Future of Intelligence: CIA introduces artificial Intelligence system to analyze open data


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AI is the new face of American intelligence in the hands of the CIA.

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is preparing to launch a new tool based on artificial intelligence, similar to ChatGPT, to optimize the collection of data from open sources, reports Bloomberg.

This step is aimed at improving the efficiency of analysts in the process of studying open intelligence. It is planned that the innovative tool will be offered not only to CIA employees, but also to other American special services.

According to Bloomberg, the AI tool initiative is part of an extensive U.S. government campaign to harness the power of artificial intelligence in light of competition with China, which aims to become a global leader in the field by 2030.

The new CIA tool will allow users to see the original source of the information being viewed, said CIA Division Director Randy Nixon. "Then you can go to the next level, and start communicating, and ask questions to machines that will give you answers that are also obtained from [open] sources," he added.

It is not specified what model will underlie the new development and how information will be protected from being exposed to the open Internet. However, it is noted that the CIA has been actively expanding partnerships with the technology sector in recent years.

The tool will be available to 18 agencies in the U.S. intelligence community, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. However, access to it will not be granted to politicians or the public.