General rules of Black rhetoric


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Black rhetoric is the manipulation of all the necessary rhetorical, dialectical, eristic and rabulistic techniques in order to direct the conversation in the desired direction and lead the opponent or the public to the conclusion and result we want.

Drawing on the work of Cicero and British Parliamentarian William Gerard Hamilton, who analyzed thousands of speeches in the House of Commons from 1754 to 1796, Wolf Schneider developed several rules of ingenious black rhetoric in his book, which Bredemeier declared to be general:

Expression should be simple and accurate
Lively and accurate use of language is the key to communicative success. At the same time, the power of speech lies not only in the clarity of simple mental moves, but also in the sophistication of subtle inferences, the purpose of which is ultimately the same: to be extremely convincing.

A compelling main message, a clear mission-statement, focuses the entire message.
A social sound background accompanies speech, slogans accentuate the idea. These clenched arguments are by no means ideas on the way to a phrase, but commands to change something, comparable to the headlines of posters, which, in the words of Norman Mailer, present "the events of world history in the form of a pill." Shaw wasn’t the only one who knew that a good battlecry earned half the victory.

Focusing the message is followed by constant repetition of the main idea.
The classic phrase of Cato "I believe that Carthage must be destroyed" has long reminded us that the repetition of the main idea reliably fixes it in the mind of the interlocutor, making it all the more attractive and convincing.

The contrast of black and white states the position.
Even if speech or argumentation provides the interlocutor with a whole kaleidoscope of opportunities for reaction, in the oppositions "yes or no", "either-or", "black or white", a certain direction, conviction of the speaker is manifested. The need for choice makes it difficult to access the main idea, and it is no coincidence that the word presentation means "presentation" (of your position).

Blurring the boundaries between truth and lies, information and deliberately withholding it gives an advantage.
Anyone who, point by point, disputes individual arguments, or in general everything that he hears, confuses the interlocutors. But only the one who plunges the knife into the most vulnerable spot achieves success. An overly complex and detailed explanation dilutes the solidity of the argumentation. An example of simplicity and clarity is shown to us by one of the well-known dogmas of the church: “I believe, then there is God” - even if you think that it is not so.

Only targeted statements bring success.
Anyone who is engaged only in refuting the opponent's argumentation leaves him a lot of opportunities to escape defeat. To force the opponent to speak, to embarrass him - this is what you need to achieve by opposing him. And then success is guaranteed.
You should also not just appeal to the public, but try to touch it for a lively and make you ask the question: "How does this concern me personally?" Listeners' emotions are the key to a speaker's success.

K. Bredemeier
"Black rhetoric"