From "hard" to "soft" and vice versa. What makes professional carding success.


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How to become successful? To be a cool entrepreneur, engineer, medic, or designer, professional skills are not enough. Sociology even has special concepts - Hard and Soft Skills. What we think is hard and soft skills.

What is the difference?
We refer to Hard Skills as those professional skills that will be useful to you in your work. Or what your work will be composed of.

So for example:
to print "blind";
to drive a car;
give injections;
cross stitching.

Soft Skills is what comes with professional skills. Roughly speaking, it helps to correctly implement your skills, to put your Hard Skill on the right track. Roughly speaking, this is a set of personal qualities that allows you to effectively "function" in society.

So here are some examples of soft skills:
manage time;
work in a team;
accept criticism;
make decisions;

What's more important?
With only soft skills, you will not achieve anything in a truly professional world. Perhaps clever scammers succeed in this. Although, no - it will not succeed. At the same time, apart from Soft Skills, even “divine mastery of the craft” will not bring success. Therefore, both types of skills are "mutually dependent". Answer the question "What is more important?" impossible.

It would seem that. Prestigious and highly paid "tough" skills are what is needed and enough. After all, from school they tell us: study and you won't be a janitor. But is it really so?

At Harvard University, they found that professional success is only 15% dependent on Hard Skills. That is, soft skills account for 85% of professional and personal success.

How to learn?
With Hard Skills, everything is clear. I chose a profession - I went to study. At the same time, there are plenty of opportunities to get a hard skill. A “professional school” has its own teachers, a teaching model, a set of lessons, and a well-developed algorithm of actions. There is a level of knowledge and a "stepwise" way to this level. I remembered - done - brought to automatism.

In Moscow, they begin to prepare future pros at school. Introduced medical, engineering, cadet classes. In classes, everything is grown-up, as in universities and in the profession: equipment, representatives of the profession as teachers, experiences, research, projects. To master the specialty not on paper, but to be ready to work "by hand"

What about the "soft" skill? School does not teach people to motivate. At least we are not given the exact instructions on how to become a leader or manage your own time.

Your soft skills start with your personality and innate talents. For example, oratory or concentration skills. More chances to become cool and in demand among those who have been “in the crowd” since childhood: sports and creative sections, hiking trips and acting workshops. Consider this if you have children.

"Soft" qualities can be developed, as well as nurtured "from scratch." Universal tips to "fill" Soft Skills - communicate more, find a hobby, set a certain goal and follow it. And also keep a diary, draw up schedules and lists like "I promise."

In the modern and "metropolitan" world there are courses and lectures, books and films that teach communication, planning and self-confidence. Something will definitely help you. If you like.