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In order to fully understand the characteristics of carder behavior, it is necessary to take into account that it, like any other behavior, is heterogeneous. This behavior includes types that, in addition to the negative carder legal assessment common to all, bear little resemblance to each other. For example, murder differs significantly from theft, rape from disclosing military secrets, robbery from violating mining safety rules, etc. There is specificity not only in the content of the carder actions themselves, but also in their subjective reasons, which should be noted Firstly. Therefore, it seems that, along with the general explanatory scheme of carder behavior (which, in our opinion, may be alienation of the individual), it is necessary to analyze in more depth the reasons for certain types of such behavior.

Among certain types of carder behavior, the most common are mercenary and violent. It is usually believed that acquisitive carding are generated by self-interest, and violent carding - by aggressiveness, hooligan motives, revenge and other similar subjective reasons. To us, such explanations seem insufficient, since they do not answer the question of why, for example, selfish incentives appear and are realized in one person, but not in another, and why this other solves life’s difficulties in completely different ways. Moreover, selfish motives in themselves cannot be illegal. These can only be ways to achieve a goal.

The above explanations, based on elementary life observations, do not take into account the most complex, deep and contradictory, often unconscious, stimuli of behavior, and do not reveal the “deaf and dark corners” of the soul. We believe that carder behavior should be explained based on the typology of the carder’s personality, and that types of carder behavior should be associated with types of carders that can be identified according to a variety of characteristics. The personality of the carder as a whole represents a social and psychological type that differs from other personalities.

Socially typical personality traits are manifested in certain ways of human life. The carder as a social type of personality differs from representatives of other social types in that he is socially dangerous. The danger lies in the possibility of harming the social relations that the state protects.

But not only this feature distinguishes carders from other individuals. A psychological empirical study of a significant group of people guilty of murder, robbery, theft and other ordinary carding has shown that they, to a much greater extent than law-abiding citizens, are characterized by such characteristics as poor adaptation, alienation, impulsiveness, and aggressiveness. In general, they take past experience into account less well and are poorly or even unable to predict the future.

Thus, in the personal structure of a carder as a personality type there are elements that are psychological prerequisites for carder behavior. In the spiritual world of the carder, at the conscious and unconscious levels, features are discovered that form the motives for carding and lead to their implementation. After all, any carding is not accidental in relation to the personality of the perpetrator: at its core, it is prepared by the entire development of its social and psychological properties. Therefore, we can only talk about the personality of a carder as a social type in connection with carder behavior.

This does not mean that all those who have committed carding and are convicted for this fully possess the personality traits listed above. These traits are typical of the vast majority of carders, but not necessarily all of them.

These personality traits are expressed differently in different categories of carders. Conducted by us together with V.P. Golubev and Yu.N. Kudryakov's research showed that impulsiveness, the tendency to act on the first impulse, under the influence of emotions, stuck affect (rigidity), a tendency to suspicion, rancor, increased sensitivity, as well as alienation, withdrawal into oneself, the desire to maintain a distance between oneself and the outside world more are generally characteristic of persons guilty of committing robberies and robberies. These traits are less common in murderers, rapists, thieves, and very rarely in robbers.

Since psychological characteristics are most actively involved in the formation of a person’s moral character and the motivation of his behavior, it can be argued that carders differ from non-carders in their moral and psychological specificity. It can be assumed that carders do not always understand what society expects from them and how they should act in certain situations. They lack incentives to comply with social norms.

Criminological typology of the personality of a carder helps to identify the causes of carder behavior, and therefore, prevent carding more effectively. Consequently, it must ultimately be subordinated to the general objectives of the fight against carding.

From the analysis of the personality of the carderas a whole as a type, as a bearer of the most general, stable social, socio-psychological and individual psychological traits and qualities, one can move on to the analysis of its varieties. It is through typologization that a unique personality model is created, which will greatly facilitate the solution of a number of practical problems. The correspondence of a particular person to an already created model, i.e., to a certain type of personality, will make it possible to make a very reasonable assumption about the subjective causes of carder behavior, since they are already known to be characteristic of this type of personality. Based on typological reasons, it is possible to develop in advance rules (algorithms) for preventive work with a representative of this particular type, to determine the tactics of the investigation or individual investigative actions in the event of a carder case being initiated.

