Generic income


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This problem will always be relevant, since many men or women have it sooner or later. There are drugs like Viagra. This is a good drug, but it is expensive, and not everyone can afford it, this is the audience that will be our source of income. Plus, not all people trust all kinds of pills. There is an approach to such people. I will tell you how you can make money on this at very low costs and build a small business. I will sign everything online, you can also hook it offline, it will already depend on you how it will be more comfortable for you to work.

There are a lot of things in the price of Viagra. This is the brand itself, this is the multimillion-dollar research, advertising and production costs. But, fortunately for us, there is such a wonderful country as India, which produces a drug that is an alternative to Viagra - Generic.

What is this anyway? The first link on request in Google gives the following answer: “Generic is a modern analogue of the famous drug Viagra, completely repeating the principle of its action and functional characteristics. In relation to the cost of the original product, the price of a generic is more affordable, since it does not imply a markup for the "brand". The composition and other important features remain unchanged.

This drug is used to maintain a man's sexual function, in particular, his erection. It is often prescribed by medical professionals as an additional element of a treatment course aimed at treating various degrees of erectile dysfunction. Generic Viagra is currently the most popular drug in its class, which is due to the long-term practice of its use, which has demonstrated successful results and a minimal percentage of no effect. "

Do not think that we will sell Generic in its pure form. We will go a little differently. The fact is that many people are afraid of this Generic, they do not understand this.
People think it's something like fake vodka or Chinese iPhones. In addition, there is also a category of people who believe exclusively in the power of nature, which absolutely does not recognize any kind of chemistry. Such people, by their very nature, are not ready to buy such medicines.

There is an even funnier category of people. These are the people who are obsessed with
bioenergy, all kinds of shamans, healers, some kind of cosmic, energy bridges, Tibetan practices, and who, from the word "medicine", fall into a state of rage or stupor.
These people are our target audience. They will buy our
"drug". I think that you have already guessed that these people are not schoolchildren, students, and know little about the Generics described above.

Now let's go directly to the execution So, let's move on to the main trick. We are buying the same ordinary Generic. In fact, it does not require a huge investment of funds. You can even start by buying only 2 tablets of the drug. There are enough links in Google where you can order this drug. Here are some examples: (not advertising, purely for educational purposes)

And then all the fun begins in this scheme. This is what will help us increase the profit of the scheme and attract the maximum clients.

It lies in the fact that we will mix this Generic with natural medicinal herbs, which can be freely purchased at any pharmacy for a penny. Personally, I use rose hips, cumin seeds and turmeric (ginger).
We have two types of drug, and two subtypes. One for men, one for women. Among them, one is stronger, the other, respectively, is weaker. For the weaker drug, we use half of the Generic tablet, and for the stronger drug, we use the whole tablet.

The recipe itself: Crush the tablet into powder and mix with what we bought at the pharmacy (also ground into powder with an ordinary coffee grinder or blender). An important point: the tablet itself must never be ground in a coffee grinder. Experience has shown that the most convenient way is to put the pill in a large spoon and crush it with a small one.

The mixing ratio, regardless of the strength of the drug, should be 1 to 3.
1/3 of tablet powder and 2/3 of ground herbs.

Important: Why don't we mix powder with regular chalk, for example? First, because we need the person who uses this drug to feel the effect. Secondly, if the drug looks like a white powder, then people will immediately associate it with some kind of chemistry, drugs or synthetic drugs.

As you may have guessed, in fact - we are engaged in deception, but at the same time we give people what they want. Therefore, no claims against us can arise.
Accordingly, all we need is to honestly send people what they want, and they will buy it from us again and again. I will tell you from my own experience - sales are growing pyramidically. Grown men tell their friends, young people (yes, they too) who want to show their best side in front of their "heifers", women of age secretly tell their friends about an unprecedented orgasm, how to put your husband in soup, young the girls squeak with pleasure. Actually, we achieve what we are striving for - profit.

Moreover, we have wholesalers who buy 10-20 packs.
The packaging is an ordinary plastic bag with a fastener, which is enough for one dose of our miracle drug. We don't need anything else.

Naturally, it is better to approach this matter decently and honestly,
observe sterility as much as possible , use clean measuring spoons (they can be taken from the packaging of any medicine). This will help us distribute the drug evenly into the sachets.

The recipe questions are over here.

Now let's go directly to the methods of selling.
For example, I did it very simply. First of all, I entered various communities in classmates, an account in which I bought. The account must be "live". The account person must be 35-40 years old. Gender should be male, now I will explain why. Everything is very simple. Potential male buyers do not trust such secrets to women, and women do not trust such secrets to the same women.
Also, we should be in the communities of all herbalists, esotericists, healthy lifestyles and the like. Personally, I did just that, and it brought me results. In the future, we create our own community and call it "Power of nature" or "Grasses of Altai" or "Power of mountains". And I had a similar community.

