Free WIFI @ Starbucks & AT&T APs


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I'm pretty sure this trick works in the US only, correct me if I am wrong though. This is an old hack I figured out awhile back. I didn't find the crack, nor did I look it up to figure it out it just came to me. It's not much of a crack and takes pretty much no skill, but it works, so I figured i'd pass it on to you guys. Again, i'm not the first one to pull this off as mentioned, but I did figure it out on my own and its so easy that anyone can do it with 1 FF addon. It works at all Starbucks in the US and maybe other places if the criteria below is will see why...

How I figured it out:

I noticed about a year ago that Starbucks offers free web service for all people with iPhones. A friend would always get free web on his phone while I had to hack wep keys, which can be a pain in the ass if you want internet quickly. And I dont know about you guys, but I refuse to pay $5 an hour or whatever crazy price they charge for Wifi there these days so I wanted to figure out how to make my laptop appear as an iPhone.

This was easier then I thought because there is a tool already out there that does it automatically, a firefox addon called "User Agent switcher". A tool I became familiar with about a year ago because you can also manipulate it to disguise yourself as a Google Bot and gain access to paid sites without registration. Sometimes hidden directories and password files that sysadmins forgot to secure properly.. That's another story though. Anyway, it can be used to masquerade as another computer to gain entry if a particular user-agent is needed to login to a remote box. It's also good to throw people off who maybe trying to fingerprint your system for intrusion so it has many uses both good and bad.

So, back to free wifi @ Starbucks. What you're going to do is download the FF addon "UserAgent Switcher" from here:

User Agent Switcher

Go to tools > default user-agent > user agent switcher > options > new

A box will open with 5-6 lines of info about your actual user-agent. Delete all the code in the switcher and add this to the top 2 lines: IPhone Safari 1.3.3

You should already be at the AT&T login page at Starbucks. Click the new User Agent you just created then refresh your screen. Click home and go to your home page.

You now have free internet, and as we all know, stolen wifi is one of the best ways to keep yourself unknown and secure.

Proof of concept - Tested many, many times by yours truly.

Enjoy your free internet and remember to be nice with it. We dont want to lose this beautiful crack so keep it on the DL.

And please, dont be a dirty whitehat and report it to Starbucks..although there is little they could do about it except ban iPhones free web..and the techs @ Starbucks have to know about it anyway. Still, if it gets out of hand they will find away to patch it so... shhh.

Enjoy your free internet :)
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