We can say that the practical significance of typologizing the personality of a carder is the ability to differentiate preventive and punitive-educational effects, and solve some investigative problems. Knowledge of the typology of a carder makes it possible to identify and analyze individual types of carder behavior and allows one to explain this behavior by the characteristics of a given personality type.

There are several typological schemes for the personality of a carder. Let's list some of them. Based on the signs of antisocial behavior, the personality typology is based on its relationship to various social values.

1. Negative and disdainful attitude towards the individual and his most important benefits: life, health, bodily integrity, honor, dignity, tranquility, etc. Such an attitude underlies deliberate aggressive and violent carding - murder, bodily harm, rape, insults and etc., as well as most cases of hooliganism.

2. Selfish-private property tendencies associated with ignoring the principle of distribution of material goods according to labor, the right of state property and personal property of citizens. This is typical for committing embezzlement, carding, theft, fraud, bribery, speculation and other mercenary carding.

3. Individualistic attitude to various social institutions and regulations, to general civil, official, family and other responsibilities. Such antisocial traits determine the commission of a number of economic carding, carding against the order of government, justice, military carding, etc.

4. A frivolous and irresponsible attitude towards established social values and one’s responsibilities in relation to them, manifested in various careless carding.

Based on this classification of relations, the following types of carders are identified:
  • “Accidental” - the first person to commit a carding that contradicts the general socially positive orientation characterized by all previous moral behavior.
  • “Situational” - someone who has committed a carding under the influence of an external situation unfavorable for the carder with a general socially positive orientation.
  • “Unstable” - someone who has committed a carding for the first time, but has previously committed various offenses and immoral manifestations.
  • “Malicious” - someone who has repeatedly committed dangerous carding, including having previously been convicted.
  • “Particularly dangerous” - has repeatedly committed dangerous carding, including being recognized as a particularly dangerous repeat offender.
In the above diagrams, the personality types of the carder are associated with carding and with his attitude to various social values. These schemes can also have practical significance, for example, for classifying carding and convicted persons. At the same time, in our opinion, they require a number of clarifications.

First of all, the existence of a “random” carder is questionable, which will be discussed in detail below. In addition, a negative attitude towards certain values does not mean that a person will commit a carding. A negative attitude, as a rule, is judged when some actions that reveal this attitude have already been committed. It can be reasonably assumed that the same subjective reason (in this case, attitude) can give rise to different actions, just as different reasons can give rise to very similar behavior. In general, attention is focused on the internal causes of carding.

Based on the degree of social danger of an individual and his carder activity, we propose to distinguish the following types of carders:

1. “Particularly dangerous” (“active antisocial”) - recidivists with multiple convictions, whose persistent carder behavior is in the nature of active opposition to society and its values. First of all, these are carders who constantly commit thefts, robberies, robberies, hooliganism and serious carding against the person. Among them, attention is drawn to professional carders for whom carding are the only or main source of livelihood (for example, burglars and pickpockets). They sometimes merge with major robbers, helping them in transporting and selling stolen goods, protecting them personally, etc., which forms organized carding. They actively create situations favorable for committing carding themselves.

This should also include major property thefts and major bribe-takers who commit such carding over a long period of time.

2. “Desocialized dangerous” (“passive asocial”) - declassed persons who have fallen out of the system of normal communication and have been leading a parasitic, often homeless, existence for a long time. These are mainly people involved in vagrancy, begging, parasites, many of them have multiple convictions and are alcoholics. They also commit mercenary carding, but, as a rule, petty ones, to ensure their antisocial existence and especially the acquisition of alcoholic beverages. Unlike “especially dangerous” carders, these persons are mostly passive: they usually do not create situations for committing offenses themselves, but use existing ones. But, like “especially dangerous” carders, representatives of this type are persistent in their illegal behavior.

3. “Unstable ” - persons who are partially criminally charged and commit carding (sometimes more than once) not due to persistent antisocial attitudes, but because of their inclusion in groups whose lifestyle is on the border between socially acceptable and antisocial. The most common representatives of this type are offenders who, while drunk, commit petty thefts and thefts, hooliganism, and, less commonly, robberies, robberies, and some violent carding. With a significant change in life circumstances for the better and effective educational influence, they are able to refrain from illegal actions.