Here's a simple example of formatting community information:
“Today, in the age of high technologies and man-made disasters, more and more people on the planet are thinking about the dangers of chemicals that have firmly established themselves in our lives under the guise of household products, food and medicines, choosing natural, real, natural, traditional medicine treatment. Our mission is to facilitate this choice by offering you a safe, efficient and sustainable alternative to the pharmaceutical industry. Our mission is to facilitate this choice by offering you a safe, effective and environmentally friendly alternative to the advances in the pharmaceutical industry. HERBS
SIBERIA (ALTAYA / CARPATHIAN / VIRGIN FORESTS OF BELARUS - it is necessary to emphasize the necessary) - this is the centuries-old knowledge of traditional medicine, the experience of the best herbalists in Russia / Ukraine / Tibet / China) and modern philological research. This is an amazingly soft, gentle, natural solution to your health problems, potency, using the healing powers of Nature itself! A natural preparation that multiplies the male POWER, its duration and gives women JOY from this POWER! "

As you can see, this text is not an absolute guide to action, there are thousands of variations of this text, just turn on your imagination. You can write that this is an ancient recipe of the Yakut shamans, that there is an extract from the prostate gland of a rare species of deer called "Kaborga". You can say that our miracle powder is made in India according to Ayur-Veda recipes. It all depends on your chosen audience and imagination.
When I posted ads on all kinds of thematic forums, I was guided by the principles of simple social engineering - telling them what they want to hear and selling what they want to buy.

The site classmates is not the only one with which you can promote our product. You can make a one-page landing page for the equivalent of about $ 25. You can advertise on forums of relevant topics, advertisements in periodicals, on free message boards on the Internet.

Here is an example of the simplest ad: "We solve problems with potency", "A folk remedy for increasing female joy and male strength." It all depends only on your desire, imagination and financial investment. Now we have described ways to attract the main target audience, people from whom the bulk of the profit will come, people who, due to their age, have problems with potency. They are, as a rule, busy people, and are constantly under the influence of various stressful situations.

But, besides all this, there is also a category of people who want to buy such products purely to enhance their own feelings, just to surprise their couple.

In fact, I will not disclose what it is called by me and in which region I work. The starting text is pretty cynical there. It sounds something like this: “Would you like your chick to pervade you all night ?! Do you want a chick to be aroused by just one of your kind? Nor do you want any chemistry. I have them !!! A real powder made from the extract of the Kaborgi Jet, which is used even by the powers that be. Do not trust??? Try it! We do not take prepayment, we do not ask for advances, we work cleanly, clearly and boldly!

An energizing powder for real guys and a super energizing powder for heifers that can be added to alcohol or tea. The effect is one - it is yours for at least the whole night. "
Next, we indicate the price of the drug, methods of application, doses, effect of action, niche contacts, and so on. For the first contact, I usually use private messages in social. networks.

About security
These are standard security methods, which are somehow even inconvenient to talk about on this site.
Left SIM card, left wallet for accepting payments, basic anonymity skills when surfing the web.
Further, with regard to responsibility to the Criminal Code.

Here, there are a number of interesting points that I will now explain. There is, in fact, a legal vacuum that still does not clearly define the status of a generic. It seems to be a medicine, but it seems to be not a medicine.

For example, the Association of Pharmacists of the Russian Federation submitted requests to the FAS, the Prosecutor's Office, the State Duma, Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with a request (and demand) to conduct checks on the legality of trade in generics via the Internet.

To which they received a fairly clear answer, which made it clear that these ministries and departments were not authorized to carry out inspections of this type of activity and trade (in fact, they simply do not know what to check).
In addition, we are selling a non-synthetically created drug, right? We are selling what we "collected ourselves in the taiga according to ancient grandmother's recipes."

And traditional medicine, it is not prohibited here. Hundreds of books are published, thousands of articles, old women in the market sell whole armfuls of all kinds of St. John's wort, chamomile, licorice root and so on.
That is, in the presence of trivial caution, ingenuity and understanding of the country in which we live, there are practically no risks.
Moreover, there is nothing to write a statement against us for. The buyers have no complaints and are satisfied.

By prices
Everything is simple here.
The cost of one package of our miracle drug is no more than 120 rubles.

Personally, I sell at the following rate:
1. Powder for men (half dose): Cost of 60 rubles - sale of 300 rubles;
2. Powder for men (full dose / consumption - whole tablet): Cost of 100 rubles, sales price of 500;
3. Powder for women (half dose / half a tablet): Cost of 60 rubles - sale of 250 rubles;
4. Powder for women (full dose / whole tablet): The cost price is 100 rubles, the selling price is 450 rubles.

It all depends on where you sell it, where you advertise. The dependence is very
simple - the less serious the site, the lower the price.

If you invest money (or create yourself) a website, or if you seriously approach the creation of groups and a community in social networks, devote time to online communication and social engineering, then the price can be increased by orders of magnitude.

And we go directly to the conclusion.
I will tell you this, friends. I started this topic just as a way to
earn extra money, without much effort, without understanding any of its prospects.
But, when I delved into the business industry, which is completely built on people who are obsessed with healthy lifestyles, on all kinds of Tibetan tricks, feng shui, shamanic recipes, and so on, I realized what a golden testicle really is. There are just dozens of ways of development and growth. This is also an absolutely easy way to make money on the collection of herbal herbs with the subsequent resale of this entire silage for wholesale.

This is a specific clear
targeting audience , sitting tightly and specifically on some specific "root of Rhodiola rosea", this is the same "AyurVeda" shnyaga. Friends, the main thing is that we are not deceiving anyone, that's the point.

Perhaps there is little benefit from this, but at least - we DO NOT HARM.
At the very least, people are happy, people are getting what they want (and often, the placebo effect also helps).