? Good Carder Personal Discipline Rules


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Every self-respecting person knows that on the way to success, self-education is the main rule. After all, without self-discipline it is impossible to achieve anything worthwhile. Discipline is what makes it possible to go forward even when there is no desire. In this article, you will learn about the basic rules of personal discipline. They are simple, but at the same time doing them can sometimes be difficult.

1. Keep promises. Especially when it comes to a phone call.
2. Not enough time? Are you late? Don't keep others in the dark. Let me know.
3. Protect other people's dreams, then no one will touch yours.
4. People who left you in difficult times should be erased from your life.
5. Parents are always there. We often neglect their society and we don't even notice it. Should not be doing that. Indeed, one day they will leave forever and the time cannot be returned.
6. Fortresses were surrendered to courteous commanders without a fight. Be polite and many doors will open in front of you.
7. TV is a brain-thinner. He suppresses the will. Better not even turn it on.
8. Learn to write and speak correctly.
9. Errors can only be corrected by acknowledging them.
10. There is no point in complaining about your problems and failures. Almost no one cares about it.
11. Don't create or believe rumors.
12. The morning is wiser than the evening. If you cannot find a way out of the situation, lie down and sleep. The subconscious mind will perfectly find a way out of a difficult situation.
13. Don't dwell on the same thing. Go forward. Delay is like death!
14. It doesn't matter how seriously you quarrel with the person. Don't dare get personal or hit below the belt. The conflict will subside. Most likely, you will make up, but the phrases thrown in the heat of the quarrel will more than once stand between you as a silent reproach.
15. Never lie. Lies only breed lies and disappointment.
16. Come up with something - be sure to write it down.
17. First of all, do what you least want to do.
18. Nobody owes anything to anyone. The harsh truth of life. Get used to it, gradually erasing this word from your vocabulary. Otherwise, you yourself will be mired in debt.