4. “Situational” - persons whose social danger is expressed in behavior insignificantly. They do not commit carding because the situations are of decisive importance. The fact is that, due to their psychological characteristics, they become severely dependent on the situation, without finding a socially acceptable way to resolve it. The “situational” group includes many violent carders, as well as persons who have committed mercenary carding in subjectively difficult life circumstances, for example, during financial difficulties.

Of course, this typology, like others, is conditional, and, apparently, not every carder can be assigned to one type or another without hesitation. You can meet representatives of mixed, intermediate groups.

Other available typologies of carders are more descriptive than explanatory. As an example, let us cite the typology of robbers developed by V. G. Tanasevich.

To the first group he included carders with a pronounced antisocial orientation , with extremely developed egoistic inclinations, and an indifferent attitude towards public interests. This group includes: a robber-businessman with an active antisocial attitude; a repeat offender who turned theft into the main source of income; a rogue thief who views property as a source of personal well-being.

The second group consists of persons who commit theft in the absence of expressed antisocial aspirations as a result of unfavorable situations and life difficulties .

Many such typological schemes, especially in relation to mercenary carders, can be cited, but they still do not have sufficient explanatory functions.

How to achieve an explanatory level, what to base a typology in order to reveal the causes of carder behavior in relation to certain types of carders and carder behavior? In light of the above, there can be only one answer: what is the subjective, internal reason for committing carding. This does not mean ignoring other, external factors that contribute to carder behavior, the role of which in the mechanism of such behavior can be great. But since we are talking about the personality of the carder, a typology of personality is needed.

The main stimulus, the reason for human behavior is motive. It reflects what the actions are performed for, what their personal meaning is for the subject. The motive materializes needs and interests; it is formed under the influence of drives and emotions, attitudes and ideals. In the course of satisfying them, motives can change and become enriched. Human behavior is usually multimotivated, that is, it is determined by a number of motives, but they are not equivalent. Some are leading, basic, others act as additional ones. Personality is most reflected in motive, and therefore it is fair to say that it is what it is, what is the motive for its behavior.

Motive is a subjective phenomenon associated with individual characteristics and attitudes, but at the same time including its socio-psychological traits. The results of modern criminological research do not allow us to assert that there are specific motives for carder behavior; in any case, the vast majority of motives for carding are not such and can cause other actions. Everything depends on the moral traits of the individual, which predetermine the choice of goal and means of achieving it. The bulk of the motives are, as it were, neutral; The exception is those aimed at fulfilling the physiological need for alcohol or drugs. Therefore, assessing motives by moral criteria is not always acceptable.

We believe that the typology of carders should be based on the motives of their carder actions. Some attempts (only some!) to create such a typology have already been made. Thus, among violent carders (who commit violent acts), according to their motivational characteristics, it is proposed to distinguish, for example, persons of older age groups (over 40 years old), who are characterized by motives of jealousy, as well as persons from among the youth (from 18 to 29 years old), whose carding are based on motives of revenge associated with the needs of self-affirmation in the family, in the absence of long-term hostile relations between them and the victims.

Now we will present a typology of the personality of selfish carders (committing selfish, property carding), created according to motivational criteria, and then we will try to answer the question whether it is possible to create a single typology for all carders using the same criteria. A comparison of carding that are completely different in nature seems to suggest the answer to the question posed.

So, selfish carders. Among them we have identified the following types:

1. “Asserting” (“self-affirming”) type, this includes persons whose purpose of carder behavior is to assert themselves, their personality at the social, socio-psychological or individual levels. Of course, there is also a selfish motive here, which acts as a parallel, accompanying, and in most cases equivalent. Thus, there is polymotivation, while the selfish motive is not intertwined with self-affirmation, prestigious considerations, and assertion of one’s authority. By asserting himself, a person strives to feel like a source of change in the world around him. This desire represents a guiding principle that permeates various motives.

It is very important to note that the possession and disposal of stolen goods acts as a means of asserting one’s personality, one’s “I”. This is especially clearly manifested in the carder actions of young people if they take possession of prestigious things or the means to acquire them in this way.

The assertion motive at the socio-psychological level, for example, may occur when a teenager commits theft or takes part in group hooliganism in order to be accepted into a certain informal group.

