Free traffic from Telegram


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We get free traffic from Telegram!

Many wondered how to quickly, and most importantly, promote their project, channel, bot for free. Now you will learn how to get fast, and most importantly effective traffic to your product or project using bots for communication. At the same time, using the tricks from this article, as well as your abilities in SE.

This article is written from my own experience of trial, error and personal observation.

This article is divided into several parts, namely:
1) How to bypass restrictions in such bots
2) Traffic source
3) Conclusions + Proofs

Let's get started.

How to skillfully bypass restrictions in bots
Many who worked with such bots, because of their ignorance, quickly flew to the ban (in the bot) and did not get the desired result. Therefore, here is a small instruction on how to skillfully bypass bot protection systems and extend the life and time for spam / promotion.

First, you must do everything from the left telegram account so as not to put your main account at risk.

Secondly, no one canceled the warming up of the bots (many guys from 2016 understand me, the scheme is the same as with stores). We need to show the system that we are a real person, not a bot farm. Therefore, slowly fill your account, pause. In anonymous chats, it is better to fill yourself with "likes / karma / reputation" for the first 10-20 messages, this is all done quite simply. There are many guys sitting in these bots who are looking for ladies, we will use this and apply social engineering. For example, you can write:

a) "I'm a girl, I like everyone!"
b) "Mutually give everyone Like"
c) "Hi, I'm Lisa! I put all lyke mutually !!"

You need to make your own unique text, add a bunch of emoticons mammoths love it!

When the account is warmed up and we have collected enough reputation for the account. You can proceed to the 3rd stage.

The third stage is why you actually came for traffic. You can, of course, start spamming with a link and fly off in 15 minutes to the ban, or you can do it according to your mind! Create your own stickers using the Stickers bot (the network is full of information on this topic) and specify a link to your channel / account / bot in the name of the stickers. Systems in bots almost do not respond to stickers, but users respond very well to a beautiful picture. Thus, your account is held for a long time, and the mammoth bites your bait and follows the link;)

And now, after a long explanation of how to bypass protection and increase the survivability of your account, I present to you the traffic sources.

1. @RuAnonsBot - Anonymous Chat, security systems "slow down", so accounts live a long time, and traffic is active.
2. @anonrusbot - Anonymous Chat.
3. @AnonRuBot - Anonymous Chat, good, but due to the influx of spammers, moderation was set 24/7, but the traffic is good.
4. @MysteryAnonymousBot - Anonymous chat for group communication.
5. @Anonzabot - Anonymous Chat.
6. @anonimnyychatbot - Anonymous Chat.
7. @RuAnonymousChatBot - Anonymous Chat, good flirting there (a lot of promising shkolots who managed to put on roblocks, skins and other virtual goodies).
8. @RuAnon_bot - Anonymous Chat, good audience, the administrator says that the base in the bot is under 300k (believe it or not, it's up to you), first we warm up each chat, because sending media and stickers takes 30 seconds ...
9. @DarkyChatBot - Anonymous Chat, no moderation, anarchy and freedom, sheer tin, DP, a bunch of different things and advertisements, a lot of users.
10. @ChatVirtualBot - Anonymous Chat, the only thing that pisses me off is the delay of 90 seconds and the fact that the users are mostly children.
11. @iris_cm_bot - a good bot with a database of active telegram chats. If you need to ask the base of live users or spam a chat, then this is the best option. The "random conversation" button will help you, it is better to spam at night.
12. @camilfoclub_bot - A bot for dating, verification is difficult, but after that you can easily throw daddies for amounts from 15k, on various cafes, planes, replenishments.
13. @prevedbot - Not a bad bot, for lovers of intimacy, there are no restrictions, it is easy and simple to go through the user base and collect traffic to your link.
14. @StrangerBot - Anonymous Chat, where only foreigners are sitting (Just for fun, go and look at their scam schemes, they are over 8 years old ;))
15. @yetanotherbot - Anonymous Chat, buggy at the start, after passing the "start", the flight is normal.
16. @ matchmaker2_bot - An analogue of our Divenchik, only with brakes, but in general it works, mammoths are coming.
17. @leomatchbot - Classic "Dyvinchik", a small parish, comrades who will bite less and less :(
18. @hotorbot - Anonymous Chat.

In general, more than 5 months of active spam, more than 600k clicks and about $ 2000 in 4 months [a lot of accounts and wallets flew away, so collecting all the numbers will not work]. Recently, I have been testing content sales, I have been filling up 5k per day.

That's all! Good luck!