Free multithreaded Telegram inviter, spammer and parser


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I leave a link to the original theme - click. Below the picture, I will still leave a proof-review from the forum that everything works. So, skilled subscribers with knowledge of Python, you know who to write to for questions.

Proof-review immediately after the topic is released.

Good day to all!
Today I will show you how to use a small Python script, you can absolutely free and quickly promote your chat, channel or group in Telegram.

You can use this script on Windows, Linux, and Termux (which in turn is very convenient).

I will divide this topic into several parts, namely:
  1. Introduction
  2. Install all components, modules, and dependencies
  3. Registration of the application in the " API Development Tools"
  4. Configuring the configuration
  5. Using
  6. Result analysis and personal observations

After analyzing the forum and the network as a whole, it became obvious that there are no free options for Telegram Tools for ordinary hard workers who just want to try or want to seriously raise their project, but they do not have extra funds for promotion. For this reason, today we will correct this nuance and I am happy to show you the free Telegram Tools in Python, which includes: an invite, a spammer and a parser. Advantages: pretty fast work, open source (you can play around on your own and customize or finish the code for yourself), easy setup that takes just a couple of minutes and 100% results. In the future, I plan to continue developing and developing the product on a free basis for you.

Install all components, modules, and dependencies
As mentioned earlier, the installation is really simple, a demonstration of installation under the currently popular OS software is below.

Go to the official Python website and download Python 3.8 (link)


Here we select the installer for your programOperating system:


Next, during installation, do not forget to select PATH:


Next is the standard Python installation.

Next, download from GitHub-a TGPars (link)


Open a command prompt in the TGPars directory


Next, you need to run the command to install dependencies and modules:

python -i


As a result, after successful installation, we will receive the message:


Next, we look at the next stage.

Installation article for Termux (Android) and Linux (clickable).

Registering an app in the " API Development Tools"
The following steps were performed on the phone, and the same thing works for other platforms:

Go to the site:

There we go through standard authorization, and the code will be sent to the app.


After authorization, click on: "API development tools"


Next, we will need to create a new application, where in:

App title: we specify (Telegram)

Short name: enter it randomly (LolzDemo)

URL: enter the link (

As a result, you should get:


Next, click on: Create application

And we see in front of us:


Here we only need values from: App api_id and from App api_hash

Configuring the configuration​

Next, we configure the actual configuration and authenticate to save our session. Everything is very simple and configuration is performed with 1 command:

In our directory, enter the command:

python -c

Here we just specify our App ID, Hash ID and phone number:


After receiving the message "Setup Complete!", the configuration is configured and your session is saved.

After everything is set up, you can start the most interesting thing, namely to use:

During the first run, you will need to specify the code to continue the correct operation of the script.


Demonstration of the script's operation

Pars - parsim of chat participants

In the directory with scripts, write the command:


Next, we need to have at least one chat with users on this account!

Then select the chat and press Enter.

The list of Chat participants was successfully saved to the file: members. csv

Visual demonstration on the screenshot:


Sending spam/messages to the user

In the directory with scripts, write the command:

python members.csv

Next, we choose by what criteria we will produceSpam to the user

Then you need to specify the message text and press Enter

All actions are clearly visible on the screen:


Work result.

The delay in the script was introduced so that there were no errors and our account was not banned (in practice, everything comes quickly, and there are no suspicions or complaints from Telegram).

Chat inviter

In the directory with scripts, write the command:

python members.csv

Next, you need to select the chat that we will invite our users to from the members. csv file

Everything is clearly visible on the screen:


As a result, we get users in the chat.

Result analysis and personal observations
Based on the results: the script implements the most popular tools that are currently sold on the forum and on the network. The script is written according to all the canons and tries its best to protect the account from instant blocking from which spam is sent from blocking, this is achieved by delays. The script is open and posted on GitHub, each of you has full and open source code and you can edit all the parameters yourself.

According to personal observations, and according to rumors in the network, you can save your account if you meet a number of conditions, namely:
  • Invite no more than 50 users per day from 1 account
  • Mix when sending messages, use a different layout, for example, place the Russian O, use the English O, so you can at least slightly protect your account from being blocked in the first minutes of spam, because tg algorithms check and analyze the message body.
  • Invite people to chat with a similar category to yours, so you can get people interested and they won't click on the: SPAM button.
As a result, during the test, not one account was banned or restricted:


A little bit about Telegram's limits...

Restrictions for 1 Telegram account:

Mailing list without a link: 45 messages

Mailing with a link: 10 messages

Limit on inviting users to a group / channel: 50 people

Optimal pause for sending messages: 5/10 sec

Optimal pause for inviting: 7/15 seconds

For 2 accounts, we recommend using 1 proxy for mailing, parsing, and invite.

Link to GitHub:

In general, everything is in your hands, I just provide the tool, and how to use it is up to you!

All successful promotion of your projects and see you soon!