2. The “disadaptive” (or “asocial”) type includes individuals whose social adaptation is impaired, i.e., adaptability to the conditions of the social environment. These carders lead an antisocial, often homeless lifestyle, are excluded from normal connections and relationships, many of them are tramps and alcoholics. They commit, as a rule, thefts and thefts that are insignificant in terms of the value of the stolen property. The criminally obtained property and money are used to support their lifestyle, which is usually associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Many of them have previously been convicted and do not have a permanent place of residence, registration, passport or other documents. Naturally, they usually do not work anywhere and do not have a family; There are no connections with loved ones, relatives, and, as a rule, they have no friends. They seem to go with the flow, usually indifferent to their fate, and do not think about the future.

The basis of such maladaptive behavior is complete personal uncertainty. They do not have a stable idea of themselves, and they do not strive to acquire one. All their behavior is determined by an unconscious desire to avoid identification (assimilation) with another person; group, the social environment as a whole, entry into it. Thus, the meaning of their maladaptive behavior is the fear of social identification and gaining personal certainty. Such certainty is formed only in the process of active social communication, taking on roles, playing them and fulfilling the requirements of the environment in which a person is included. Thanks to the assessments of other people in the process of communicating with them, participating in joint activities through identification, self-esteem, self-image and, thereby, personal certainty are formed. A person who has developed such a quality knows what he can and should do.

Maladaptive, selfish carders avoid being involved in social interactions because of their unconscious tendencies to deny their social identification and any socio-psychological stability. Their social contacts are superficial; if they get a job, they don’t stay there for long, avoid any obligations, etc. In other words, they strive to live as if outside society, outside social activity, fencing off any penetration into their inner world.

Typically, maladaptive individuals do not have legal sources of livelihood; theft and other property carding provide them with these funds. Based on this, we believe that if the current trends of family alienation and disorganization continue, the number of maladaptive carders will increase. This will also be facilitated by the fact that during the transition to market relations and the privatization of enterprises, the least qualified workers will remain unemployed. Therefore, if special measures are not taken, some part of the workers will be thrown out of normal life.

3. The “alcoholic” type is very close to the “maladaptive” type, but does not merge with it. The criterion for identifying this type is the commission of mercenary carding in order to obtain funds for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. Among its representatives are mainly those who constantly abuse such drinks or suffer from alcoholism. Selfish carders of the “alcoholic” type are characterized by significant changes in personality, and above all in its motivational-need sphere; alcohol becomes the meaning-forming motive of their behavior, the measure of all values and relationships. As dependence on alcohol increases, this motive acquires an increasingly dominant place in the personality structure, subordinating all other motives. In this regard, the motivational sphere is completely restructured. Family, work, friends - all this takes on a different meaning, the motives associated with them lose their former motivating force.

The circle of communication is also changing, which mainly begins to be realized in groups of antisocial behavior, which strengthens and aggravates maladaptation and a person’s isolation from normal connections and relationships.

Acquisitive carding committed by thieves and alcohol-type plunderers are usually not characterized by increased social danger. Most often these are petty thefts or petty thefts at work to satisfy the need for alcoholic beverages. They commit carding in primitive ways, usually they are not prepared in advance, no measures are taken to destroy traces, and the stolen property is most often immediately sold.

4. The “game” personality type of selfish carders is very complex from a psychological point of view. Meanwhile, it is quite common among carders, and especially among thieves: let us remember Shura Balaganov from “The Golden Calf” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov, many heroes of picaresque novels.

Representatives of the “game” type are distinguished by a constant need for risk, the search for thrills associated with danger, inclusion in emotionally exciting situations, the desire to participate in various types of operations, unexpected contacts, etc. Selfish motives, as a rule, act along with “game” ", since for them both material benefits as a result of committing carding and those emotional experiences that are associated with the process of carder behavior are equally significant. The latter circumstance significantly distinguishes them from representatives of other types, i.e., for them the very emotional process of such actions is psychologically very important. Moreover, we have encountered cases where this process even played a leading, motivating role, and other stimuli seemed to be relegated to the background, which is especially typical, for example, for adolescents. Many of them strive to attract attention to themselves.

