometric shape, but in the psychology of communication it is also important to understand and take the same shape as the interlocutor ...

Experiment, use "puppy", just find out what "puppy" is expected of you.

Rule Three: Belief in Success Is the Key to Success

"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst"

Strategy - this big word denotes a set of actions necessary to achieve a goal, a kind of task list, a piece of paper on the fridge, which is always in front of your eyes, it is most difficult to turn words into actions, but if you still decide to move to the stage of implementing your plans, think about it every little thing, and then believe in the idea, for this you will have to spend several hours in front of the mirror, explaining to yourself all the advantages and details of the information you tell people, you need to "load" yourself so much that this information in your mind becomes a reality, this is how aggressive marketing works, people who believe that their product is the best, and know all its advantages, sell a lot and to all social groups at once!

An illustrative example of such a zombie is Kirby

I think comments are superfluous ...

The idea should be simple and clear, whatever you do, it is very important, spend time building the model, but do not think too much - usually the idea is corrected and acquires new details already in the process of "running in"

Rule Four - Keep Calm

In any situation, a person who is able to calm down can find a way out, a person who succumbs to the action of emotions - never.

Persuasion is built on trust, trust is impossible without maintaining a comfortable atmosphere for the interlocutor, here, as with a girl, what is on her mind is unrealistic to predict, it is necessary to find out by trial and error in practice.

Assume all options for the development of events, and the worst ones too, immediately think over or try to think over several actions for one or another outcome of events, at the subconscious level such things are then stored for years, for example, each of us from somewhere remembers that in case of fire it is necessary to stay closer to the floor, cover yourself with a wet rag and look for a way out, this is a kind of urban instinct that is postponed and formed from experience, and allows you to save life, but only to those who remember all this, and covered themselves with a rag in time, and did not forget to wet it, here is an example simple utterly ...

Rule Five - Rule of Three Yes

If during a conversation with a person he answers "yes" to the first two questions, then with a high probability he will answer "yes" to the third one.

Also, if you want to achieve a trusting relationship and convince a person, you should not say or write too much "no", instead of answering "no, the vacancy is closed" you can answer "at the moment the vacancy is no longer relevant, however, if you send us we will definitely consider our resume "

Agree with people, and you can build trust faster, and there is another trick.

Ask the person to do something that he will definitely not do, in which he will be forced to refuse you, after a couple of days ask again, but something else, which he will again be forced to refuse, and the third time ask for what really want from a person, but so that the circumstances are in his favor, and then the person will be corny uncomfortable to refuse you, and he will try to fulfill your request.