Gleam 1.0.0: a new language opens the door to the world of secure code


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Just one day of training — efficiency in work for many years to come.

The development world is meeting a new star — the Gleam programming language version 1.0.0. This release marks an important milestone in creating secure and easily scalable systems. Officially launched on March 4, it opens the door for developers to the world of new technological solutions.

Louis Pilfold from London is behind the development of Gleam. The language can be compiled in both Erlang and JavaScript. This allows you to use Gleam for a variety of tasks, from server applications to web programming. You can get acquainted with the language through a special guide, as well as explore the public APIs in its main repository on GitHub , where everything is presented — from the design to the package management system. Currently, there are 234 packages available for Gleam.

Pilfold emphasizes that learning Gleam is easy and only takes one day, thanks to its simplicity and brevity. According to the author, the language has absorbed the best of Elm, OCaml and Rust, offering a powerful type system and static analysis. The Gleam compiler also simplifies the refactoring process. Compatibility with the Erlang VM and JavaScript runtimes extends the scope of its application.

Future plans include further development of the server and libraries, which will be especially useful for creating production systems. Pilfold expresses his gratitude to the community and sponsors, among which stands out, actively contributing to the project's development.

Gleam promises to become an important tool in the arsenal of modern programmers, offering new opportunities for creating high-quality and reliable software. After a while, we will find out how much Pilfold's promises are justified.