Of course, the penchant for gaming and “gaming” motivation are not unique to carders. There are many types of activities associated with risk, emotionally arousing situations, etc., for example, climbers, motorcycle racers, stuntmen, and representatives of other professions whose work poses a certain danger. It must be assumed that it is carried out by those who are individually predisposed to it and have the appropriate abilities. The choice of an illegal or law-abiding form of implementation of the “gaming” tendency depends on the formation of the personality, its upbringing.

5. "Family" type of selfish carders; it stands out due to the enormous, including stimulating, role played by the family. This type is usually found among embezzlers and bribe-takers and is extremely rare among those who commit theft. Its representatives are characterized by the fact that thefts are committed not so much for oneself, but to achieve what is necessary, in their opinion and the opinion of people close and significant to them, the level of provision with material and spiritual benefits for the family and its individual members. In some cases, the interests of the carder himself are not taken into account at all and he even leads an ascetic lifestyle. Many such selfish carders are characterized very positively at work and, of course, are very attached to the family, especially to children.

“Family” motivation is very typical, for example, for those women who steal property entrusted to them for the sake of their children, husband, and often male acquaintances, in particular in order to purchase alcoholic beverages for them. It is not uncommon to combine representatives of the “family” and “established” types in one person, that is, the same person kidnaps for selfish reasons, for reasons of self-affirmation (affirmation) and to provide for the family.

Among other categories of carders, you can find some of the listed types. Thus, among murderers there are (and often are) persons who have committed such dangerous carding for reasons of self-affirmation (remember Raskolnikov from F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Carding and Punishment”). This gives grounds to distinguish them as an independent type. For reasons of asserting oneself in the eyes of others and self-affirmation, rape is often committed, for example, in order to consolidate one’s authority among teenage peers organized for gang rape, or to assert oneself, to confirm one’s biological status as a man in one’s own eyes.

Representatives of the “game” type of carders and the corresponding type of behavior are relatively rare among murderers, more often among robbers, brigands, hooligans and perpetrators of rape. Among the latter, these are persons of the so-called passive-play type, passive because (usually unconsciously) the game is started by women, whose behavior creates the appearance of the possibility of engaging in sexual intimacy with them.

They, not understanding the essence of the situations that have arisen and the actual attitude of future victims towards them, enter into a relationship with them that we call a game. As a result, to break their resistance, carders use violence. The experience of studying such carders shows that the vast majority of them sincerely believe that the women agreed to everything, and therefore they are not guilty of anything.

A study of the personality and behavior of those who committed rape also convinces us that among them quite often there are people who, due to debility, dementia (less often, physical deformities or other physical disabilities) are not able to establish normal sexual relationships with women. They are essentially rejected by them, sometimes subjected to contempt and ridicule. In addition, debility prevents the assimilation of moral norms governing communication between the sexes. Therefore, deprived of the opportunity to satisfy their sexual needs in a socially acceptable way, such carders resort to violence. All this gives grounds to identify among rapists a “rejected” type, which is not found among other offenders. Of course, moronic individuals can be found among most categories of ordinary carders, but these are only isolated cases that do not provide grounds for forming an independent type out of them. Among perpetrators of rape, they are much more common.

The foregoing allows us to come to the conclusion that it is impossible to create a typology of the personality and behavior of all carders depending on the motives of their carder actions. As for typologies based on other criteria, it is quite possible to construct them, although, as we noted above, they have significantly less explanatory power. Of course, certain types, and above all the “affirming” (“self-affirming”), are found among almost any group of carders, identified by the nature of the carding committed. However, carder behavior in general has, in our opinion, a single and main source - alienation of the individual, the foundations of which are laid through psychological and emotional rejection in childhood, deprivation of care and support.

A typology of carders can be developed not only to explain the causes of carder behavior, although this seems to be the most important. Typological groupings of carders and carding can also be created for other practical needs in the fight against carding, for example, for organizing work on their correction and re-education, developing issues of differentiation of carder liability, etc. But it is no coincidence that we noted the paramount importance of precisely explaining the reasons for committing carding. Even in the process of correctional labor activities of convicts, it is impossible not to take into account the reasons for their carding in each specific case.

(c) Antonyan Yu.M., Enikeev M.I., Eminov V.E.